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  • good. but explaining your FS manners earlier could've helped to clear up the situation. and if you got the DF there is really no harm to copy that line aswell. isn't this common in .org? posting wether or not the attacker got the df? also i understand that english isn't your mothers tongue, it isn't mine either. thus we make mistakes and i don't really want to complain but punktuations could help us understand you better. with 3 dots after every 7th word on average it sounds like you are sleepy …

  • i like how people try to save their fleet without cargo, recs or probes. was the "all ships" button in your fleet menue too small and you pressed "max" buttons for lf, lc and bb without hitting any of the other close by max buttons? or did you enter the numbers for those 3 shiptypes by hand? all the while this happened in your sleep (dream?) of course. would congratulate but the story leaves so many holes it's even trumping swiss cheese.

  • Quote from Sorcy: “Ah, those quotes... There are two ways. ” i can't Quote from Sorcy: “You can hit Reply, quote post above and then hit BBcode button (first icon in upper left corner above your reply window) to get manual code edit option. From there you can edit/copy/paste/split to several parts quote manually as much as you need. ” express how grateful Quote from Sorcy: “Or graphical. Hit Reply and then highlight just part of the text you want to quote and then hit small "Insert quote" popup …

  • i meant MDS with the "you" (i am still not able to work correctly with this quote system, sorry) no hard feelings about that attack at least towards MDS or you, Sorcy. the second option about MDS being a scrub is just banter/flame, somebody who managed to have 3 mutlis is intelligent enough to not make those attacks and expect profit from it. even with the res that originally were on my planet there is no justification expecting a return for a 164k deut investment speaking in pure gameplay relat…

  • i am not sure as to wether it is allowed to post a 2part-CR in 2 topics. might have to read up on the rules myself but to continue my ongoing support for ogmem: have a look at this you can link follow-up attacks with the first CR and also link recyclers with it. the table bottom left shows the units for every CR including recycler reports. quite sexy (imho)

  • there were res worth ~7 LC and fleet consisting of 10 LC. a simple days work of this colony. draw your own conclusions about why he did do that if it was to silence me: ok, you failed. if it was not: only shows how bad at this game you are whilst killing fleets with a multi account that got one of the first moons. but i would give the benefit of a doubt since when i saw his fleets i messaged him about the truth again (something like "you are still full of MULTI!") the answer is to be found in og…

  • nice converter! i'll allow it (though i feel slightly more homosexual now) question: did you hate the guy that much, did fleet come back you didn't know about or... well there can be so many other things.... i remember such a crazy person back from U4.DE, who just didn't care about his losses as long as he could cripple another player, and had - still have - the utmost respect for him. so GRATZ

  • just look how beautiful ogmem is: sexy, isn't it?

  • give me an M give me an U give me an L give me an T give me an I what does that form? easy kills still, NO GZ

  • Quote from Heavy Metal Trader: “Miguel, hope you stick around, the uni is still very young eh? ” as long as he doesn't switch up ips with his multis, he's on strike two. NO GRATZ because you are full of multi

  • since i am neither able to nor explained how to split up quotes in this forum software no direct quotes, but you will get the point sorcy. "poor eyes" generally refers to eyesight itself. you could be teasing me but since we are no friends and are also not flaming i see our discussion as neutral and thus formal. my eyes are quite good (sharp shooter quality kind of good) and i'd like to keep it that way.

  • Quote from LoneWolf: “place this log in the recycle bin, not on the forum and send 500 BS stupidly P.S. Def FR ” proof of how skillfully he got to be in the position he is in. no gratz because once full of multi, always full of multi

  • Quote from Sorcy: “[snip] you and your poor eyes...[snip] ” making asumptions, are we? what is the purpose? to turn me into a "HB guy"? also you failed with your attempt to lessen your insult via google. the correct wording would be "stop being a dick". hint: use urbandictionary for stuff like that. (shouldn't we have some kind of RP area for this? i would love to have one since i could simply leave the forum in order to stop this nonsense talk about CR-convert vs CR-db whilst we have a free mul…

  • Quote from Sorcy: “You must understand that this what seems standard for you, isn't standard for many other communities we come from and you can't enforce your own personal preference to other players. Not with trash talking. While you're saying that you can't see the infos at a glance, my opinion (if we're talking about opinions) is that you're overreacting and complaining for nothing. We get all needed data perfectly well from posted combat report. The more posts on forum = the better. I can u…

  • not flaming for posting w/ ogotcha. just stating that it is ugly and you can't see the infos at a glance (opinion != flame). it certainly is the same just as ogmem is aside from stats and a DB behind it (3rd party). but what i am flaming is the rules that let MDS get out of b after breaking the rules. imagine not having those multis... and himself for breaking them in the first place. so all his so called "accomplishments" are worth (insert word for excrements here). also after using a button on…

  • Quote from Sorcy: “@Rusiak why do you bother people all the time with this 3rd party HoF database? It's not like everyone care about it. In some communities isn't even known or widely spreaded. People do crashes and they post them on forum. This should be enough. If you have some personal issues with that it's still just... your personal issue. I made over 5000 HoFs in my ogame career and didn't even hear for this ogmem. No one did. Maybe it didn't even exist in our times? Or wasn't well know ou…

  • Quote from Evagelan: “Nice hit Michel, glad to see you here again Wether it is a clean account or not is Michel's problem I think. If some wants to cheat on this wonderful retro server, let them be dirty and carry on enjoying the game, whatever the others do ” so you would let sarkozy run for another presidential election? don't let yourself be proven hypocritical just because you want to crawl into somebodys after ,)

  • michel, now that you hopefully have learned what ip goes with what multi please also learn how to ogmem. NO GRATZ because you are full of multi

  • Quote from Michel D Scorpio: “Dedicated to all the YonkouS Multis fix'd ” mdsqbkuh.jpg

  • thank you for ogmem my eyes don't hurt anymore yaaay congratz /tenchar