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  • I suppose it's nice to have those pseudonews But anyways, there are a few things that bug me a bit. The change in hyperspace... I really can't see it taking more than a day to adapt the code. Change the code, deploy to the testserver, and one week or so later if everything goes well, deploy to origin and after some time to the common universes. What makes it take so long? And about the mergers... I imagine it's more work, but still, after 3 or 4 waves of mergers, it might be a bit more systemati…

  • More Favorites

    Minion - - Archive - Suggestions


    I think this is an area where someone who is organized should have an advantage over someone who is not, so may be it's better to have the fleets organized in another app (or even on paper). But hey, I'm no one to say no to this, and in fact I would indeed like more slots to save certain reports. So yes to this suggestion PS: @scorer, my suggestion still stands: I think it's better to find another way to organize the fleets in your universe. But if they add more slots, that would be welcome, you…

  • Mergers are not a solution to the scarcity of players in OGame, but at least gives some interest to dead universes. Are there any news of a new wave of mergers? I believe it's needed in most communities, activity in most universes is (again) at minimum. And, apart from that, are there any news on the change of space in large and small cargos, and recyclers depending on the level of Hyperspace? And less probable, but anyways: any idea of what is going to be done with Graviton at levels higher tha…

  • AntiGameOrigin

    Minion - - AntiGameOrigin


    I think AntiGameOrigin is one of the finest pieces of OGame that where ever designed; and has a really calculated design for the usability and the user experience of us players. I like to see it get attention. Good luck and good job

  • @NoMoreAngel What is the purpose of the option given by the officer to choose "loot order" in Fleet III page? Oh, and having the changelog in-game would be lovely, we only get the changelog until the last version, at this moment, no info bout version 6.

  • Hi, Could the feature of empire view be brought back to update mines/buildings and researches at once? Thanks PS: @benneb, you don't have space for private conversations, I would like to talk to you.

  • Nicer it would be if opening a new universe was a huge event that needed that much advanced planning hehe, say they open one x1 a year, one x2, one x5, and one weird one with other configs, now that surely would need plans in advance so people could adjust their ideas with time

  • Note: this idea comes from a comment from @JJMonti, just to give credit TL;DR: create a new cargo ship that carries other ships inside (and not many resources), which has the same speed and consumption as a deathstar, and that will make fleetsaving simple by reducing the costs almost entirely, while maintaining the risks of fleetsaving (vs. v-mode). Hi again, As mentioned many times in threads like Bring back the power of moons or The fundamental problem of playing OGame (fleeters) fleetsaving i…

  • Any explanation of why the thread was removed? Whatever the reason is, I think this is not a good way to treat the community. At least a comment on why it was removed / closed would be more than welcome. Personally, I think the negative answer from JoKy did not even think of the proposal, which took care of each and every one of his points. So the proposal could be at least left open. It might not be implemented ever (or at least in the next months), but unless it's proven a bad suggestion, I se…

  • version 6.3.7 - Feedback

    Minion - - Feedback & Discussions


    @TGWo It is also in .org community, but not in french nor in polish. And the idea is to be fast, I tend to go with keyboard in those big lists. But since not every community has suffered this change, now it becomes something like “could spanish and english communities be brought back to the "1. Universe" names”?

  • version 6.3.7 - Feedback

    Minion - - Feedback & Discussions


    One of the new things that this change to the login page brings is a bit of a problem. Now numbered universes (at least in Spain) are named "Universe 1" while before it was named "1. Universe". With the old way, one could easily do: click on nick place to write it, write nickname, press TAB key, write password, press TAB key, press "1" which would select the numbered universe, press TAB key, press ENTER key. Now with this change, we can't choose the numbered universe with just the number, becaus…

  • Can you argue that the main reason is that one? In the past fleets were also lost and the game was much more alive.

  • Vacation Mode Limitations

    Minion - - Archive - Suggestions


    I would advocate for at least 1 extra ticket per month. Say 40 of free use, and each month one more. In total 52, but you ensure at least it cannot be abused over the possibilities of the player, and give opportunity to come back to the active OGame. Personally, I think 28 of free use and two extra tickets per month would be better. Totaling 52 per year but you give two each month, so if someone spends all of them, still can come back the next month with option to put v-mode once in that month. …

  • Vacation Mode Limitations

    Minion - - Archive - Suggestions


    Quote from TGWo: “Quote from tarikmeister: “3. Cooldown period after getting out of V mode (at least as long as V mode duration) ” This sound interesting, but I think is need to put a cap time for cooldown (for example 7 days), because if i stay in holiday for 2 months and then i have to wait other 2 months if i will have a problem i will lose anything ” That's a clear NO in my opinion, if I have to put v-mode, I think I should be able to do it no matter what (similar to limiting the amount of t…

  • Vacation Mode Limitations

    Minion - - Archive - Suggestions


    @tarikmeister Well, as you say, in the end this is a "[...] game [...]", so it should act like one. It's not black an white. If I cannot play there's no point in forcing me to play, because the alternative is leaving the game; I don't want to be disgusted here, this is a game after all. What we want is to encourage people to play the active way, with the minimum v-mode, which is healthy to the game and actually makes the game more entertaining and interesting. This game has the characteristic th…

  • Vacation Mode Limitations

    Minion - - Archive - Suggestions


    With that option you can roughly (very roughly, just an example, not very detailed) play 6 days a month without fleetsaving (in truth it could be even one or two more days I think): Day 1, then day 2 and 3 in v-mode Day 4, then day 5 to 7 in v-mode Day 8, then day 9 to 12 in v-mode Day 13, then day 14 to 18 in v-mode Day 19, then day 20 to 24 in v-mode Day 25, then day 26 to 30 in v-mode It's not that bad, and people will be less likely to abuse v-mode. I don't like the fact that at some point y…

  • Vacation Mode Limitations

    Minion - - Archive - Suggestions


    I already wrote to OP by private to not add too much to this thread, but to @vakus and @Smoke Nightvogue: what do you think about the concept of limiting the amount of times someone can disable v-mode per month? That way, if you already went active from v-mode more than 4 or 5 times that month, the next time you put v-mode you won't be able to disable v-mode until next month. That doesn't hurt those in this particular situation (being in v-mode, but not actually “abusing v-mode” per se). If some…

  • Vacation Mode Limitations

    Minion - - Archive - Suggestions


    As I said other times, I like anything like this that goes in this direction. I don't know if here, or in Spanish community, I already proposed the idea of a certain number of times allowed to exit vmode (in my suggestion it was 4 per month). My suggestion was not even to give some mandatory time on v-mode, just 4 times allowed to exit v-mode per month. So one might want to use those carefully. After the fourth time is used, no one can leave v-mode until next month. Even allowing someone to put …

  • This is an weird behaviour that's not perfect. What AGO does is convert the number of Large cargos into Small cargos. So the number of small cargos is always a multiple of 5. It would be better if AGO calculated the exact number of small cargos from the loot directly, rather than from the also calculated number of large cargos.

  • Quote from Valent: “maybe we can make a guide how to extract information from highscore, it can be very useful who volunteers to make one ? It can be posted here: News / Info / FAQ / HowTo ” Even better, a whole thread where all that info (and more) is collected, a knowledge base where everything that can be known is there. Not everything can be known (see declined Make the relevant equations to the game publicly available in an official way), but many equations (like the production of mines, or…