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  • Quote from TGWo: “In few words, encourage the use of expeditions only when there are few human targets to attack ” I agree with you except concerning the "only" part. I think It's better to give a certain liberty and see what emerges; rather than force players into specific gameplay styles. I think expeditions could easily be extended with additional, more illustrated stories & more rewards as it is a good feature. Especially for pacific players (which I am not) that may not want to attack other…

  • Expedition missions are one of the few original, refreshing idea implemented to Ogame in recent years. However I regret that the stories told are not more developed and varied. Concerning pirates encounter in particular, I feel like some honorable points should be awarded in case of victory. Sometimes attacking fleets are quite substantial and since there is no way to prepare for them, a reward would be appreciable It is a simple suggestion, very easy to implement in the game. Overall the whole …

  • You are sure that these superpowerful top 1 players you are referring to indeed pay to win ? they may have just started right at the beginning of the universe and managed their empire well ? In anycase, I get your point. But even for 5-10$ per month, I don't know if it will attract a lot of players.. for my part, I will be willing to pay only provided that the game is remastered with (for instance) facilities and fleet visualization/animation, improved and more balanced mechanisms, flawless mobi…

  • Quote from StackOverflow: “Quote from Guritchi: “Most still active players played for a long time or at least used to play. ” More people still active play or much more leave the game in years Ogame transformed to more and more money dependent and less social-economy?” Meaning that a lot of the remaining players that still play today have a lot of experience in the game. Quote from StackOverflow: “ Quote from Guritchi: “not all suggestions are good, but some ought to be gold. ” We here to talk a…

  • Quote from StackOverflow: “Quote from TWGo: “3) the question, of question .......... did you thought about if this kind of universe will give and advantage for GameForge or at least few problems ? In other words, if a normal universe give X money, new universe need to offer something near same income, or GameForge will tell you "I open universe to do money, not for your fun" ” We are in right and very fast way to "Ogame don't give any money to us, thanks you for staying with us for so long time …

  • This is a suggestion, as well as an open question about how suggestions are processed by forum admin and GF Due to very few active members on origin forum, I feel like suggestions are only considered for a few days & end up slowly dying in the long list of threads. If GF really wants to draw benefits for players' feedbacks, I feel like a contest/vote for best ideas should be launch before each sprint (game patch development). Only a single idea by player could be presented. And to be considered,…

  • Chat issues (countless of them)

    Guritchi - - Bug Reporting


    I do not want absolutely an app. I am personally fine with computer + web application (which works good enough if you got a decent smartphone); but I also like this game and I would love to see it evolve. Not a lot has really changed since 10 years ago; while a lot more could have been done to make the game more fun without deriving from the original intended gameplay style (regarding functionalities & interface/in-game animations) That said, app or not, I cannot accept the argument 'if the game…

  • Chat issues (countless of them)

    Guritchi - - Bug Reporting


    Quote from Matty: “Quote from Guritchi: “With the numbers of players Ogame had over the years ” The "had" there is the most important word there. You see, noone gets a big fat bonus by increasing the profit by 50 dollars a day for next 50 years, but they gets a profit by getting a one-time check in a value of 10.000 dollars. Although it's less profitable (even within the same year, not fiscal though), the *now* is the key. ” What I meant is that all this 'dormant community' and the fact that Oga…

  • In-game battle simulator

    Guritchi - - Suggestions


    Quote from TGWo: “So in my opinion improve game from phone it is not a good idea for the mechanism of ogame. ” It depends on how the game is implemented on mobile. It would be viable if there is no notifications for attacks when the application is closed or reduced (only alert in-game if espionage is high enough). It's already possible to be 'always online' with the web mobile version. Otherwise a lot of other mechanisms could be introduce to extend fleetcrash capabilities, like EMP missile to t…

  • The connection is that they won't be a gap anymore with a multiplier. For each possible breach of the honor code, the multiplier function will be linear or at least continuous. That way the HP transition between an hardly honorable fight & a slightly dishonorable engagement would be smooth (with a gray dot at the frontier where no points are given or taken) So the punishment will be less severe if the raid becomes dishonorable while your fleet is on the way because of a few military ranks gained…

  • Chat issues (countless of them)

    Guritchi - - Bug Reporting


    Quote from Matty: “[...] you can't really expect full support for a game that isn't that popular. And you can't expect the game to be popular if it's not playable without third party addons/tools/... that aren't directly linked to the game and most of the people will never find out. But I guess this is slightly OT. ” Exactly ! But If UI bugs were corrected, this game could be really popular, especially if there was a mobile version (where micro transactions are a lot more profitable), and even m…

  • After two of my targets became dishonorable while my fleet was on the way, I feel like they should be a multiplier to honorable points proportional to the gap between attackers/defenders military score. Right now, the HP recompense depends only on the number of destroyed unit. For a few military ranks, I lost around 80 HP (the same number I would have gain with a few ranks down). And I should neither have gained this much HP if fight stayed honorable. On the same topic, the honorable points form…

  • Chat issues (countless of them)

    Guritchi - - Bug Reporting


    I feel that it is not the right threat to discuss that; but do you know how much is GF willing to modify/invest in Ogame ? Does they plan only to stabilize the game and get revenue from DM <OR> does they really want to improve it ? Because for 10 years, nothing has really improved as much as it could have In the first case, if they don't want to invest expensive dev time, I think it will be very positive to call on volunteer/young Web developer (especially those who developed add-on like Univers…

  • On the same spirit of what have been discussed on this Thread, a tab retracing player performance stats & funny achievements (cf. Steam) would go a long way, especially for new players Example of stats: - number of successful/failed attacks and defenses - graph for rank/point progression for both player and current alliance (with eventually flags for internal game events, vacation time, ...) ... At the same time, this tab could display a player profile (with avatar, alliance banner, short descri…

  • I edited several time my post to clarify what I had in mind; because there are several ideas. I totally agree with you regarding "rerouting a fleet midway" (n°5). I cannot think of a way to implement it without making the game either too easy with almost impossible fleetcrash or to complex if you finish having to chase the other fleet while competing on remaining fuel. -->Apart from that, the other points concern new mission types that would have to be planned in advance. Fleetcrash/fleetsave me…

  • Non-existing unread messages

    Guritchi - - Bug Reporting


    Browser-extensions / Addons: Please deactivate them! No Support with Addons Bug description: Unread message counter is broken -------------------------------------------------- The message counter indicates unread messages in Communication>Information (empty folder). When opening 'Communication' folder, the counter disappears temporary. It may be related to messages regarding Alliance creation/deletion: I created/deleted my alliance several times to change the name without having to wait a week …

  • Maybe just a tab for overall stats on player performance : - ratio of resources collected mining/raiding/trading - number of successful/failed attacks and defenses - average of resources collected per raid - graph for rank/point progression for both player and alliance (with eventually flags for internal game events or wars) and so on... Time spend online will scare some players though^^

  • Do you know where to find this newsletter ? Jumping resources seems like a legitimate ask; even if it is just a portion of the cargo capacities <or> if it extends the jump recharge delay (It could be improved with hyperspace techno) This game needs this sorts a refreshment ! Being able to jump a fleet of any size without affecting recharge delay & regarding of techno/lunar base level is already overpowered with RIPs A better mechanism in my opinion would be a limit on total resource points that …

  • In-game battle simulator

    Guritchi - - Suggestions


    In the meantime, try UniverseView. It is an approved extension for chrome/firefox/opera that does exactly what you want (and a lot more without polluting your screen as much as Antigame)

  • Please do not hesitate to give your opinions on each idea (especially if you hate it) or to LIKE and VOTE if you support some of the ideas to show the Devs which ones are popular (if any) stick.gif Additional fleet dispatch options The main idea is to add fleet maneuver capabilities to the game (more advanced than just make a fleet turn back) like ACS attack/defend in their time Following ideas are independent: 1. Choose along the way to Deploy a fleet on Transport mission on arriving planet ins…