Search Results

Search results 1-5 of 5.

  • 35 million DM is what, $3500 USD? That's a significant amount to give a new player, even in an established uni. Something like that would likely just lead to multi-accounting, where players create a new account just to use the DM for trades/pushing. I'm sure more creative people could think of other ways to abuse that feature alone. I can see extending new player protection as a mixed-blessing as well, as was previously stated. I think ideally, the tutorial should be more extensive. It should in…

  • There are pro's and con's. I can see it getting flooded with spam, needing a report button which subsequently gets abused, and potentially having to be monitored by a GO leading to extra work. On the other hand, new players really struggle with this game. People born in the 90's and up gravitate away from IRC. It's archaic, maybe nostalgic for some of us.. but not appealing to many younger players. That leaves them with just the boards and ticket system to turn to for help - both of which can be…

  • Yes, all on 690

  • The number after each name is the player ID Yes, they were all migrated or created on the first day. I can't remember which were migrated and which were created, but they all lost DM. Shouldn't this count as 4 fluffy bunnies?

  • Hey, so I'm "one of those with this problem" Sorry fluffy rabbit... In fact, I run 2 accounts and am long-term sitting and testing with 2 others. They all had their DM reset to 100K. Here are the account infos. PinkFloyd 100008 JediDessy 100045 Malachae 100046 Troll 100094 Another thing to note, I was able to merge JediDessy and Troll under 1 Portal account. Not sure if that is intended or not. I believe Malachae migrated into an established GameForge account (it says the account is 9 months old…