Search Results

Search results 1-6 of 6.

  • Quote from vulca: “The interval should be increased, not reduce :D” damn it... xD

  • Hi, the XML API would gain a nice improvement if some parts would get a better update interval than currently. The primary purpose is to get rid of stale data returned by the API. API: universes.xml Current interval: once per week Improved: Once per day/Once per hour Reason: Players can move their planets every 24hours. So after 24hours the complete results are stale and can not be trusted anymore. Locations of the planets in third party applications gets currently updated by browser plugins whi…

  • [Old] Applications for API Keys

    crane - - OGame API


    Hi, I would also be happy about an API key for me. I don't have any specific project yet. I want to start looking at the data and then decide what project could be interesting. Short description about me: - SysAdmin - Python developer - Data analyst Scope: For now personal. Depends on the data I can query. E-Mail: PM IP: PM OpenSource or not: OpenSource if there is any benefit for other players Helping other: I think I spam enough the last days about security, bugs and feature requests... So yes…

  • Abusive use of vacation

    crane - - Feedback & Discussions


    This sounds also like a nice solution and solves a lot of problems. But the topic is from 2013, so why are there still those problems players mentioned in this thread?

  • Abusive use of vacation

    crane - - Feedback & Discussions


    Hi, I noticed since a few month a new tactic from fleeters which imho shouldn't be fixed. A fleeter is going into vacation so he can't be attacked. Now after the timer is up he disables the vacation mode, scans a lot of people and if he finds any interesting stuff he is going to attack that people. If nothing interesting is found he is going back into vacation. The time he spends in game is less than 15min if nothing interesting is found. This is not fair play for the following reasons: - fleet …

  • Broken XML/XSD data from OGameAPI

    crane - - Bug Reporting


    Some of the XML documents form the OGameAPI can not be validated using the linked XSD. This makes it hard for developers to write own code which querys the API for data. I tested every XML document with the Firefox addon "XML Developer Toolbar" In detail are these APIs affected: - alliance - playerData alliance is only a small bug in the XSD. This can be fixed with the following patch: Difference-File (11 lines) playerData http://s1-de.ogame.gamef…