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  • Buildings update

    sirEdward - - Archive - OGame Planet


    I've noticed and you all probably too, that some buildings in Ogame are there "just for fun". This "thread" will be about them. -P.s. i will add more ideas to this topic..- Planet.. 1. Fusion Reactor Logically this building should be good for planets from position 13,14,15 as it is producing more deuterium and there are only few fields for buildings. You can produce the necessary energy, becauce it give us more energy on each level, than Solar plant or solar satellites (which are use;ess). Of co…

  • Aliančný bojový systém (ACS) umožňuje bojovať spolu s inými hráčmi, takže žiadny hráč nie je odkázaný vždy iba na seba. Na jednej strane tak môžete zaútočiť na cieľ s priateľmi a na druhej strane môžete tiež rozmiestniť svoju flotilu na obranu aliančného partnera, alebo na hráčov, ktorí sú vo vašom zozname priateľov. ACS neslúži iba na útočenie na veľké ciele, ale poskytuje aj niekoľko dôležitých taktických alternatív. Ako spolu zaútočiť ? Pre založenie aliančného útoku, jeden z hráčov musí s fl…

  • Veľa hráčov označuje OGame za vojnovú hru. Hoci obsahuje prvky ako hospodárstvo a sociálny kontakt, toto označenie ju však vystihuje. Hráč nie je nútený viesť vojnu proti ostatným, ale útoky na hráčov sú obľúbený a sľubný spôsob pre získanie zdrojov, prestíže a tiež postupu v štatistikách. Aj keď nechcete útočiť na iných hráčov, mali by ste si prečítať túto kapitolu, aby ste boli pripravený na útoky iných hráčov. Kde nájdem dobré ciele ? V poslednej kapitole bola podrobne popísaná špionáž hráčov…

  • Ako ste už iste všimli, OGame je o zbere čo najviac zdrojov ako sa len dá, aby ste ich mohli investovať do budov a stavieb – preto v bodoch. Okrem ľahko dostupnej ťažobnej produkcie, zdroje môžete získať aj prostredníctvom nájazdov (útoky na iných hráčov), čo bude vysvetlené v nasledujúcej kapitole "Nájazdy "Raids"". Ale nie každý hráč je lukratívny cieľ a nie je každý môže byť jednoducho napadnutý. Špionáž poskytuje voľbu preveriť, koľko zdrojov, lodí a obranných stavieb je na susedových planét…

  • Energy in Empire View

    sirEdward - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Empire view ? It is from the premium functions Commander ? If yes and you are the lucky one who is using it, why not ? The name "Premium" should look like a premium function, so the more detailed information, the more it will be close to the Truth. +1 ..Why not

  • *cut* postings from Tutorials

    sirEdward - - Wiki


    Word "senor" corrected to "sensor" > .. Because moons cannot be scanned by a senor phalanx, th... Another thing from sentence: "Please note: Invisible debris fields will be deleted every week at night from Sunday to..." < How can player know, what is a "invisible debris field? Should be explained more

  • NusaDua:I agree that the premium options are unfair for those who are poor or simple students, as it is unfair to have more if i pay :). For that reason i gave this compromise, so anyone can produce the DM. I know that this is problem in that point, where the "rich" players will buy the DM and even produce DM as support. The game must live from some donations, therefore there is a DM. If there will be only an option to produce DM without any "premium functions" there will be no funds for game ma…

  • NusaDua: As only points 1-3 are mine, the others i can only comment. 1;2. Of course, there should be a future analyiss of it (game latency, game impact). 3. 4. Great 5. Lol, something like that, but i liked that idea. Could be nice replacement for that auto message "User XY has had to leave this alliance".. What exactly do you mean with the sahre of the priviliges? There is already a option to be "right hand" of the leader (option to change the leader, option to manage the alliance). Yes i liked…

  • NusaDua: The primary point is, that you can stop research, even stop a building process, but not a shipyard. This is game bug from the beginning. For your strategy argument, this is unrelated to this idea/proposal. I know those "strategies". As i wrote before, there is always a risk you will go home without a loot. Remember that. If you want to be sure, you can do week or month observation of your enemy, so you can learn his/hers moves and habits and then attack. The strategy seek and destroy ar…

  • marshen: Yes, i can't compare scifi game with a real world. But if this game is based on some rules from real world, i will compare it. About your argument please see this > For any case, you must to go away (Afk) and after you get back, all your ships are gone. But the resources are still there, attacker is flying with multi wave attack. Next waves contains transports, so you will lose even the resources for sure. You have just a little time for they arrive. You will build the shipyard on lvl 1…

  • marshen:":) so if i leave my Ferrari outside and not in the garage, i'm provoking other people to attack me and get my car. Sorry that is sick... Because, if he will attacks me while i'm afk, it's my fault. But if i'm by the pc and i can't use the option to save my resources, that is stupid and illogical in many ways. Just the fact, that i'm able to stop research and buildings, but not able to do it in the shipyard is illogical. This game was build on nonrealistic rules, and anyone is even suppo…

  • NusaDua: unfair? While you still breathing, you should have a choice to do something for your own interest.. not for anyone else interest. It's like childish saying "it's unfair!!!@#!" after he/she lost in game with someone just because he/she was sure about wining the game. Quote from NusaDua: “1) Let the guy take what he was coming for (he took the risk to attack you !)” Are you kidding me ? I should thank him for it? Quote from NusaDua: “2) Or penalize yourself if you put too much ressources …

  • marshen: we have come to consensus yesterday, see the edit at top of the screen

  • The Demolish button on shipyard isn't blended while producing units Demolish button - blend it when producing units Quote from JoKy: “Now on our list. After noobprotection update... ”

  • If you look closer to the "demolish button" in shipyard while is building something, it is stil in red color. It is not blended, like with improve button, while other buildings are in queue. For those who are thinking logical, they will be more than surprised after pushing the demolition button (which is not blended) and they find out, the demolish is not possible. It is just a game bug, nothing importat (more or less). In others side, GF is still fixing something, why not this :)

  • Quote from Kamil: “moon turtles are a problem for fleeters, so i cant tell you i like moon turtles, coz i dont, and most fleeters and raiders dont. and this will make problem even bigger if the queue could be reduced while building the defense.” I did understand it Kamil. But PLEASE don't refusesomething just for that you would have more work to get someones resources. See it from a different angle. Even flerter could do it, because there is always someone better as you (if you are not #1) and t…

  • Quote from Kamil: “first off, i didnt say anything about arguing why ppl will be a turtle or miner, i said i have a top14 turtle/miner account in so dont quote small parts of what i said and alter it ” Did i altered something of yours? > "that would mean even more moon turtles than ever O.o moon turtles are already a problem for MDs and for cargo slap, decreasing the time to build is even way worst and will get moon turtles, to an unprecedented level." I think, it is clearly enough wh…

  • Kebab: "Although I have played fleeter in the past I currently play miner too, and what you'll find is that a lot of fleeters also have a miner account in a different universe so please keep the fleeter vs miner discussion out of here..." When the answers will be good either for miner and fleeters, i will not say i single word. "You want to bring more reality? the current system is more real than what you've proposed. How can you upgrade a shipyard if there's a ship currently in production in th…

  • Omg.. guys .. I see again and again, that this game is in hands of hard fleeters. No compromise for miners, no support for they strategy way of playing, just for fleeter, so they get bigger loot. I'm very sad, that i'm alone here between you all as representative of peaceful players, who want to bring more reality into game. So any side gets the maximum from the game. I don't see any problem with that, someone want to decrease the time of defense build. Because 1. he/she will not get the resorur…

  • Improving Shipyard while producing units