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  • Quote from RiV-: “@Minion That was always like that. And AGO has been showing slightly wrong costs since ages. Quote from badkarma: “- When you're using the jump gate on a moon, clicking on the numbers doesn't fill anymore the textfield ” Which numbers do you mean? ” See below screenshot : -> (sorry, not using the img tags, but it's a pain in the ass to find a host that is allowed here) The numbers in yellow. Usually, just a click on it fills the textbox right to them, it…

  • Hi, Since the last update, some features are broken. For the moment, I spotted two : - The planet list, when the enhanced view is active, is totally crappy, texts are colliding. - When you're using the jump gate on a moon, clicking on the numbers doesn't fill anymore the textfield I'll update this thread if I find other bugs.

  • Hi, I have a little issue with AGO. I just moved a colony (moved, not deleted one and colonised a new one), and since, the harvest button is not working anymore. By not working, I mean that when I click on it, nothing happens, the button is not selected, no GT are setted up, etc.. I tried to log off/log on, same result. Any idea to fix this ?

  • [Old] Applications for API Keys

    badkarma - - OGame API


    Got it, thanks a lot !

  • [Old] Applications for API Keys

    badkarma - - OGame API


    (this is not a complaint ;)) First of all, thanks Valent for taking care of this. @JoKy : I understand your POV, and can't do anything but agree to it. However, in my point of view, as a developer of a tool, I get thrilled at a moment M, ask for the api, have tons of ideas and stuff.. And then wait. And wait. And wait. Motivation is a big part of development, and waiting that long for a simple API key (I know, I know.. but in the end, it's just a key, I honestly doubt it takes more than 10mins t…

  • [Old] Applications for API Keys

    badkarma - - OGame API


    Hi, Any news ? Is there a reason why it takes so much time ? Too bad we have such a nice tool to enhance the game and not be able to use it..

  • Your proposal makes sense, it would help newcomers and actual players concerned by the rate, that would be great !

  • I just read a very good proposal here : [Feedback please!] [90% LIKES] Register and not start from 0 [SAVE OGAME] [DEPOPULATION PROBLEM] It's quite old now tho, and yet I think the idea is good, what do you think of it ?

  • Quote from NoMoreAngel: “Quote from badkarma: “- Grab an inactive account (randomly)” Not possible in OGame, because every inactive player in OGame with more than 35 days got DM on it. So he paid for it and it is illegal to give it to someone else.” When the account is given to someone else, wouldn't it possible to make a system that gives the original owner a code, giving GF credits, usable on another GF game or, worst case scenario, on another ogame account ? The account wouldn't stay inactive…

  • Depopulation suggestions

    badkarma - - Feedback & Discussions


    On another game that I won't name here, there was two possibilities when you were starting a new account on an universe : - Start from a fresh account - Grab an inactive account (randomly) That was allowing users to start faster, and it can help because starting all over on an old universe can be a pain in the a**.

  • [Old] Applications for API Keys

    badkarma - - OGame API


    A short description of the tool you want to create or a link to an existing tool you already have / want to update. Hi, I have two tools in my mind : - The fist one is already online, for french players only for the moment. It allows you to convert your fleet in a phpbb code, that you can copy/paste on the forum, to show the strength of your fleet. URL : - I'd like, as many here I suppose, to create a RC converter, skinnable. A short description of your developer / prog…

  • Discussion about merging universes

    badkarma - - Spam


    Ok, thanks for the reply

  • Discussion about merging universes

    badkarma - - Spam


    Hi all, Got a question. I had an account which was in the first wave of fusion in France, that I did not transfer. I have around 700k DM on it. The first wave of unifusion was finished on the 10th of ferbruary, so about 2 weeks ago now, and I still did not receive any email concerning the DM on this account. When do you plan to send the vouchers to the players in the same position as me ? Thanks.

  • I agree with the fact that you can put VM while a research is going on, especially for some players that are playing for years now, and have really long research going on, and I won't even speak here of high level of Astrophysics that can take more than a year. However, being able to put VM while you have ships/defense in progress is a very bad move IMO. There are already many ways to escape combats, hide ressources without consequences, there's no need for one more.

  • Discussion about merging universes

    badkarma - - Spam


    Good, I'll pass the word on the french forum about that, thanks.

  • Discussion about merging universes

    badkarma - - Spam


    One question about this unifusion. I have an account that is inactive for 2+ years, where there's 500k of DM on it. If I don't transfer it on an exodus universe, will I get back the DM as a voucher or something similar ?

  • Discussion about merging universes

    badkarma - - Spam


    Valent, I agree with you, I'm not saying that this is an easy task, that you just have to push a button and it will work magically. My main grief is the lack of information. I know how project development works, I can understand that there are a lot of internal informations that can't be discussed in public, but there must be a roadmap, dates, the fact that there are posts like the ones I quoted and then absolutely no feedback about it.. Is it so hard to tell us "Ok, for an internal reason, we h…

  • Discussion about merging universes

    badkarma - - Spam


    I was expecting something like that. Strangely, the "people on vacation" that can bring an answer are actually coming on the board.. And they can even post in other threads, but this one. So yeah, call me impatient if you want, I'm just used to the way OO works, and the usual lack of answer and information. Or maybe I'm not that used to it because it still pisses me off.

  • Discussion about merging universes

    badkarma - - Spam


    And it seems that, as usual, the only answer I will get is the silence. Great !

  • Discussion about merging universes

    badkarma - - Spam


    Quote from Francolino: “Hello, Here's the current status about final decisions for merging universes. After collecting several suggestions from all countries we are still within the review of every community. DE is already done, FR is in progress. We probably can go on in planning much faster now so that I hope we can offer next countries very soon. [...] Greetings and sorry for long waiting, Your OGame Team” Quote from Francolino: “As you see in the news (here and in FR board) , the co…