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  • Quote from Boonsey: “This proposal would make the homeworld larger than any additional colonies. Considering the following assumptions for its benefits... 1) new 5.7 feature leaning towards higher level storage tanks consuming more than average fields? ” You can just refill 10kk resources per click, so you should be fine with lvl11 in your storage buildings. Quote: “ 2) eventual merge with oldest uni's would put this planet at a more equal size? ” Normally new universes don't get merged into old…

  • Tutorial 10: ACS Tactic 10: Slowdown by ACS

  • I don't find the " >>Link to New Noob Protection System tutorial<<. " (that is in the text)

  • The Alliance Combat System (ACS) permits fighting together with other players, so that no player is always on his own. On the one hand thereby you can attack a target with friends, and on the other hand you also can deploy your fleet for defense at alliance partners or at players, who are on your buddy list. Thus you cannot only attack significantly bigger targets, but also a few important tactical alternatives are due to it. Important box: Keep in mind that, as explained for >> Raids <<, the wh…

  • Slowdown by ACS The following guide will show you how to slow down/delay your attacks against other players and briefly explain why this technique is important to know. You will find the basics of how to initiate an ACS attack in the tutorials section. Delaying a fleet is done for a number of reasons. It may be so simple as an allymate or friend of yours that is travelling farther to the target than you want to join your attack. Or it may be for more elaborate and tactical reasons such as making…

  • Quote from Valent: “the entire buddy system is based on having trust on each other. If they only want to make occasional ACS , they can delete the buddy as soon the ACS is done. i see no use in this suggestion” I agree with Valent. if you don't allow a friend to see your on/off status means that you don't really trust on him. No friendship, no buddylist.

  • Quote from Valent: “the entire buddy system is based on having trust on each other. If they only want to make occasional ACS , they can delete the buddy as soon the ACS is done. i see no use in this suggestion” I agree with Valent. if you don't allow a friend to see your on/off status means that you don't really trust on him. No friendship, no buddylist.

  • Up! In this idea, do you think that is possible to open another Origin Server (not for testing), and advertise it in all communities? What do you think?

  • Quote from reini: “ Currently I have to do the following steps to notifications for another language to make it work. 1. A player looking with the Appropriate language of the English or German speaking for the comunication 2. Tell him what I need from him (this is not so simple, because for non-computer scientists, it sounds like to wirwar) 3. The whole Implement ” I don't know if that you suggest is really possible, but, here in Origin you can find people from all communities, who can speak Eng…

  • Price of heavy fighter

    Danimanza - - Archive - Suggestions


    I don't think that heavy fighter is useless. In .ES community, a lot of fleets have a considerable amount of heavy fighters (especially on normal universes). It depends of how you want to build your fleet, of course, but... If cristal price of heavy fighters is reduced, they will be overpowered ships.

  • Stock Market

    Danimanza - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Quote from iguypouf: “Exactly like the Scrap feature and nobody makes anything against that...” No, it doesn't involve several players (just 1). In this suggest you can break the pushing rule with another players, as long as you don't send transport missions or illegal battles, just system gives you a way to transfer resources from "Account B" to "Account A". However, in the extended version (in spanish) Raszagal88 tried to avoid this issue. It would be interesting to translate the full idea. Ma…

  • Quote from Xunfop: “Worldwide server is a good idea. But I think language is a big problem ;(” It is for most of players, but, imagine that 500 players per community (for example) would be interested to play in a global universe... we would get a server with 14k players. I think it's viable.

  • v-mode player shouldn't be able to play the game, in any option. So, i like this idea too :thumbsup: