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  • Quote from Boonsey: “Quote from Danimanza: “An expert player should know about all premium features and which things you can do with them.” you are confused, expert players are very aware and shying away from this game because of it what you can do with it. if a lot of players purchase this res 1st weeks of a new uni and this alone tempts GF direction then no debate. its a done deal.” it was not my intention to end the debate. Of course we can discuss about this topic. I only gave my personal op…

  • Not agree A lot of players use this function to get resources on the first day of the universe, so they can get some advantage in the ranking early game. Please, remember that you have limitated your purchase to 10k resources per "click" on the first week. Also, this feature is very expensive... I think that people wouldn't buy that ammount if they receive it 24hours later. Therefore, I don't see the advantages of this limitation. An expert player should know about all premium features and which…

  • Quote from Valent: “Quote from Danimanza: “What do you refer with a "pre-built account"? How many points will the players start with?” i think they should be based on average points of first 10 players . Basic "pre built" means to me level 10 mines with corresponding energy and capacity to build SC and spy drones. This should be enough for an active player. One main problem i see when starting to play a new account is very low starting resources, practically in 5 minutes you built all you could …

  • What do you refer with a "pre-built account"? How many points will the players start with?

  • In game alliance poll

    Danimanza - - Archive - Suggestions


    Very useful idea There should also be an option which would allow vote in the poll people if they have necessary rank (alliances usually have several leaders who decide these matters).

  • I suggest to explain about top1 points in relation to expeditions, in this chapter (not very long). But it should be mentioned, especially last news about that.

  • This board is for update/promote your script, not for request it... you can dev it and we will happy to support your tool or give feed back...

  • Updated to the Wiki.

  • Capitolul 00: Primii paşi

    Danimanza - - RO - Romanian


    Updated to the wiki & OMT

  • sirEdward, as long as I know, GF is trying to reach more new players for all communities, but it's hard because there are many browsergames over there... There are a few communities in OGame that have low number of players (not just SK), but they have not many universes. This will be your 4th universe. I know people from my community who are playing 3 or 4 universes at the same time. The important thing is that, now, OGame has different 'setups' of universes. There are speed x4, x3,x2 ... differ…

  • The Alliance Combat System (ACS) permits fighting together with other players, so that no player is always on his own. On the one hand thereby you can attack a target with friends, and on the other hand you also can deploy your fleet for defense at alliance partners or at players, who are on your buddy list. Thus you cannot only attack significantly bigger targets, but also a few important tactical alternatives are due to it. Important box: Keep in mind that, as explained for >> Raids <<, the wh…

  • Actualizado en Wiki & OMT.

  • M.o.o.n.s

    Danimanza - - Suggestions


    +1 ammount of LF should be adapted to those special universes. But I feel that's not quite easy for devs.

  • Nice idea Quote from Unixion: “Online: Online Offline: Offline Recently online: XX min Vacation Mode: VM/Vac XXd Inactive (without VM): XXd ” This specification is perfect

  • Nice idea Quote from Unixion: “Online: Online Offline: Offline Recently online: XX min Vacation Mode: VM/Vac XXd Inactive (without VM): XXd ” This specification is perfect

  • Auction redesign

    Danimanza - - Archive - Suggestions


    One of the most attractive properties of auctions is that no one knows when they will end. So, players can not "foresee" to win that auction. Therefore, players must be expectant and focused to avoid losing the auction, which generates some fun. If players know exactly when it ends, they will wait until last second of the auction and then they bet enough resources to win... That's means we lose all the fun ... For example, if 3 o 4 players do this, most lucky of them will be winner (who has been…

  • Moonshots and ingeneer

    Danimanza - - Archive - Suggestions


    I think most players don't buy Engineer on def debris universes, because it is not very useful (players there should not build defences, so they're just good with +10% energy, but still... useless). Anyways, the situation sounds like a game inconsistency so, it should be fixed. An this idea is a nice option to solve it.

  • Tutorial 01: Economia de bază

    Danimanza - - RO - Romanian


    Updated to Wiki and OMT Good job, Tizu

  • Quote from Icegirl: “to do: [19:41:19] <@Valent> In other respects both trade partners will be banned because of pushing, if the rule is broken, that means a stronger player profits by a one-way trade. [19:41:27] <@Valent> this is not a good text [19:41:58] <@danimanza|meeting> it's not [19:42:47] <@Icegirl> hmm [19:42:51] <@Icegirl> where you found it xD [19:43:01] <@Valent> I'd say : If the trades is not within the legal trade rates or is not finished in time, the GO can ban both acounts for p…

  • not agree with Ice... video tutorials are usually more confortable for learning than texts... if a newbie player see a video he will learn everything faster than if he read tutorials.