Search Results

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  • Traducción TopRaider

    Danimanza - - ES AR MX - Spanish


    Reparto: Silfid : 1-107 aurelio : 108 - 215 Imperor: 216 - 323 MrDark: 324 - 430 (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content)

  • Spanish Loca Team

    Danimanza - - ES AR MX - Spanish


    Quote from aurelio rodolfo: “Si se necesita ayuda, yo tambien puedo colaborar. If some more help is needed, I can also colaborate.” Añadido.

  • Name Resources in flight - Info : Shows summary of all resources on movement-page - Author : Eleria - Website :…in_Flight_%28by_Eleria%29 - Support : - Download :…in_Flight_%28by_Eleria%29 - Screenshot : [spoiler] url] [/spoiler] - Browser : Firefox - Languages : English [spoiler=Description] - [/spoiler]

  • Name OGame Cargos necessary - Info : Number of cargos necessary to transport all resources - Author : - Website : - Support : - Download : - Screenshot : [spoiler] b8276f0b74587cbd290f07929d3bfcfe.png b53c30f5a0f6f0b798700ad85a1b3a84.png[/spoiler] - Browser : Firefox - Languages : French, English [spoiler=Description] - [/spoiler]

  • Spanish Loca Team

    Danimanza - - ES AR MX - Spanish


    Here you can find the Spanish translators. Aquí podéis encontrar la lista de los traductores españoles. table.tableizer-table { border: 1px solid #CCC; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif font-size: 12px; } .tableizer-table td { padding: 4px; margin: 3px; border: 1px solid #ccc; } .tableizer-table th { background-color: #0000ff; color: #FFF; font-weight: bold; } LanguageNickOrigin RankTasks in Loca Team GameMasterOrigin SupporterLocalization Supporter ImperorOrigin Supporter.ES Leader Traf…

  • We finally got the results of this contest. The winner suggestions were: 1.: Wormhole avatar-280.gif (Hidden Content) 2.: New way of farming resources with a new 'mobile miningstation' which needs RIPs to go for a mission avatar-317.gif (Hidden Content) 3.: Building for DM production avatar-253.gif (Hidden Content) ---------------------------------------------------------------- There was another ideas which were good and GF is thinking about them. Maybe they will be included in the future, or m…

  • Thanks everyone for your posts. We will forward 3 of your suggestions.

  • Dear Players, Gameforge is looking for ideas to upgrade existing researches to increase the strategies in this aspect of the game. They are thinking in some options but they don't want to change the game on their own, they want to listen the opinion of the players. So you have the chance to propose now your ideas about the grativon tech, you can propose what would you do with it when you upgrade it, give it another uses... it can affect to the deathstars, but it can affect to any other aspect of…

  • You can reply this thread to propose your ideas about this Graviton research upgrade - We want your suggestions!

  • Quote from Dividius: “Quote from Dividius: “ ” Quote from Icegirl: “Read rules.. No attacks between participants or non participants. Trade is allowed. Don't worry.. it will be ok ;)” I was just spied by a non-participant (I sent in a ticket.) I checked and it was possible for me to attack and spy him. What is going on?” It is possible since the system doesnt block you to attack or spy him... but it's forbidden by contest rules.

  • Quote from DarKor670: “I have had an account in U670 (Origin) for a long time. I'm currently ranked #15 for 'Points' and I'm still building. What will happen to my account when the tournament begins? Will it be deleted? And if I choose to enter the contest, will I lose my current account or can I register for another account just for the contest? - DarKor” Current accounts won't be deleted. If you want to play the contest, you have to register a new account. Obviously you won't be banned as Mult…

  • Quote from Bjergsen: “I don't have an account on that universe... does that matter? how can i register if i cant get in to an origin server right now?” In fact, all accounts that participate in the contest need to be new accounts, created when contest starts. Quote from Asto Vidatu: “ how about you separate the competition in 2 parts 1st part runs for a month without option to buy DM whoever wins #1 #2 nd #3 spot gets the coupons then allow buying of DM and let those unskilled rich noobs speend …

  • Otros BUGS

    Danimanza - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Por favor, para testear en Bermuda desactivad los scripts mejor, para asegurarse de que el juego 'original' funciona o no, correctamente. Si el problema es de un script, lo podemos detectar más tarde y comunicarselo a su respectivo desarrollador, si es que da soporte. Please, for testing in Bermuda better disable all external scripts, so we can check that the original game works or something it's buggy. If problems is about a script, we can notice it later, and report to their respective develop…

  • Vacation resets queue

    Danimanza - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Did you remove the v-mode to be sure that all of that queues dissapeared?

  • hehe

    Danimanza - - Archive - Spam



  • Quote from JoKy: “Part of OGame 6.0.0 I thought those screenshots were posted in all comunities LG” Thx for info.

  • ...

    Danimanza - - Archive - Spam


    ... Changing to bbcode

  • Summer Contest - OGame Origin

    Danimanza - - Origin


    Hello, We finally bring you the puntuations. Remember that every hard question have been evaluated up to 6 points and every light question have been evaluated up to 2 points. If you get less than that puntuation (and more than 0), it means that your answer was not wrong but you forgot something. .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;border-color:#bbb;} .tg td{font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;padding:10px 5px;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;overflow:hidden;word-break:norm…

  • Quote from Wishmaster: “What happened with this? it is going to be 2 month and there is no correcions?” Corrections are ready but we didn't publish results yet. They will come soon

  • Quote from Lordace: “Quote from Danimanza: “Quote from Lordace: “I would like to thank Valent and Danimanza for taking out their time and giving us a fun time despite their work load .... For sure im definitely wiser than a week before. Thanks for honing my gameing knowledge.” You're welcome. In the next days we will publish the corrections ;)” can we have any update on when the answers will be posted. As far i can see our pm's are not yet read still” We were busy this days. As soon as possible,…