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  • As I am at work already and girls behave, I thought to spend time here for something productive... Attacker Sorcerer (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% L.Cargo 1 Battleship 1.326 Defender Lando Calrissian (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% S.Cargo 232 L.Cargo 188 L.Fighter 2.925 Cruiser 19 Battleship 34 Col. Ship 1 Recy. 21 Esp.Probe 10 Sol. Sat 44 R.Launcher 100 L.Laser 105 H.Laser 15 Gauss 10 Plasma 1 S.Dome 1 After battle... Attacker Sorcerer (X:XXX:XX) L.Car…

  • Quote from Rusiak: “where did the DF go? edith tells me i am too tired for the day and have missed the line... ” Yea, I was at work, that's why just short note. 58202641.jpg Btw. I like your new (gr)avatar. It's deep!

  • Hall of Fame (HoF) Rules - tag mess

    Sorcy - - General


    Can we get rid of this mess from HoF tagging: [Mythical] debris field > 10 000M : amount of debris field is upper than 10 000M . [Titanic] 5 000M < CdR < 10 000M : the battle are not Mythical, but the amount of debris field is upper than 5 000M. [Legendary] 2 000M < CdR < 5 000M : the battle are not Titanic, but the amount of debris field is upper than 2 000M. [Champion] 1 000M < CdR < 2 000M : the battle are not Legendary, but the amount of debris field is upper than 1 000M. [Devastating] 500M …

  • Barely worth to be posted, but as cheaters don't post anymore and the others don't post anything smaller than 100TD let it be... ;-) Tryed to get his smaller part of a fleet elsewhere already and failed. Twice. But I bet that he didn't expect me anywhere near his main fleet now :P Attacker Sorcerer (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% Battleship 1.325 Defender Sangreal (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% S.Cargo 161 L.Cargo 161 L.Fighter 572 Cruiser 418 Battleship …

  • Now that's a profit btw. in which g did that happen? Not the easiest catch - this guy was online damn a lot. Cogratulations!

  • I noticed his ranks drop today and connected it with your Congratulations for another crash

  • Quote from Evagelan: “ My rule with recyclers : one should have as many recyclers as it takes to recycle his own fleet, or tend to have this number if possible. But even with that principle, it is always good to find a battle where you have not enough recyclers ” Nice rule, but through time it's harder to harder follow it and it become compromise between more recs/less combat ships (where all the recs are rarely used) vs more combat ships/less recs ( = less damage on your/attacker's side). At so…

  • Quote from Rusiak: “and something is clearly not working with that combat converter ” Huh? Do you know that as a fact? Unless this old converter is obviously smarter than you and realize that crash was at moon and there can't be two moons. ....

  • @Rusiak, you're such a crybaby ..because everyone who's in school, at work, etc... can build 2 recs and send them every 14 minutes to df, right?! I don't expect your reply to this post in next 30 minutes either disregarding your terrible urge to reply from a moment you see it. Anyway, sometimes you would do so much better impression if you would simply congratulate. Or keep you mouth shut. Because so far this "blah, blah, blah..." is the only thing you show us. Ogame is a war game. Don't be just…

  • KamilJelonki93 wasn't sloppy fleetsaver, that much I can tell you. Sometimes things just don't go as we planned. He accepted defeat graciously with congratulations and all the rest, one can only hope from defender. +he's not giving up as he said. Respect. I wish there are more players like him. Quote: “Attacker Sorcerer (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% S.Cargo 3.032 L.Fighter 111 Cruiser 1.602 Battleship 1.328 Defender KamilJelonki93 (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armo…

  • I am sure that's just minor set-back for eXe, but with all the profit and flight distance involved, still some little excitement vs top10 player for me. Quote: “Attacker Sorcerer (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% Battleship 1.312 Defender eXe (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% S.Cargo 23 L.Cargo 476 L.Fighter 3.567 H.Fighter 4 Cruiser 135 Battleship 64 Recy. 76 Esp.Probe 51 After battle... Attacker Sorcerer (X:XXX:XX) Battleship 1.308 Defender eXe (X:XXX:XX) de…

  • Psss.... not now, buddy, I'm Hunting Wabbits ;-)

  • Seems like someone needs to break the silence at board after this (in)famous LoneWolf hit ;-) Nothing special with this hit as such. I would just point out maybe deut costy distance over 110 solar systems as reason to send less bats, otherwise business as usually. Quote: “Attacker Sorcerer (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% Battleship 1.100 Defender Mischu (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% S.Cargo 125 L.Cargo 32 H.Fighter 9 Cruiser 50 Battleship 200 Recy. 45 Es…

  • Sorcerer vs [Hc] kote - TD 47.440.000

    Sorcy - - Hall of Fame


    Quote from Evagelan: “ No music this time ? ” I think that our two german friends got the point 'till now ;-)

  • Effortless win would say Rusiak. Quote: “Attacker Sorcerer (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% Cruiser 1.180 Battleship 1.307 Defender kote (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% S.Cargo 1.619 L.Cargo 1 L.Fighter 2.662 Cruiser 110 Battleship 186 Col. Ship 10 Recy. 73 Esp.Probe 3.780 Sol. Sat 120 R.Launcher 630 L.Laser 283 H.Laser 35 Gauss 5 Plasma 5 After battle... Attacker Sorcerer (X:XXX:XX) Cruiser 945 Battleship 1.281 Defender kote (X:XXX:XX) destroyed! He captur…

  • I am a bit reserved to post in HoF section as there's still things to catch up for us, a bit late uni starters... but anyway, there we go... Long distance overnight flight on 80% as compromise between potential profit, loses and posability that he come online. Quote: “Χ Ξ Σ AD came to a battle: Attacker Sorcerer (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% S.Cargo 2.121 L.Fighter 194 Cruiser 944 Battleship 1.214 Defender CaLdO (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% S.Cargo 17…

  • (Hidden Content) Some really big numbers here. Atm one of 2 - 3 fleets at this server I don't want to see on my route right now... Congratulations for this crash.

  • Really nice crash. Congratulations!

  • And who picked up the DF when you were sleeping? Let me guess ... you?

  • I must agree here with Rusiak and.... erhm... madame Lara. If you just fleetsaved wrong way, then you didn't pick up the df, didn't you? Or wait... by some miracle (another miracle in this story? :-) you did it?