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  • An universe with 7 years old have unstoppable bunkers, this bunkerS can t be destroyed WITH POSITIVE INCOME. with AG or without it. If you don't have income as a fleeter you cant buy the real problem are bunkers, no traders. We are treating the fleeters problems, so this is related. And when a fleeter lose his vessels need 1 year or more for rebuild all his army. But one bunker with his 70% of less loses is very easy os rebuild. So this is the problem: Bunker get higher and armies…

  • Quote: “Are you the GF to tell me something like that ^ ? Let the GF analyse that problem. More I think it's wrong : in fact more fleeters means more expensive relocations and so on ... and "merchanters" means only a few cheap calls to the merchant because, very often, they use big hangars.” Yeah, fleeters use relocations. Traders use MO for merchant and for reduce time that cost 216K MO, why do you want to quit a par of GF financing ? Having several ways of financing, are you going to rem…

  • Its true, I tried it again. I saw the planet and moon, but not the dropdown with all the planets xD. Sorry. You can close this post.

  • I think you say select moon or planet of the same coordinate. But I say select sources of planets or moons of different coordinates. I mean buy an item selecting for example: 1000 sources of planet 1:200:1 and 500 sources of planet 1:300:13 Or 1000 sources of moon 1:200:1 and 500 sources of moon 1:300:13 Or 1000 sources of planet 1:200:1 and 500 sources of moon 1:300:1.

  • Go fast GF, It is starting to create a queue of suggestions ------------------------------------------> When we buy an item of import/export we only can use the sources of one planet or moon. My suggestion is the possibility of buy this item mixing sources of different planets or moons. This is a nice way for take the moving planets sources. In which all our sources are not enough to buy this items so need more sources of another planets or moons. You know this moving planet will be destroyed in…

  • Quote from Noot: “That it is listed as "bought" means it will prevent your account from being deleted after 35 days of inactivity. That is a positive thing imo. And it is known that sometimes Dark Matter is listed as "bought" while you have never bought any Dark Matter. So the problem you describe doesn´t really exist. I see no reason to change this.” I didn't know it. So in fact this is a favour that you do to us. So you can delete this topic or do whatever you want =).

  • This button is in the top of the screen to the side of the sources. Is MO that I have. bfl4z6.jpg 1º in MO that I have 2º IS MO I bought 3º Is MO I found But I have never bought MO, NEVER.OF NEVER So my sugg. is to make another classification in the list: MO got free. Because if not my friends or people say to me: "Ohh men u are buying MO its is the explanation of your top...etc...etc" And its not true, so this is a blemish for me. That´s bad. And for logical reasons have to be another classific…

  • I dont like this sugg. Because is bad for GF. If they do this, GF income will be reduced. And the way of merchant is another way like fleeters or miners. If you cant do your fleet make higher levels of deuterium mines. Or make less vessels xD The fleeters problems are unstoppable bunkers, no more. -------------------------> I were thinking and the solution (without making GF lose money) could be get more rubbish per battle (instead of 30% , 50%...)----> in normal universes.

  • Jumpgate count down.

    Raszagal88 - - Archive - OGame Planet


    When we click on jumpgate after use it, we see a count down. When the count down finish we have to click again in the jumpgate for see the usual page of vessel selection. My sug is when the count down finish, AUTOMATICALLY the system could send us to page of vessel selection instead of click anywhere.

  • Ogame system will be able to "save" the characters bbcode colours, and the background bbcode colours used the last time we wrote a Circular message or a personal message. Example: ekjferjkferf -----> I wrote this in a CC. So when I want to write another circular message again, only clicking in the button of characters bbcode colour, automatically system assign the same colour that I used the last time that I wrote a Circular message.

  • Searching players

    Raszagal88 - - Archive - OGame Planet


    When we are using the option of "search player" at the top of the screen, we write an aleatory player name . And pulsing "enter" in the keyboard we can see his the principal planet (PP) situation, and we can see his ranking and his "status"( if he is a strong player, or a noob player, or if he is on holiday mode, or if he is an outlaw player, or an honourable objective, etc.... ) Suggestion: Change the following......bug? If we are searching for a player who has been banned (in the option of "se…

  • Yeah men, the sugg, was the second one. The firstpart was a commentary saying that fusion is a patch and in the end the results will be the same: depopulation. What you say is true, ogame needs more publicity. But needs make it more attractive for people to start playing an "older" universe to. if not, in a future old universes will be with the same problem again.... But, the idea is not only make more attractive old universes, is MAKE THE NEW ACCOUNTS grow faster and faster in order to regenera…

  • In spanish version, in quoted text, i give much more useless details, but in English i will pay attention to kramagon advises (only for this time ) and make only a little summary. So: 1º This suggestion is about changing ALL COMMUNITIES FORUMS (NOT GAME). 2º In all forums you can see ads, GF wins money if you click on this ads. So, in order to make that more people click on this ads I propose to give them some DM per click that they do on this ads. So, this is the summary of this sugg :P. For kn…

  • warning: Google translation xDD!! ---------------> I think problem of depopulation is "easy" to solve. There are two keys in order to solve it. One has already been done: The first: Fusion (done) The problem of fusion is: You will be merging all old universes when it is required. In a few years there wont be enough universes for margin. In this step we could start to merging universes of different countries. This necessarily leads to the second key. Since I try to avoid that someday, have merged…

  • Quote: “What about abuses ? (making fake accounts, which build only laboratories, just for connect their RRI). ” i want to ban then only if they do the kind of things that you said. ------------- In order to put a limit of people who can connect his laboratories. We have some opcions like: 1º Make that 1 player could connect his laboratories per 1/2/3...x.. levels of our Intergalactic Research Network. 2º We have no limits of players who connect his laboratories but the algorithm of reduction is…

  • Quote: “This will be a too big concurrent for the new fast-finish magic button... Not sure that GF will love it.” You can do that the laboratoires of other players decrees less time that if they were yours. Quote: “However, its a good idea, but... What about abuses ? (making fake accounts, which build only laboratories, just for connect their RRI). ” Without this sugg. this problem existist, 2 or 3 counts give sources to another one. Solution: ban xD Sugg: get a better sistem of punishment or de…

  • incredible idea !! yeah i like it too much.