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  • Auction suggestion

    Kellogen - - Suggestions


    Yea, probably not a good idea. Thanks, Kellogen

  • It is an alright idea, but given, having Hyperspace for the instance would seem like it should work on any moon from any Planet. Highlighting an interest of having a Moon for a Position Slot to occupy leaving open interest of exploration of the Planet it has still. Would seem to put also more an emphasis on say Research Lab usages to further Research to say gain the effects of faster build times for anything else. But then having an option to say apply InterGalactic Research Network for the Moon…

  • Grandchildren?? Thanks, Kellogen

  • So essentially the Initial Numbers do not have an equal difference, to say augment the worth for Twice Worth the samething till say Level 19 plus on the otherwise stated of implementation for a change of numbers?? Which I guess would be fine if so, but seems to me just to encourage Recyclers to used more sooner than later for the off-set and when got factor spending the same amount of Resources for cost of Recyclers for Resources gained, within Initial stages of bonus gain is already within its'…

  • Auction suggestion

    Kellogen - - Suggestions


    Every Bid within the Approximately 5 Minutes Remaining Notification should add 9mins to the total remaining time than say the 9mins it takes to pass in the first place. 5 Minutes Approximate Notification can stay the same either way, one way or another. Thanks, Kellogen

  • I'm lost on why Moons gotta be obtained only from debris fields, makes more sense way they wouldn't have debris when say destroyed now if they wasn't only acquired through Debris Fields created. Thanks, Kellogen

  • Theremin?? Thanks, Kellogen

  • Skin à Loot

    Kellogen - - Archive - Suggestions


    Changing the images of Ships and Defenses would be a good idea and even for say a premium price. Say, having a Sports Car to choose over a Luxury Car, where the Sports Car is say represented by a Corvette and a Luxury Car Represented by a Buick, could say for the Sports Car change the image for say a Mustang and for the Luxury Car change the Image for a Lincoln. Given say the worth of Ships and Defenses. If you just need Sports Car to say populate races and Luxury Cars to attend races for why ca…

  • Skin à Loot

    Kellogen - - Archive - Suggestions


    I went with bing, Bing I have had many conversations for several messages without issue many times. But did wonder why say "Shipping" was listed differently twice, figured perhaps spacing, capitalization or the like, but no change, still the same different spelling of a word. But I did take French at one-time and if I remember correctly, they kinda say don't use the same word twice in alot of writing per say more often than what English does. Otherwise, it is a good idea, just lost on a few spec…

  • Skin à Loot

    Kellogen - - Archive - Suggestions


    Je suis perdu sur, « In expédition... », en ce qui concerne d’Import/Export, vente aux enchères et marché de la communauté correspondant à une utilisation déjà, même si par la suite. Est « en livraison.. » couvrant la partie inférieure la moitié de la liste de là à dire, ou un élément de liste séparée ?? I'm lost on, "In shipping..", in regards to Import/Export, Auction and Community Market being use already, even if afterwards. Is "In Shipping.." covering the bottom half of the list from there …

  • Bring back the power of moons

    Kellogen - - Suggestions


    This has probably been addressed, but wouldn't the faster Universes say also produce moons faster, or is that at the same rate of say the slower universes?? Thanks, Kellogen

  • Relocation of Planets

    Kellogen - - Archive - Suggestions


    Well, if you have say the smaller planet in the same position in the following or before system, perhaps having the Bigger Planets in later slots wouldn't be as bad. Just debates rather the backwards would be with any difference, and rather anything in the middle would matter as much for the samething. Thanks, Kellogen

  • I've been debated this idea to myself for quite some time now, but to me though still seems like if there was an actually Manual or the like, other than what is a Wiki and Guides, alot of interests for such wouldn't be needed as much. Given, I still yet to get some of my own questions answered, even if I didn't ask of much for any. But do know they rest simply on just practical information for answers still to more say complex things. Which by the numbers could say still answer without the quest…

  • Skin Ogame Retro

    Kellogen - - General


    Alot of nice ones there is not all really, but didn't check all, thought I found the one used last time I have played, but not quite sure. Thanks, Kellogen

  • Costs of Resources????

    Kellogen - - Archive - Suggestions


    Roughly 280 Dollars for 2 Deathstars without say trading Resources. For thoughts of "Model" contrast and worth even Digitally speaking, if not only, is fairly respective still really. But can say there is a decent point, but for numbers really..can say 2Billion is a practical basis of most to use?? Least for a "Little, to no, cost to you.." kinda aspect. Seems like there should be more room to negotiate but at that time there shouldn't probably wouldn't be any. But I would still for the say same…

  • Deuterium consumption

    Kellogen - - Archive - Suggestions


    Seems interesting, but Antimatter in itself should add a new element to the game itself than applying itself to just some attributes of the game. Like New Power Planet, New Weapons, perhaps better Engines in regards to effects of the proposed Deutuerium Costs reflections, along with say Improved Research or the like. Something like the Nanite Factory could benefit in increased construction and/or deconstruction/demolishing, which would be reflective to say Deuterium Cost Reflections to other are…

  • Figured as much, but still. Hopefully with one implementation we can get another. Thanks, Kellogen

  • Good deal, does that mean it will go through or is it say just a liked Idea of the Development Team?? Thanks, Kellogen

  • Discussion about merging universes

    Kellogen - - Spam


    I know this kinda old but still, think is a sticky. But, still this has probably been mentioned and/or addressed, but what about anything in regards to.. Players choosing location within say Target-Universe(s), rather say blind or informed selection(with or without player identified) Galaxy merges prior and/or post universe merge(s), rather Exodus and/or Target Universe(s) To what extent of either not sure, but of such, I don't know, kinda seems of interest. Thanks, Kellogen

  • item

    Kellogen - - Archive - Suggestions


    Yea, good idea, only thing I can think of is say miss-click issues, one says is worth one, the can be what amount is entered. But still of such, shouldn't be an issue at a time as much given still, but in regards to having different planets may not be as reasonable. 10 items for one planet vs 10 items for two planets, miss-click would not be worth the same say per one instance at a time. But given still still, click would be worth of numerical input, and even with say enter to say otherwise, say…