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  • please add this option to the Missions and type selection: "Set to transport for ally member, buddies and friends (if Civil ships are within the fleet)" Hopefully it is possible to detect player inside of the Alliance member list and in the buddy list. Furthermore the player with a friendly status tag should count for it. (Friends, Friends 2, Wing, Bootcamp) (if the detection for allies and buddies dont work, then there is still the way to mark those player wih those status tags) If you have any…

  • Galaxytool plugin to get player planets

    fl00ri - - Archive


    well Iam really interested in this feature, because iam using the Galaxytool aswell and i always thought that this will be possible sometimes in the future. Galaxytool is awesome in its features, information and possibilities so it would be even better to get some infos from that database directly into OGame with some additional styling, management and features by UV :) This sounds really great ! keep your excellent work going GreetingZ, fl00ri

  • in the tab Account of the Infopanel you can see all resources in your account. just enable Total and then you can add/remove all resources in Flights by clicking on Shipment. hil2sag6.png but ofc it is missing for the tab Constructions... I suggested to add the settings "Calculate with the total resources in your account" in this tab for being able to calculate any building/research/construction with the total amount of resources in the account (to check if you are able to build it at all anyhow…

  • Bug's Research

    fl00ri - - Archive [Bugs&Questions]


    They mean that the Infopanel is not shown at Research. I also have this bug AGO Beta FireFox 24.0 Chrome 29.0.1547.76 m (an older AGO vers didnt cause that problem...)

  • Please generally disable the swipe feature if another window is open or a tooltip is open (in the foreground). if you want to mark a text out of the tooltips (like coordinates to auto copy them to the infopanel) in the galaxy or in another opened window then you dont want to go to another system, because the tooltip/window will disappear when you change the "page". the windows can come from the action icons (message, buddy, rocket, phalanx) or the top menu of OGame (notes, buddy, search, etc). F…

  • Galaxiedaten sind weg

    fl00ri - - Archive [Bugs&Questions]


    Quote from CBrownUni78: “Welchen Einfluss haben Positionsmarkierungen und was genau ist das?” Du kannst sowohl Allianzen, Spieler, als auch Positionen (also Planeten + Monde) markieren. Der Sinn dahinter ist in jedem Falle gleich, wenn auch nicht die selben Markierungstypen zur Auswahl stehen... wenn du also einen inaktiven Spieler als "Farm" markieren willst, kannst du das direkt für den spieler machen, oder eben nur für ausgewählte Planeten des Spielers (weil er z.B. auf einem Planeten nur gan…

  • Fleet - Improved target table

    fl00ri - - Archive


    Please adjust the target table - shown on the FleetI and FleetII. especially the Last- and Standard-columns are in a bad proportion: both of the columns should have the same width size (and since you are only able to define 5 standard targets, the height can be reduced to the half there). With this better proportion it could be possible to show on hovering the bin-icon beside the <mission+setting> in the Last-column to be able to delete this mission. So you can sort out the Last-column which wou…

  • it is on your own whether to show the buttons permanently or only on hovering. ofc in this case the second way would be better. so it looks normal as it is right now, but on selection is the additional option to add player/coordinates to the corresponding features... my suggestion is primary for the functionality. the layout and realisation is your part^^ i never saw anyone else giving feedback or suggestions for UV. instead of waiting you could just test it, maybe in a testversion that you can …

  • yeah why not :D i dont know how strong you will work together with AGO but there can be more "features" appearing like a symbiosis of UV and AGO so when you go to the galaxy by clicking a completely defined position by a given link, then AGO will highlight this position (blue on default). In this case you can show the plus to add them to the favourite targets on default (without hovering). Another spot to get your feature in action is the Infobox for a selected player (the box with all the posit…

  • hi Waarsalk, it's me again^^ it would be really helpful, if you could make it possible that the coordinates are set in fleet page II on click. (and additionally on fleet page I into the Calculator from AntiGameOrigin) Therefore there can be the fleet icons to send them if you click on it. (they should only appear on fleet pages) example of the structure: 3p5z6nnf.png GreetingZ

  • it will be detected on fleet movement whether the fleet was successfully sent or not. this checker is already acting for "last sent fleet"-highlighting and "return last sent fleet"-button. Francolino should have the solution ;)

  • Dear translators, here is the place where additional information about the tags are shown to understand the concept and meaning/usage beyond them (white). Next below can be found Improvements of existing concepts (yellow) and suggestions about new concepts (green). At the end can be questions, issues und undecided facts (red) - (The font colour for descriptions or outdated tags is grey). Suggestions are welcome ;) 1. [PAGE]...[] tag colour = #D78F47 it is the colour of the buttons likehlz7j69j.p…

  • y it goes along with this suggestion. Idk what your next step will be Francolino, but maybe you will care about the colours/tags of the so displayed player. overall: same player status/colours/tags and possibility to open the planet-infobox and pin player onto Infopanel on Alliance, Search, Buddies, Messages and Highscores (the planet-infobox from highscore/message page makes the most sense together with this suggestion...) like it is already possible in the Galaxy. EDIT: it is tangenting >this …

  • Dear user, in this thread everybody may request to become an translator for the AGO Menu. Your work will be rewarded with DM-codes ! - you can see existing and missing Translators in this List (click) - you can check for missing translations directly in the corresponding HELP-part in the TranslationTool (click) - you can also request the translator-job in the IRC-#AntiGame (click) we would be glad to welcome you to our translator-team.

  • to farm inactives only the Spiohelper from Eleria is needed. sort them for loot and attack dem via the [A]button. (with "open fleet1 in a new tab" it is best and fastest) but if you want to raid active player, then why the hell dont you like the "full spy report" vision ? you can see loot/debris/activity immediately, you can let the SR shown opened or closed and make this depending on a limit for loot/debris, you can change what should be displayed in the spyreport (without buildings, research e…

  • major update on 07.09.2013

    fl00ri - - Bugs & questions


    - new tag : [PAGE]...[] (other tags has been redefined - see here) - changed page tags : (OGame pages and menu) 1. outdated: [FLEET1], [FLEET2], [FLEET3], [JUMPGATE], [RESEARCH] 2. new: [PAGE]FleetI[], [PAGE]FleetII[], [PAGE]FleetIII[], [PAGE]Jump gate[], [PAGE]Research[] or [ITEM]research[] - added page tags : (whenever possible - compare with EN) 1. [PAGE]AGO menu[], [PAGE]AGO [key][], [PAGE]Infopanel[] etc , [PAGE]Galaxy[] (removed the word "Galaxyview") 2. [PAGE]Ogniter[], [PAGE]Infuza[], [P…

  • Hi there here is the possible reason, that the DF isnt selected as wanted: gzefbalb.png please be sure to having selected [Auto] as your default target type to guarantee the DF selection. otherwise Planet or Moon is selected (this setting is in the Infopanel only!) (this is sometimes wanted e.g. choose [Planet] if you usually deploy res from moon to planet with recyclers or farm inactives with recyclers or just if you want the planet as target for raids from a moon vice versa etc.) i hope i got …

  • TranslationTool updates

    fl00ri - - Bugs & questions


    latest update: 07.09.2013 Dear translators, This thread provides you a log of the happened Updates (for the first time in general and later for single keys) Commonly the changes are for:- new tooltips (that have been missing or for new features) - new tooltip parts (like [HINT] and [TIP] for settings or the parts for sections) - advanced tooltip parts : 1. added keys (that have been missing or from new features) 2. added text parts (improved Feature explanations) 3. tags (outdated, changed, new)…

  • hi Last but not least: if you select pinned ships (or for special universes the defense too) advanced information could be displayed for the amount of ships (also nice together with the setting "Summarize all of a position"). The info could be the theoretical debris of those ships and the correponding chance for a moon ! (ofc you should be able to include stationed ships on the planet and/or moon if you want). The needed amount of debris and/or of crashed units for the next better chance for a m…

  • hi i noticed, that currently you are able to reserve resources for buildings and researches but not for constructions like ships or defenses. Please add this ability there. This cant be used for saving resources like it can for buildings and researches, but it is still a useful feature for planing and managing resources at all. e.g. after having collected all resources from my own positions I have a lot of resources and iam asking myself what I can do best with them. As a fleeter (and a friend o…