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  • disappeared in v6, pls reimplement...

  • Some corrections and missing translations: (Hidden Content)

  • Well, please make a post in the "Projects Translation" section with the texts that shall be translated. I could make corrections for English and give the German translation ;) Keep up the good work, cheers

  • The new script "Show Detailled Spy Report as in V5" (click) should help you untill AGO will implement it again. cheers

  • nndsquul.jpg

  • mit der neuen Version vür OGame v6 dürfte alles wieder wie gehabt funktionieren. cheers

  • There is no importance on message subjects anymore since OGame v6 (single tabs instead). So this suggestion is rejected. p.s. The feature to delete messages by a subject should be removed, Shole ;)

  • Messages - Spy reports - player rank

    fl00ri - - Messages


    The player can also be enhanced with the BBCode Source Code (1 line) or much better in this combination: clicking on the player name should open the planet-box and an highscore-box like >suggested here< cheers

  • This has been implemented since OGame v6 as default feature, so that's done^^

  • in OGame v6 there is still no link on the player name. so AGO could set the BBCode Source Code (1 line) to them, which enables an tooltip with links to highscores, writing a message and homeplanet. Notice that there is the suggestion do display the rank next to the name, so it would probably enough to just add the message icon with its function. Then the player can be linked somehow else. In combination: clicking on the player name should open the planet-box and maybe an highscore-box like >sugg…

  • Hi you can hide the pictures by an OGame option >with images< OGame-->Options-->Display-->Messages-->Hide pictures in reports:-->yes >without images< the checker for unread messages has been suggested before: >see here< Yeah due to the changes from OGame v6 the former features has to be rebuilt (hiding of subsections, linespacing, loot waves, buttons, spiohelper, coloring&highlighting etc) this will come sooner or later cheers

  • Hi this suggestion is rejected because of an older similiar suggestion and the changed default options by OGame v6 (new Messages system) >see here< cheers

  • >tangenting this suggestion<

  • (Hidden Content) Does "hideHour" really just hide the hour and not the full time? What should be the reason for this? If instead the full time is meant, then use this translation "Verberge Einschlagszeit" (hide time of impact) At 'EquiProfits' and 'ProrataProfits' the focus is on "profits" and then secondly how to declare it. So order the translation with the same focus: Profits in equal amount for each participiant = Profite in gleicher Höhe für jeden Teilnehmer Profits in dependance of the sen…

  • Hi, adding another button sounds not that good for me. Ithink it is more effective to select any unusual amount of espionage probes via a tooltip of the already shown icon. This will speed up good enough and doesnt derange the usual arrangement and behavior... I think up to 3 additional setups should be selectable there and they could be defined in the Galaxy options in the AGO menu. GreetingZ

  • implemented

    fl00ri - - Archive


    Hi up to 10 custom target names/colors can be defined at AGO-->Coloring&Highlighting-->Color & highlight scheme for status tags-->Target colors >see this screenshot< once defined and saved, they can be selected via the galaxyview as normal. This should make huge lists being able to split and better to manage. >see this thread< GreetingZ

  • I try to make some orderance on this suggestion 1st) just the note that the eventlist can be displayed anywhere 2nd) events can be pinned onto the Panel by clicking the times (also everywhere on refreshing, if needed) >see image< a) there is highlighting by mouseover and the font turns green on selection (also mark corresponding coordinates in planetlist) b) a selected event enables the countdown on fleetpages aswell! 3rd) ok now there are several options how to advance this a) the type of missi…

  • Hi As fleet classment I would say that there are ment civil ships and combat ships. This 2 categories are displayed in the eventlist with the option to toggle more or less details of the events. This feature allows you to also let the eventlist appear at the galaxyview: AGO-->Events-->Events-->Galaxy-->Show... be sure to set this OGame option aswell: OGame-->Options-->Display-->General-->Always show events:-->Show... But I suppose that the suggestion is for displaying the fleet rank (highscores)…

  • The amount of planets is taken by the .api (universe database) which is updated weekly. So if by comparison the spyreport shows a higher possible amount of planets than the database is suggesting, then it should be shown. Good suggestion. In the report there can be the amount of planet next to the astrophysics level (red, in brackets). Furthermore in the info-box of the player there can be added a new line to show, that there could be another planet elsewhere (red underlining). In the tooltips c…

  • Since OGame v6 there there is the feature to declare up to 10 spyreports as favorites. More favorites can be added, if the Commander is set active. So I bet, that the marking of spyreports would be forbidden. Other messages could still be marked/saved e.g. to track delivering messages from trading. Therefore there can be a button for deleting all messaged in the selected tab except the marked/saved ones. Coloring the player names or add a colored border, like the status given via the galaxyview …