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  • Hi! Here some more changes witin 6.3.2 (Update of the version is now available on all livetestservers) Quote: “ - Issue with upgrading with Dark Matter - Galaxy: filters button do not get finger pointer when hovering - Relocation icon in galaxy view moved when on Moon - Galaxy: filters are missing for mobile view - Some Backendfixes ” LG

  • Fleet is hanging

    JoKy - - Archive


    Aaaaaaaaand Fixed LG

  • Fleet is hanging

    JoKy - - Archive


    Developers are on it LG

  • Bring back the power of moons

    JoKy - - Suggestions


    Now I know that the User who started the sugg here and others in many OGame Communities aaaand NMA and Me are GF. *note it down :D* I think still we need a change in high speed universes to make it harder to crash a moon, just because the cost and the risk doing it does not scale. Deathstars are way too cheap and reach target in short time, so players loose many moons and the main fleet during sleep. That´s maybe also a reason why many doing vmode saving. It´s just a balancing issue. We will rem…

  • Bring back the power of moons

    JoKy - - Suggestions


    A change is not decided. It is the main idea of testservers to TEST The idea also comes from a user not from the evil GF. So continue your discussion. Stop flaming and trolling on each other and take care of how you discuss. LG

  • Bring back the power of moons

    JoKy - - Suggestions


    Again Please don´t think in black and white, fleeter and miner. It´s just wrong, totally. The main problem I figured out based on the user idea is: In speed universes you get e.g. 4x more resources as in 1x. Sounds logic. For that it is (to come back to the math part) 4x cheaper to destroy a moon. Just because there is no change on the Moon destruction part at all. If you loose there 1 Rip or more ... who cares. That´s why some ppl loose 14 moons in one night. Deathstars are there so speedy and …

  • Firefox Login Bug

    JoKy - - General



  • Firefox Login Bug

    JoKy - - General


    The other guy Maybe ask him then! LG

  • Hi! Today we will update all livetestservers with the OGame Version That version only inlcudes some backendchanges. With that step we want to take care that everything is ok, when we do same changes on normal live servers. After that update is ok and we don´t see any problem, we Update all livetestservers with 6.3.2. That version so far contain a change for the galaxy view, as you can see in the attached screenshot. We provide now filters and shortend also the display of available spy p…

  • Firefox Login Bug

    JoKy - - General


    I like your current name. You have to live with it! Sry but I don´t rename other players. LG

  • Bring back the power of moons

    JoKy - - Suggestions


    The change of MD and RD with the formula NMA provided First step will be to enable it on the livetestservers, so you can also try out. LG

  • Firefox Login Bug

    JoKy - - General


    then you need to maybe just clear cache and cookies in FF. Maybe the logindata is also wrong stored in FF and it try to login with old data. LG

  • Firefox Login Bug

    JoKy - - General


    Player has been renamed! ('php' -> 'PinkUnicorn') try again LG

  • Bring back the power of moons

    JoKy - - Suggestions


    The change is not designed for miners, don´t try to think in: "hat is a fleeter featuer" and "that is a miner feature". It should be a change to be more fair for everyone and the idea area here is not that you start shooting on each other. We can make the change available in the next update (6.3.2) and test it on the livetestservers. LG

  • Bring back the power of moons

    JoKy - - Suggestions


    For me the formula change is a good compromise. It will take care of the higher economy mine production and so you need more tries to destroy the moon. Because also the Rip destroy % is changed it isn´t that evil. So, still waiting for feedback It´s your chance! LG

  • Changelog 6.3.1

    JoKy - - Test Server


    Hi! All livetestserver will be updates with OGame 6.3.1 (there might be a 2nd version of 6.3.1 depending on more bugfixes and stuff which you break). Quote: “ - 'Write Message' button in galaxyview not working without chatbar - Make Moons a bit smaller - Number of free relocations overlaps with relocation button in overview - Mobile view: planet button position 17 not well displayed - DM-DF broken on mobile-view - Empty list element on missile report - API-Button on Fleet1 does not register ship…

  • Galaxyview problem sending message

    JoKy - - Bug Reporting


    Hey This happen, when you have chatbar deactivated in normal view and try to use the shortcut icon to send message LG

  • Bring back the power of moons

    JoKy - - Suggestions


    For the both parts of MD NMA and be created new formular, based to include the speedfacor. Do you have an sugguetion at the speedchange? LG

  • Bring back the power of moons

    JoKy - - Suggestions


    Your calculation has an error. In an 4x speed universe, you get 4x more resources in that example. Which means, you can build up Deathstars 4x faster then in 1x speed universes. For that fact you can 4x easier destroy moons and I still missed the speed. If you then get his main fleet, because the opponent is not a vmode safer, then it´s done for him, mostly. That moons die like flies in speed universes is not new. I recognice many complains over many years, so why not think of a change I also ca…

  • Bring back the power of moons

    JoKy - - Suggestions


    So: Select moon destruction, the speed of the deathstar is e.g. 50% slower? Hmm If it really solve the problem, why not? But I think it needs some discssion here LG