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  • To be deleted

    Jango - - Hall of Fame


    I think athena knows what he does, congratulations to that nice, big hit! Normally the loser (person who lost more during battle) of a battle asks if (s)he may upload it....

  • Big hit - yeah \o/ losing df - bummer Congratulations!

  • Account sitting / v-mode

    Jango - - General


    imho account sitting is forbidden because the password can not be changed, so for security reasons. And under this assumption, setting an foreign account in vm is also forbidden. But maybe with an explanatory ticket, the admins will say: ok.

  • Selling deuterium

    Jango - - Archive


    call me "my little sunshine" and get 1 deut free of charge!* PM me ingame *only applies when buying at least 1kk deut

  • Hm, I thought you got him, but now it is really interesting Congratz on this "little" something! P.S. I just scanned him 15min before impact on that planet (and moon) hope I didn't startle you^^

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    From 25.04. 12:30 on the server was running flawlessly for me, but a alliance mate was/is not able to login from work, so maybe it depends on the internet provider. Maybe they blocked some because of DDOS (he can log in from smartphone, but noticed too late and is down too )

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    Quote from Quahodron: “Anti-Ballistic Missiles 20 Interplanetary Missiles 37 Missile Silo 4 ” that is a left over from the fleet duplication bug, write a ticket if you think he should be banned^^

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    Quote from Quahodron: “And if you can not handle the 0.77 code then maybe it's time to give the version with battlecruisers and acs? But the first one where the moon rockets were not attacking.. ” bc and acs are bugged, that's why we don't have them Server on again

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    Quote from Rusiak: “Quote from Valent: “we are trying to find what happened ” well you guys woke up, saw the server was not, fixed that but didn't set it to "no access" and didn't write sth like "we will make it avaliable again at 20pm" or sth like that. this is what happened. ” somehow I believe that they didn't fix it, it worked again because of other reasons

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    I think they took it down as a way of protection. I checked at 7 o'clock, the universe was down... 3 hours later I see it was up again and running for at least 2,5 hours, so my "fleet" was standing all the time. To protect such fleets/players they took it down, presumably.

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    All good things go by three.

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    Why weird? They used a roll back as "announced". And banned the game guy(s) again. Btw: They worked faster than expected, thanks!

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    And again some more information from the same GA Quote from AterBalbi: “Wenn der Server nächste Woche wieder reaktiviert wird so wird er das mit dem Datenstand tun den er heute morgen hatte wo noch alle Accounts im Umod waren. ” "When the server is reopened next week, all accounts will be at the state of this morning, when everyone was in v-mode."

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    Enjoy your weekend! According to a GA in the german board, they assume that they can reopen the server next week. Quote from AterBalbi: “Der Server ist aufgrund von wiederholender schwerer Fehler vorläufig geschlossen worden. Es wird eine Wiedereröffnung für nächste Woche nach Fixing des Problems angepeilt. ” "The server was temporarily taken down because of repeating serious bugs. The reopening is planned for next week, after fixing the bug." (Translation by me)

  • Selling deuterium

    Jango - - Archive


    Love me later deut selling stopped until servers are up again^^

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    Quote from Thomas_Hewitt: “Cannot you fix one bug for a two weeks?? ” Problem is, that this universe is on low support. So they need to find a dev who has a free slot (this probably took up most of the time). So waiting again Patience is hard to find

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    yeah, Bug was not fixed Attention: Retro server issue

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    I doubt it that they were not processed, but maybe all fleets were aborted when they took down the universe (doubt that too). So the likely option is: Attacker recalled €dit: And I just saw a nice df in the galaxy (7.5kk res), so probably attacker recalled (and is biting is own ass now :x) Highscore updates and depots cap have been processed (I assume), but this version has some bugs in these areas. -> I think you will online get points for fleet if you did some action on the planet after they w…

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    Quote from Canarefr: “Anyways, i try to ask here too. I was under attack when the server went down, but i didn't FS yet. What should i expect when (if) we'll be able to login again? Should i open a ticket for this? ” So did your fleet survive?

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    Quote from Alexander_mkd: “5 *esox lucius 1.458.232 this guy its still not banned. he was one of the cheaters. ” is banned now, just saw in the galaxy