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  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    As long as the GF does not say they shut the server down, I assume that they will reopen it. But they are not that good at this information-thingy. Today is the 11. day since server down, the first time the server was down for 11 days, too. Maybe a lucky number

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    Yes. Only those guys who log in right away would survive. It would be funny to see to loose 90% of all accounts in one night, but let's hope they think at the deletion timer.

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    Quote from Kevin87: “What will happen if we are not able to login for more than a month? im not planning to restart my account from scratch because it was inactive for to long.. ” I think there are 2 possibilities 1. They reset the whole server, so everyone has to start from scratch 2. They use a backup (and hopefully change something in the deletion script). In this case you don't need to build from scratch

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    no, but the GOs are not allowed to tell us who got the res. They probably did there job as good as possible.

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    Na I'm not that fat to have such a gravitation field! I know who the guy at the center is (or might be) And I think I know now who got pushed by the lonewolf-account (I don't think by lonewolf himself) @Sorcy: check your conversations

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    Always these guys who think they need to hide. So who got pushed no need to hide. We can't do anything against it, and the only ones who can already know who the pushed guy is. @PanzerFaust no one forget that the game is unavailable and I wouldn't say that they don't try to fix it, there are some hints for that theory. But they are just not good at saying: "Yeah, we are working on it". Remember the following: They worked on this version over a year until the release in june last year. Who knows …

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    Quote from dajo1911: “REMEMBER MY WORDS Gf will shut down server 4 ever sooner ol later You will see We all know why ” I think we are all aware of this fact. It's not the first server they shut down. Let's topic switch. Does anyone know who killed the main fleet of lonewolf?

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    Quote from Sorcy: “Really small players are not natural victims of biggest fleeters. ” True. They are the victims of smaller fleeters, or guys who have some ships and use them. There aren't many either but there are some. For small players we need to think in other dimensions, a lose of 100k res can mean a lot to them, and if they have about 1-2kk res on the planet, but need only 200k to build the next mine. They will usually need more than a day to get everything to safety. I read a lot of firs…

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    Thanks @Cano great job! I could understand your text very well. Actually I wanted to summarize this whole discussion, too and make a conclusion. First part was done by @Cano. Now my part. Conclusion: This whole discussion about an attack ban is next to useless. Why? 1. We are not the people in power. The GF decides what they want to do. If they want to know how the community think about it, they can read this discussion with arguments for both sides. Or start a poll (I don't think that a poll is…

  • Quote from Danimanza: “In this cases a backup can be done when the problem is fixed, so we shouldn't lose any account because of this close of the server. ” I have to disagree (partially). After the last backup I noticed that many deleted accounts came back (that's good). But they all got deleted the next night (that's bad). This made me jump to the following conclusion: The system remembers the last action which the user did. And the deletion script checks every night if the time-delta between …

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    of course miners get the most from this downtime (because of storage bug). And I personally wouldn't need an attack ban. But there are many small/new player with accounts which are not in the slightest prepared for those amounts of res.When those get farmed, they will loose the interested in playing this server quicker than a top200 miner who got farmed once. Which would lead to an even faster server death. Therefore, to give the smaller guys a chance an attack ban would be nice. Of course, they…

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    attack ban, because there will be again many players with wayyy to many res on the planets and who can not save them (without spamming ships/defense). 1 day long no attacks so that everyone can gather and redistribute his resources without building useless things If they will use a back up, this becomes obsolete. But I hope that they don't use a backup, the res we gathered during downtime is a little motivation to continue playing. IMHO a backup would lead do a higher account lose. I believe tha…

  • what do you mean by that? a bot who pushes mines in these account? Would be unfair for some players, because those accs are all in g1 not evenly distributed over the universe and on the other hand they would need to implement such a bot. And I think they have enough other things to do right now (like getting the Server fixed)

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    Quote from Cano: “from the little German I can understand (I could have understood badly) ” you did quite well Because we got no new information today, I assume we will have to wait until at least Monday. So enjoy your weekend everyone!

  • (Accounts get deleted after 35 days inactivity) nevertheless this is a good idea, but only during such problems, so maybe 2 weeks after the universe is up and running it should be set back to the original time. Why? Simple, we have so many dead accounts in the universe (accounts with 0 points which are not in highscore) that this change would lead to a even bigger amount. Some numbers from before the last shutdown: - 2201 accounts in total - 1178 accounts in the highscore - 1023 dead accounts - …

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    oh no, my sarcasm is a sign of my disbelief. That you got right, but I didn't try to be funny. Sorry.

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    No new information, just wait until they post something on the board. Or join us in irc, so you can get your "no new info" everyday, free of charge (limited offer until server is up and running) Quote: “[20:21:53] <NoMoreAngel> and GF had better stuff to do today, like having a big server outage ” Server is down, because there is still a bug that need to be fixed. Let's wait what GF makes of it. (If it was about the money, they would probably had shut it down some days earlier)

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    Quote from Canarefr: “Well I just hope that the server doesn't come back by itself by night without protections, like the last time. ” should not happen because GF took the server this time down, too. So after the attack ends, it will not be up again. Because of the Holiday, we will have to wait at least until Tuesday. Possible longer because duplication bug #3 has to be fixed. From what the discoverer (of the bug) said, I assume that this time only people who know about it could use it (which i…

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    possible a DDOS again, devs don't work at weekend^^ And Monday is a holiday in Germany, so if a DEV is needed, and GF only has some in Germany we have to wait until Tuesday. But maybe it will come up again on its own, like the last 2 times