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  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Evagelan - - General


    Wether we liked it or not, Retro server is a favor to us from some people (GF, some developpers, some staff members). Thank them for all the work on it. Of course, that would be nice if everything were perfect etc. But i'm glad i played this retro version again, and i hope i'll be on the next version if there is one. I prefer to enjoy a retro version even with a reset etc, than trying to force the situation with an unstable version. Nobody wants a long list of problems to solve during the game, …

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Evagelan - - General


    Quote from Daidegas: “ but this dont explains because for one year it work very well, and the bugs appears only now.for me, the retro server was a strategy to call old players of ogame, with hope that they go to other universe when the retro close, after one year. ” I understand this argument, and have nothing to say for or against it. It is a legitimate one. But just to add some facts : Retro universe was the same in june 2016 than it was in february 2017 (or close to the same version). But bac…

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Evagelan - - General


    Quote: “so, ok, if everything is/was bugged why was it working few years ago? And how? ” 12 years ago, a lot of elements in the equation asking "how did it worked" were different : - internet browsers were different (firefox 4.0 then, firefox 48 now). - PHP code as an example, was different in 2005 than now (same reason : the code has evolved / changed for a part of it). - Network are much more complicated now (questions like 'how to secure a server ?' and 'how to secure each user of the game ?'…

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Evagelan - - General


    Quote from sss: “Quote from Rusiak: “Quote from Athenacompet: “I'm especially afraid for deleting some accounts ... friends had not yet logged in the other time ... This universe is unique, if it came to close I will be very very disappointed... ” ye, sb with db access pls reset inactive timer on vacation accounts ” done ” Whether this is a joke or a real fact from sss, either way this is good

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Evagelan - - General


    Your link to the support page is fine for me too. My mistake (I was using a link on my history, wrong method i guess). Thanks.

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Evagelan - - General


    Hi everyone, Thank you for the update @NoMoreAngel, and @Jango for offering an hypothesis ^^. Just for the record : origin support webpage is also offline (same server ?)

  • When I see such a massacre, I find very difficult to determine if you like small cargos... or if on the contrary you hate them that hard Next time you'll recycle everything, i'm sure (or not ). Such a shame (retro music here). fr to Raistlin

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Evagelan - - General


    So the server is on and off depending on the hour of the day you try to connect. This is way too risky for most players to go online again in these conditions i guess. I suggest to put retro universe on v-mode again + reset of the number of days of inactivity to prevent the deleting of accounts after 35 days offline. At least for the time to have a stable version again. Like @Quahodron said, some players can or have already lost their fleet due to random connexion issues, this is not acceptable.…

  • Really? xD

    Evagelan - - General


    Some of us did report the bug indeed. The main problem is that some players are using the bug to cheat, and it will take a lot of work to check all accounts that might have benefit from this glitch, but i trust a solution will be found. Thank you for the update, have fun everyone ;)

  • Profit on this one is just an outrage. A real bank job indeed To infinity and beyond...

  • That was a great battle, a smart move ( ... again... ) and some firepower FR to Todesgeneral. A thought for Daeli / Hell who build a part of that fleet before he stopped.

  • Very nice fight. Congratz' ! And congrats to the defender for building such a nice fleet so far, FR. Indeed we can see some statistics on topraider (total damages done and received per week / per month, etc). Ogmem provide a lot of information too (Rusiak will explain it better than me ^^). Keep on these good numbers m3ntol, unlike some "interresting" probe farmers who might want to give us a break with their bullshits. But that's an other conversation. Happy hunting everyone

  • Moonshot exchange

    Evagelan - - Archive


    I've send you a pm here with some info, I post here just to make sure you had it Feel free to contact me ingame anytime, same alias. Regards.

  • Thanks for the quick fix ;)

  • Profit is just scandalous Gratz

  • I've seen benefits displayed as january 2016 profit as you say, so it is recorded in the database indeed. If this bug is already on the todo list of topraider's dev team, I have nothing to add other than thank you for this tool . And thank you Smesko for the quick anwer.

  • I definitely had to post here, late again ^^. I'm one of those lazy pricks Sorcy talk about... and quite proud of it Big congratz to Athenacompet for this hit, and very glad to read some RP here too. Thank you for it

  • I apologize for being so late that it is probably forbidden by the forum rules to post this late on a combat from november. But anyway, glad to see a nice hit from you Celestia, whatever the numbers it is always nice to see your fleet doing some exercice. And I like the way the debris field was recycled : with whatever you can use Nice to read RP from Sylace too, find writing as usual, with a nice humouristic touch this time. I'll post quicker next time, happy new year to everyone

  • Hi, happy new year everyone, I just saw a little bug with topraider script version for retro universe, it seems that combat reports updated since 1st january 2017 are not properly recorded by the database. Charts and daily profits statistics are not available since yesterday (the chart and count are working because it is displayed, but result is 0 benefit and I assure you I've made some lol ). Regards.

  • Huge ! thumbsup.png Nice teamwork, nice maths, nice skills. Congratz to both of you