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  • IRC channel

    Danimanza - - General


    Yes #ogame.origin-retro

  • sell cristal buy deu!!

    Danimanza - - Archive


  • Selling Deuterium for Crystal

    Danimanza - - Archive


  • Bashing rule clarification

    Danimanza - - Archive


    Ok so... question solved

  • Retro Universe combat simulators

    Danimanza - - General


    Quote from Sunthios: “What do you mean by bad calculations? What exactly is different between the numbers between the retro universe and those simulators? is there a replacement simulator you can recommend then that coincides with the numbers you would find in this uni?” There is no simulator recommended, because they can not calculate losses with a huge accuracy. So probably you will expect to win a battle and you will get a draw or even, stamped.

  • - Official Spanish discussion thread

    Danimanza - - General


    Quote from yessi: “Quote from saiko: “buenas, me he registrado hoy, y queria cambiar la contraseña que me han dado ellos por defecto, pero no encuentro donde, pense que es porq no habia confirmado el registro en el mail, pero no viene enlace para ello, alguno me podría decir como cambiar la contraseña?” por el momento no se puede” Ni por el momento ni en un futuro

  • - Official Spanish discussion thread

    Danimanza - - General


    Los foros no es que hayan evolucionado mucho

  • am I in the love

    Danimanza - - General


    Don't show private messages in public. I edited that parts of your thread.

  • Bashing rule clarification

    Danimanza - - Archive


    Quote from Paindeliver: “From the rules: 4. Bashing It is not allowed to attack any given planet or moon, owned by an active player, more than 6 times in a 24 hour period. This rule also applies to moon destruction missions. Probe attacks and interplanetary missile attacks do not count towards the bashing rule. Is this rule only for active players? Can I attack inactive players (i) more than 6 times a day without penalty?” Yes, you can farm inactives infinitely

  • Quote from wizzamy: “Buenas.. Saludos desde Argentina. Una consulta, existe alguna forma de traducir el juego a Español ?. Gracias.” Me temo que no De todas formas los menús son bastante intuitivos

  • Quote from eschepolos: “Quote from APW: “It`s just nice to see that number in one uni (10k). When Gameforge opened some new unis on few communities (.br, .cz, .de, .en, .es, .fr, .hu, .it, .nl, .pl, .ru, .tr, .us) on 21/03/2016 , I was just wondering how many players will play. So, if you do the math, 13 Communities with new unis and average of 1.5k new players per uni, you will get the number of 19.5k players (this is just approximately number, because IDK correct average per community). So yes…

  • Quote from Gwenn Ha Du: “Danimanza, you forgot 2 or 3 points tho: 1) No advertisement 1 or 2 weeks before the server launch 2) No email calls (while we had it back in time, maybe still for the new servers, idk) 3) No iPad application players (separate portal) which make about 50% of the newcomers (if not more) on the new servers 4) Quebec have troubles loggin in (for french-speaking people) 5) This server has been announced in November, went live at the end of May, 2016. Some people who already …

  • Ally presentation sub-forum

    Danimanza - - Archive


    Now, we have that section suggested: Please check the rules before posting and enjoy it

  • Pushing, 1 week

    Danimanza - - Archive


    Rules are similar like actual rules in most of communities (link) Some years ago, it was even forbidden take moonshots for free (even without pushing), and some other restrictions like commerce, recycles help from users IP Sharing. Now all of those things are allowed (just some examples). So, punishment is also actual. BTW, pranger is not visible because punish are not of your business. Let's get fun and forget about cheaters. GameTeam is working on that

  • Ok, shut up, we are here.

    Danimanza - - Archive


    Cuida esos modales... Si quieres presentar tu alianza puedes hacerlo en el subforo Diplomacy, pero con el lenguaje más apropiado

  • Quote from retirado_off: “Quote from JoKy: “Quote from retirado_off: “gameforge open your eyes” Yeah! Go Gameforge! Listen! Look! . . . 1 Universe for all coms Old inactive deletion (no deletion on next day, or 2-3 days, so all accounts are deleted only after >35 days) 3.6k accounts just created (guessing startfarms) and never logged in. I hope it will have some active users over time and it contain not that much (oh retro, i want to see it > never log in again) Because of that we are thinking o…

  • Diplomacy Rules

    Danimanza - - Diplomacy


    1.- Subject must be appropiate and descriptive. (Hidden Content) 2.- Answers to thread must follow the topic. (Hidden Content) 3.- War declaration must have following structure: [War] [Alliance tag] Alliance Name declare war against [Alliance tag] Alliance Name 4. Only one declaration war per thread (Hidden Content) 5. Only alliance founder is allowed to declare a war (Hidden Content) 6. The war will start 12 hours after the thread declaration has been opened. (Hidden Content) 7. It is allowed t…

  • Trade Rules

    Danimanza - - Trade


    1.- Topic must be descriptive. (Hidden Content) 2.- Spam and flood are forbidden in this section (Hidden Content) 3.- Player should inform in his thread when trade finished. (Hidden Content) 4.- Only allowed to publish trades following legal rates (Hidden Content) 5.- Trade on your own risk (Hidden Content)

  • Quote from kajako: “i am not gonna lie then that i am not just trying to +1 by this post :P” waiting time is not so long...

  • Retro Server Duration

    Danimanza - - General


    It is not defined. If everything goes good, it should not be closed.