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  • Quote from lrdfrb: “I don't agree with you on that point. Some of the people certainly have understood it, but those posting comments like:” Now I think YOU have missed the point in my post... Quote from restlesz: “The reason we wanted that, was that the test uni is fairly new, and yet old. If the Version 4 had arrived in a year or two, then all test about V 3 had been done, then this server would have been reset a long time ago, and then it would have been a new uni for v4 what so ever. But,, s…

  • Quote from lrdfrb: “Sorry that I have to say this, but it really seems to me that 99% of you people here have not understood, what a testserver is for. If you want to spend time building up a nice account, then you're wrong here, because that's not what it was thought for - go to a normal universe and play there. This server is for testing and everybody who signs up here knows that. Point and over.” Well, it looks like you might have missed the point. We all know that it's a test server, and it …

  • Quote from Valent: “Problem is that for the moment only one test server is allowed.” Is this a GF rule or is it a rule for all games, when they need test servers? If is a GF rule - then they are in the possision to change the rules Second. Yes we know that it's a test server and WILL close one day. Don't think that anybody are complaning about that fact, but the fact that existing acc have to start all over again, to test a new version so close to the v3. And with 2x speed it will take more than…

  • 8ball, yes we all know that it will be closed one day, but to reset the server, keeping all the acc that's already there, but set tham back to 0, this is what they want to do now. And that's not such a good idea, do to the fact that a lot of the new items is ment for older acc. I understand that they want to test out for new unis, yes, but then start a new server together with this one, so they can test - at the same time - items for both new acc AND old acc. If version v had come a year or two …

  • I think that to reset the server now, will be a bad idea, simply because a lot of the new things in v4 benefits older acc, such as for ex the junk dealer - and who needs a robot boost of 6 hours in a new uni? If you keep this server AND start a new server, you will get the results a lot faster and find the bugs faster, since you might already have launched v4 in normal unis, when problems benefitting a higher lvl / older acc will show up in this restarted test uni. So to keep this server and sta…

  • I agree that the research takes extremly long time... How about a new research - some kind of nanite for the lab. and you can start researching this "lab-nanite thingy" when you have the IGN on lvl.... 4-5-6?

  • Not sure I understood you correctly, but if I did, then take a look at this. Version 4.0.0- new possibilities (preinfo) Look at the bottom - is it these robots you are talking about?

  • Good work, guys Profit isn't everything, but i wouldn't say that 27 mill profit is nothing either Keep up the good work, and glwrb, defender

  • LIKE! With the new highscore, it's difficult to spot a gravi-try. So if it's possible to get the number of fleet units back, I know a lot of people would be happy - Maybe as a tool tip in the highscore?

  • I agree. You should be able to v-mode when you have ongoing building/ research, but NOT the shipyard. When you have an acc where it takes forever to finish buildings/reseach, you also have high nanit, so you should be able to plan and do you upgrade in the shipyard, without having the poseblility to v-mode. If you put over too much defence/fleet in panic, because you're being attacked ,,-? just too bad,,, You should have planed it better, and have had enough cargos to move the res.

  • Okay, I try and find it. But the links from LogServer have BB-codes, so before I try and colect new reports, Is it posible to use the BB-Codes? Or is it some other codes you need? You find the BB-codes in the bottom of the report. Please let me know if that's good enough, otherwise, I'll of course get new orginal reports

  • Quote from GiaGia: “Send me this information: Source Code (22 lines) = Liten Skjold-Kuppel I need Original CR add a moon. I'll try and get the originales. What do you mean by add a moon? You don't have someone converter ? The only converter I have, is the LogServer. ”

  • Yeah, of course - it could be like that - that you can't go into v-mode again until 24-48 hours has past, but that would still give the bad aples about 15 v-mode a month - instead of 3 or 5. So ... if you as you can't go into v-mode until after 7 days of you last v-mode - then those who needs a 24 hours break - can get it, and... you bad aples can't abuse it.

  • I think you missunderstood a thing or two. 1: When I say 5x v-mode a month I mean that you can go into v-mode ONLY for 24 hours x5 in a month. If ypu are in -v-mode 48 hours or 14 days - it doesn't count as a 24 hours v-mode. That means your top-players can't do that all the time - since they can only do this 5 times out of 30 days - that means they have to fs 25 days a month. 2. Of course you can cacth a fleet, even when they're online.... return hit/blind lanx/ninja... But Yeah... You HAVE to …

  • Ninja:…84346d734de8a2da1c3aaf3b7 Normal:…bc6b4b180406ecb5afcf46489 Draw:…94491333476e16df1c062c0db ACS:…1e915b4f9e646a1bc6b1841dc

  • I'll try and get you the second suggestion

  • rgp... "role-playing game" ?? hehehe Nahh.. I guess it's ally msg.

  • Sort by

    restlesz - - Archive - Origin


    Since it's Considered Improvements for the Message System..... Sort out combat reports by time AND cords You can for example sort emails by date, topic or whatever. How about a button so you can sort by cords ( and off course time, as it is to day). Then it would be much easier to keep track of how many attacks you have had on a particular planet during the 24 hours period for bashing. I know this kind of function has been available for some time (years) in other GF games - like BiteFight for ex…

  • How can you abuse the v-mode...? As I see it, you guys wants easy targets, when they are off line. If people in speed unis, needs a break, or some sleep and is willingly losing 24 hours of production. then why not. People always find ways to protect themselve. If they can't go in v-mode to "get some sleep", they either quit, OR build HUGE defences, you barely can get though, anyway. And then you don't have the change WHEN they're online either. If you take away the 24 hours v-mode fro speed unis…

  • Inactive players (I)

    restlesz - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Quote from samuraipizzacat: “Pros outweigh the cons hugely.” Agree! If a top 10 player really wants to raid an inactive for 20k, then let him - He is, after all, working for the ress, and if he wants to use a slot or two on that, and miss out a big million "dollar" crash on an active player or even a farm on a inactive with 500k in profit, it's still up to him. So let the new acc get the chance to find ress, even on (I). And the miners/farmers. The more ress they find, the more they grow, and th…