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  • In game market

    Taro - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Actually i didnt read whole text, but i mostly got ur idea and im in to it. I think in ikariam they also have ingame market which is popular among users.

  • Phalanx Sensor and Relocation

    Taro - - Archive - Suggestions


    Well i dont see any reasons to block defense and solar sats production

  • Well i dont see any reasons to block defense and solar sats production

  • No, adjustion is very weak. Thats really nothing...

  • Cant imagine what you can build in 24hours duration that can harm other people.

  • Cant imagine what you can build in 24hours duration that can harm other people.

  • Quote from UNoWin: “You have access to a bigger area. Thus you have potentially more planets you could reach and this makes your catchment area bigger.” Then you need much more time to scan, right? Only few fleeters would use this advantage.

  • Quote from UNoWin: “and you could raid a pretty much bigger area cause you could colonize at least two planets per galaxy.” well not really. Only bots can farm from 20 moons, more to say its hard to have 20 moons.

  • Quote from HelpLess: “COGame for example already provides a function a like this and I like it. :-)” I assume it gathers information from galaxy view? Agree with inactive players, disagree with vacation mode players

  • Uni is too oriented for miners

  • Quote from UNoWin: “Level15: 15m Points Level20: 30m Points Level25:60m Points The approximate player would thus reach normally level 15 – 20” i lold Most players dont even reach 5 m points. Whole idea of leveling system is good, but before we can even start to think about that its better to ask WTH PS Played WOW ?

  • Quote from Eleria: “he means the ressources for the correct amount of missing solar sats (energy) for mines so you can transport in one flight the ressources of the mine and the ressources for solar sats” Yes, Eleria explained my idea.

  • Very nice script, thx. Shared it with other people and they liked it. I have one suggestion of improvement, add feature to automatically include recources for the necessary amount of SS need for the mine.

  • Discussion about merging universes

    Taro - - Spam


    Im not very pleased how GF started unimerging. As far as i know they took 5 universes and gave them 3 options where to go. Thats nothing!! And cant really help.

  • Hi there. Im representative of community and present this idea: As far as you know when u relocate planet with moon, you can use Gates only after 24h. This is necessary measure to prevent abusing relocation. But during early stages of the game its easy to abuse relocation with Planax Sensor. Let me show you an example(well this was real sitution, which repeated several times): Player 1 observes neighbour galaxies before fleet save and sees that he can safely fleet save without being cat…

  • Hi there. Im representative of community and present this idea: As far as you know when u relocate planet with moon, you can use Gates only after 24h. This is necessary measure to prevent abusing relocation. But during early stages of the game its easy to abuse relocation with Planax Sensor. Let me show you an example(well this was real sitution, which repeated several times): Player 1 observes neighbour galaxies before fleet save and sees that he can safely fleet save without being cat…

  • Discussion about merging universes

    Taro - - Spam


    asterix2, I cant really understand your concerns. If you play in a TOP alliance in old universe you certainly have some connections with players from other alliances and it's quite easy to follow each other during uni fusion. Open thread in national board, discuss with people where they plan to go, its very easy

  • Discussion about merging universes

    Taro - - Spam


    Fantastic news! Looking forward to hear something about other communities and i hope that GF is not going to delay uni-merging process for other communities.

  • Discussion about merging universes

    Taro - - Spam


    Kendiraton, you are from France, can u please translate what is there…nons-nous-de-nos-univers/ ?

  • General information about uni merging Вопрос: Возможно ли остаться в вселенной исхода или мы обязаны переселяться? Ответ: Вселенные исхода будут перемещены полностью и затем закрыты Это невозможно, чтобы только 10-20 человек. Вопрос: Мы сможем выбрать вселенную для переселения только один раз? Или мы сможем выбрать другую вселенную, во время этапа переселения? Например, если мне не понравится мое расположение планет. Ответ: У вас будет всего одна попытка, чтобы выбрать куда переселяться. Так что…