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  • Payment Maintenance on 22.03.2017

    Shole - - OGame


    Maintenance is over, and all is working again as it should. Best regards, Origin Team

  • Payment Maintenance on 22.03.2017

    Shole - - OGame


    Dear players, payment maintenance is scheduled for Wednesday, 22.03.2017 14:00 pm. All payment services, on all communities will be offline. Expected down time is ~2hours. Sorry for the inconvenience this may cause. Best regards, Origin Team

  • Sent additional information to both of you.

  • Imperium View

    Shole - - Troubleshooting


    Quote from benneb: “and additionally i don't have set option to style empire view, but AGO add some unwanted CSS ” Will be possible to disable that in next version, soon it will be update.

  • SELLING DEUT for METAL rate xxx

    Shole - - Archive


    Not allowed trade ratio.

  • Buying crystal! Ratio for metal

    Shole - - Archive


    Allowed trade ratio is 3:2:1 up to 2:1:1.

  • Imperium View

    Shole - - Troubleshooting


    Its because you have hiden Items tab, and i didnt trough about that, when i have werwritten that feature. So it appears as issue, but if you unhide that, it will be all normal. I will try to fix it this days. However thanks for reporting.

  • AntiGameOrigin - Changelog

    Shole - - AntiGameOrigin


    Change log version 6.3.7 Add-on: [Feature & Bugfix] Empire view improvements in style, reducing size to fit on whole display. [Polishing] Update of JQuery Image: 26February2017-img_id_901-47087-528.png 26February2017-img_id_973-ac73b-2be.png Images are not zoomed out! Web: We have successfully made AntiGameOrigin donation page on which can be found at: Thank you for all contribution for AntiGameOrigin. And about the updates, Chrome and Opera is expected to be …

  • You should have tried update data: 26February2017-img_id_54b-ed6b3-a97.png

  • Imperium View

    Shole - - Troubleshooting


    Yep, will be done. Maybe tomorrow, well as i said on .org. I want suggestions. I didn't knew how it was before so i made something new. So this how it is now is intended, haha. Will probably work on it tomorrow.

  • Hello Warsaalk, we don't have anything against that function as long as nothing is automated. As we spoken on Irc, so player must reload page to get data to be able to receive correct info in notification. For all edge cases please contact me. Best regards

  • AntiGameOrigin - Changelog

    Shole - - AntiGameOrigin


    Update version 6.3.6 Changelog: (Bugfix) Backend fixes (Bugfix) Imperium view (Feature) Tooltip on Empire view page * *Images of new Feature 22February2017-img_id_1d9-6e141-452.png and 22February2017-img_id_f34-4575a-3b0.png Update is expected to come tomorrow evening or night. Best regards, AntiGameOrigin Team

  • Fully updated

  • Fixed global statistics is working. Origin universes will come sooooon^^

  • Since i moved to new server with higher preformace, i didn't moved backup copies. So started from beginning making this tool. Its nearly finished, just need to add backend tool to make it work. It is coming soon %%

  • Quote from badkarma: “@Shole : any ETA for the next update (mainly for the empire view, it's really annoying to have it this way when you're used to get the much better version of AGO) ? ” So far i can't tell you ant eta for the next update but i hope soon.

  • Sent.

  • Oh yeah, forgot about that issue. Its just DNS issue on domain, i changed servers so just to put new IP. Will be working soon.

  • Quote from revex: “Have dl'd 6.3.5 just now and installed and not even an AGO logo appears on my ogame pages. removed and installed again but still not showing at all. Is it not compatible with my FF version? I'm using FF32 ” We didn't changed minimum version. As i posted on .de. Minimum version is 24.0 but maybe FireFox changed something, since you are second one which report this issue i will check it again in code.

  • AntiGameOrigin - Changelog

    Shole - - AntiGameOrigin


    New AGO version with fixes for OGame 6.3.5 is online for both, firefox and chrome. You can download it from:…antigameorigin-v6/?src=ss For FireFox…kooiapdmkbppmpgmjmhkolaeb For Chorome Enjoy it. Best regards, AntiGameOrigin Team avatar_1247.png