Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 47.

  • [New] API Key requests

    _HeDo - - OGame API


    *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key *** --> OSimulate Combat Simulator *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. *** --> Community and International *** Will be open source? *** --> no *** A short description of your developer / programming experience *** --> 15 years of experience in many different languages and dev environments *** Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed ) *** --> *** Valid e-mai…

  • Quote from Mylil: “ I am working on a battle simulator for ogame but despite all the 'wiki' articles and posts on the matter some things are very vague. Would it be possible to get the basic battle algorithm that elaborates some key things? If no, that's okay. I'll abandon the project now. ” I'm the creator behind OSimulate and I struggled a lot before making all this working properly The documentation is virtually non-existant. I actually had to use some test accounts in test uni to check how t…

  • Quote from polymorph: “Well, I prefer offline simulators to online equivalents. But I guess none of my reasons could convince you - else OSimulate wouldn't be a pure online sim (So I don't start argumenting from my subjective point of view) ” I'm curious, I can't see the reason why offline > online :)

  • Nice idea, but why bothering with an offline simulator when tools like OSimulate exist? I think you are undervaluating the project because the simulation engine is just part of the work, the GUI will eat up most of the development time. I hope you find somebody

  • wonderful

    _HeDo - - Archive - User Project's


    i think it would be interesting if OGame could provide both XML and JSON apis. It's won't be difficult to implement and it will let devices connected with 3G (like cellphones or tablets) to be more efficient. XML and JSON are both widely supported in every language, there is no interoperability problem. For all those who dont know, XML and JSON are just interchange formats, they are not bound to any language or platform

  • wonderful

    _HeDo - - Archive - User Project's


    Quote from 8arlock: “Nice innovation... but queries to the database would be better ;)” ehm... way too much???

  • wonderful

    _HeDo - - Archive - User Project's


    I think this is really great for tool developers

  • OSimulate Translation

    _HeDo - - Projects Translations


    ok i will fix it, thanks btw

  • OSimulate Translation

    _HeDo - - Projects Translations


    Quote from j0n: “Hi all, I was informed of this Thread, to post my concerns on. Usually when someone simulates a battle, its fairly close to the outcome afterwards.. But when you attack a PLANET, the simulators do NOT take into consideration, the energy levels on the planet. That affects the battle outcome significantally, engery levels for shieldings. So sometimes, we lose a lot more, than the sim says.” can you argument it further? I think I havent understood it How can the energy level of the…

  • where did you get the ratios and the other factors?

  • OSimulate Translation

    _HeDo - - Projects Translations


    thank you for the translation, added right now!

  • OSimulate Translation

    _HeDo - - Projects Translations


    Quote from Kramagon: “A pleasure If you need something more, let me know :)” ok, thanks again!

  • OSimulate Translation

    _HeDo - - Projects Translations


    Quote from Kramagon: “ Done :P” good job, I'll add you to the credits

  • OSimulate Translation

    _HeDo - - Projects Translations


    @Kramagon: I've added these lines, could you translate them? (Hidden Content) btw thx to all for your support!

  • OSimulate Translation

    _HeDo - - Projects Translations


    here it is the pt translation file:

  • OSimulate Translation

    _HeDo - - Projects Translations


    Quote from Kramagon: “On it!! :P” I'm looking forward to it!

  • OSimulate Translation

    _HeDo - - Projects Translations


    i've changed the way osimulate handles the spy reports so it is not needed anymore to translate the report strings. it makes the translator job pretty easy, i'm seriously thinking to use google translate and then refine the translations on user feedback basis. but this will be my last bullet XD currently waiting for a spanish translator!

  • AntiGame Origin

    _HeDo - - Archive - User Project's


    Quote from Francolino: “Fixed with adding ids and The "bugfixes" from bontchev are often toooo dirty - it's impossible to include them as they are ... with his "solution" the success depends on correct language files.”

  • for those who can't open rar files I've uploaded a zip version!

  • AntiGame Origin

    _HeDo - - Archive - User Project's


    Quote from Mikas60: “Opera is, and imo will always be, an obsolete browser. Even the new version sucks compared to Firefox or Chrome, hell i like IE better then i like Opera lol Also, it was stated before that until someone steps up to maintain this script, that all the Ogame Scripts Team would do is fix any problems that new Ogame versions may cause on the script. There would only be bug fixed and no new utilities would most likely be added.” Opera is not that bad, trust me btw we are discussin…