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  • We had some events with that configuration . I think that it is a good idea to implement it as permanent configuration.

  • Quote from venice: “for these limited communities maybe yes its good idea, but i dunno how GameForge approach this idea , and this can be lead to merged 3 or 4 major community ( %50 of OGame player wont accept such a thing i think ) but if it stays with these countries i think why not +1 ” Every process of change is always a mess, but I think that close small communities could be a good option for the game... I don't know if "major communities" are 3, 4 or more, but at least 10 communities are t…

  • Relocate

    Danimanza - - Archive - Suggestions


    This idea is not viable, we have relocations for that... yes, they are expensive but the idea of that feature is being a rare feature, not a thing that everybody can do once per month... only people who maintain the game... yes, maybe it is hard but GF would need to sell as much DM as posible to earn profit from his product

  • The idea of double moon is not bad, and was suggested before but I think that we need to improve the benefits... to make it viable. Quote from anonymus: “ POWER OF THE DOUBLE MOON. - The EDLM sent in Mission "Destroy Moon" from Moon 2, will have a success rate of 50%, increasing 5% for each EDLM that is added in the same mission. ” That is too strong Quote: “ - Salto Cuantico made from the Moon 2 or received on the Moon 2, do not generate timer. ” You mean only to the timer on double moon or eve…

  • international fusions

    Danimanza - - Archive - Suggestions


    Quote from AvengerOne: “Language is indeed a problem, but it can be solved quite easily. Also, why we should lose our community ? I think that it would be even more important instead: give support and assistance in an internation situation ... like a sort of embassy ahah Of course I'm not saying to this right here and right now, I'm just saying that it's something to think about ” Yes... some games from gameforge already have international boards where a lot of languages are allowed (even ogame …

  • Auction suggestion

    Danimanza - - Suggestions


    Quote from Kellogen: “Every Bid within the Approximately 5 Minutes Remaining Notification should add 9mins to the total remaining time than say the 9mins it takes to pass in the first place. 5 Minutes Approximate Notification can stay the same either way, one way or another. Thanks, Kellogen ” if you add time when someone bid, then probably the auction will not end...

  • Auction suggestion

    Danimanza - - Suggestions


    Quote from kertif: “Quote from Danimanza: “I think that the "tax" idea is very good, but it needs to be improved a little bit to look like a strong idea if we ask feedback to GF. ” I thought about how to make more senseable, this came to my mind, an exponential formula, The formula: 1.15^n (n is the total value of acquired items) n=3 for Gold items, n=2 for Silver items, n=1 for Bronze items, so, for example if you got one Gold and two Bronze items so far, you will pay 1.2^(3+1+1) = 2.01 times o…

  • Auction suggestion

    Danimanza - - Suggestions


    I think that the "tax" idea is very good, but it needs to be improved a little bit to look like a strong idea if we ask feedback to GF.

  • Auction suggestion

    Danimanza - - Suggestions


    Good purpose, good idea, we need to fight this kind of bully but... bad solution Limit the number of winning is not a good idea for any game..and actually, not for auctioneers even if you limit it to 1 per day, there are 18 auctioneers every day (except events...), so top1-top18 players can still make bullying once per day I think that maybe best idea would be split different auctioneers related with rank (for example 1 different auc each 100 rank positions), or bid depending your rank/daily pro…

  • Make MD´s great again

    Danimanza - - Archive - Suggestions


    I think that 6 attack per day limitation is fine, specially for speed servers, where moons are weaker than in normal (x1) servers. Tactic of clean all moons meanwhile he sleeps on enemy doesn't fit for me to a fair gameplay, so with this limitation we can avoid that a little bit (maybe we should even think in another limitation).


    Danimanza - - Archive - Suggestions


    Quote from MikeGrinder: “Quote from TGWo: “Quote from Danimanza: “This idea would be useful to swap your planet location with other player ” The problem of this solution could be with multyaccount ............ because if this swap cost less that a normal relocation, it is possible that exist players that create directly or indirectly a new account to swap planet ” Agreed, there'd be a lot of complication and plus some smart players will play around with the system. ” That's an issue which game t…


    Danimanza - - Archive - Suggestions


    This idea would be useful to swap your planet location with other player, not with your own planet, I think. It would be necessary to add a CD of 24h for jumpgate just to avoid edge cases, as relocation feature.

  • Quote from Laskov: “No but seriously what you make fun of us? This is mozillia that antigame code or you? so if there is a bug on it if you still have two choices 1 you report the problems to the Firefox developers 2 you correct your script based on this browser ” Yes, we know about both cases, and this will be the procedure (it can be applied on any bug of almost any script) 1.- We will report it to FF and we will wait until it is fixed. 2.- We will work on it and we will wait until it is fixed…

  • To-Do List

    Danimanza - - Localization Area


    This is the list of texts, which should be translated. If you see anything missing, please PM me <br \> <br \> table.tableizer-table { border: 1px solid #CCC; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif font-size: 12px; } .tableizer-table td { padding: 4px; margin: 3px; border: 1px solid #ccc; } .tableizer-table th { background-color: #0000ff; color: #FFF; font-weight: bold; } TutorialsNameProgressCountries missing 0First steps 1Basic economy 2Buildings 3Defense 4Research 5Ships 6Saving 7Trade 8Es…

  • Localization Team

    Danimanza - - Localization Area


    Loca team will follow this line command: - Origin Admins - Supporter(s) : one supporter, who will coordinate all leaders. - Leaders (Crew): one per community, who will coordinate all translators. - Translator (Crew): no limit, but they must be active. - Translator (Helper): no DPA. We give some coupons (less than DPAed teamlers, if they are really active). Supporter GameMaster Country Bulgarian Czech German Scandinavian Spanish French Greek Hungarian Balkan Team-Leader: - - Lord_ ErikFyr Imperor…

  • Sell crystal for deut.

    Danimanza - - Archive


    Trade finished

  • Pranger List

    Danimanza - - Archive


    Server is retro but other stuff can't be retro, sorry. We are still living in 2016 There is no way to discuss this, since it can't be changed.

  • No battlecruisers?

    Danimanza - - General


    It is not a bug. This server want to commemorate first versions of OGame, when BC or ACS were not released in game yet.

  • - Official Spanish discussion thread

    Danimanza - - General


    Que mala suerte xD

  • - Official Spanish discussion thread

    Danimanza - - General


    Quote from saiko: “Quote from Danimanza: “ Quoted from "yessi" Quoted from "saiko" buenas, me he registrado hoy, y queria cambiar la contraseña que me han dado ellos por defecto, pero no encuentro donde, pense que es porq no habia confirmado el registro en el mail, pero no viene enlace para ello, alguno me podría decir como cambiar la contraseña? por el momento no se puede Ni por el momento ni en un futuro ” gracias, otra pregunta, he creado con un amigo nuestra alianza de siempre, pero me he da…