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  • its dumb and probally another case where things weren't rellay thought through with fast recs you pay 50% more deu for the same speed and 3 times the amount for saving your recs. getting fast recs is already so expensive that the vast majorty of players will never have them yeah, the benefit is pretty neat but with investing that much ressources there shouldnt be such a downside

  • i dont see the harm - can someone enlighten me? ppl would be able to fleetsave own df over night in speeduniverses > nice reduction of deu consumption in contrast to the beliefs of the guy that brought you 'esp counter chances are not random' retiming someone wouldnt be a mess especially if only 2 percentages would be added. i actually think it would lead to more interceptions. most definitely there would be more opportunities because intercepting someone from colo save is difficult at the momen…

  • he wasnt talking about 97% he was talking about 1%;2%..9% and then the known 10-100% steps. i dont see a problem as fleeter edit: he even said less: 1% and 5% so even less numbers to worry about for interceptions. 1% would make own df save even in 5x speed possible which would probally lead to alot more interceptions. i fully support the idea ._.

  • for me it was origin

  • flights to your own planets shouldnt be fasten ofc - i hope that wouldnt be a problem code-wise i dont think that it would increase the amount of buddykills to a point where the perks of this idea would be outdone. do you? 4x/5x speed universes dont have more buddykills than lower speed servers at least from my experiece. (Hidden Content)

  • flights to your own planets shouldnt be fasten ofc - i hope that wouldnt be a problem code-wise i dont think that it would increase the amount of buddykills to a point where the perks of this idea would be outdone. do you? 4x/5x speed universes dont have more buddykills than lower speed servers at least from my experiece. (Hidden Content)

  • first of all i dont know why you would dimiss the whole idea because of one aspect which could of course be cut and then im not quite sure how many retimes of acs defends on moons you pulled off but i guess the number is 0 or are you talking about retiming large cargos? since it seems that ppl who are involved in development are often not that familiar with the game itself i will break it down for you: retimes usually happen when someone attacks and not if someone holds on an ally planet(especia…

  • yes i thought so that alot of ppl would say the game becomes too easy and it would suck for attackers if ppl could just save last second. regarding concerns that it would be really unfair for raiders: most of the time if players come online while beeing attacked they can save anyway. either by spending ressources or they simply have enough cargos. of course there are cases were ppl cant save and spend all ress. e.g. if they have high amounts of deu - but this is a rare case. and even then ppl wo…

  • only the ones who are sloppy and dont slow their attacks

  • there are more than enough players that dont post or even visit the forums i believe alot of players would love the idea of beeing able to save all planets in under a minute could you send me the link of your thread on the polish forum?

  • Quote from gamer2014: “univeres - even with a decent numbers of active players - feel like ghost towns because the distance between active players is artifical increased by dm corpses.” its not about space tho

  • the number of longtime inactive players are at around 60% for every major region and the number is rising. univeres - even with a decent numbers of active players - feel like ghost towns because the distance between active players is artifical increased by dm corpses. the gf cant just delete these accounts because of german law and they wont move or delete their colonies for whatever reason. so if moving isnt an option make multiple colonisation at one position possible. e.g. a players who bough…

  • i played an ogame clone some years ago where you could collect all ressources from all planets with 1 click and have them instant avaible on the planet/moon you used the "harvest function" on. i found that very useful. it costed a little bit of dm - i think like 250 or 500. im not quite sure but i think it was limited to planets. so you couldnt just bring all ressources from a moon in saftey you just lost your fleet on. additionally it would be kinda annoying for ppl with deu fleets when suddenl…

  • so today?

  • moon via tutorial

    gamer2014 - - Archive - Suggestions


    how is a moon a big advantage? its more handy for fleetsaving because you have more room for who long you want to send the fleet away, yes. but you dont gain superpowers with it, especially if everyone could get a moon that easy. its not like moons are rare at the moment or hard to obtain. (Hidden Content)

  • names are still missing

  • beeing crashed is a common reason to quit the game and beeing farmed quite often will most likley have the same effect. i suggest that there should be an extra df formed only for the defender if someone is crashed/farmed. only the attacked person would be able to harvest that df - mb additionally allymates/buddies i think 50% of the original df would be nice number. i see a problem with 60/70% df univerese tho - so either a different percentage for these server or a general lower % for defenders…

  • buff solar plant

    gamer2014 - - Archive - Suggestions


    depending on the temperature of your planet building past level 20-24 isnt profitable. i suggest to increase the production and decrease the building costs at higher level. at the moment with every level building solar plant becomes 1.5 times more expensive. decrease that rate to 1.4 at level10 and 1.3 at level20 additionaly add a bonus depending on the temperature of the planet. e.g. 40°C would mean 20% production bonus 100°C 50% planets with 0°C or less wouldnt be affected.

  • moon via tutorial

    gamer2014 - - Archive - Suggestions


    if there are plans to rework the tutorial there will probally a point which tackles the subject saving. i think a good reward for completing this step would be a 100% moonshot so basically a free moon except you have to pay for the 1667/1000/815 lf depending on % df the task could be to fleet save 7 days in a row. e.g. you have to buid 20 lg for this tutorial step, send them away at least 4 hours a day and make sure there are not more than 10k total ressource left on the planet at the time the f…