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  • Hello sorressean, I dont want to leave a thread like this unanswered too long, but sometimes it lasts a while until we can answer on topics like this one. I have forwarded your concerns and suggestions about improving the accessability, but i cant define how much work it is and if it gets implemented. I know that this answer is not a perfect one, but unfortenately its not in my hands to do anything more than forward it. Thanks of course too for your offer to help with your experience here. I thi…

  • Submitting new tools

    TheViking - - Archive


    Quote from Dark Sky: “1) players have to inform themselves. (same with keeping track of attacks to avoid bashing, for example) 2) you won't get an explanation on how game operators work.” This is exactly what its like.

  • skynet not working

    TheViking - - Skynet


    Yep it has. IF you open the detailed reort ther should be a whole area for this.

  • messageing filter

    TheViking - - Archive - Suggestions


    Hello index, it would be very nice if could calm down a little bit. There is no need for utopic font sizes or any anger. Would be nice if we can discuss about this topic in a constructive way.

  • Hi, You can only use the combat report api, if you have git an gameforge api key. Gameforge decides who is getting a key for his/her tool. so you definetely need a special tool for using this api.

  • Changelog: 6.0.0-RC8

    TheViking - - OGame


    - Simple fix for Fleet3 tank capacity display. - Chat fixed when switching in chats from "More Chats" section. - Opening chats when chats open but hidden fixed. - Translation fixes, removed useless "More details button". - Text "Deleted player" now shown in messages when player deleted. - More users section in Chatbar fixed and given close button. - Another fix for the galaxy overview on IE. - No more flickering when reloading page with chat open. - Lower chatbar now closes chats correctly and r…

  • Afaik, there were already discussions about this topic in Germany too. I will see if a can find a link next days.

  • OGMem

    TheViking - - Archive - News


    - Info : Modern CR-upload tool - Author : OGMem Team - Website : - Support : #OGMem - Languages : German and english (more to come)

  • Just 4 Info: Quote from JoKy: “Today we made an "Hotfix" of 6.0.0-RC5, whith these changes Quote: “- Fix Auctioneer countdown (Broken because of IE JS Fixes) - Planetmove errors not correct shown - Fix newlines in comments at shared reports - Fix showing buddy request if already a request pending for player - Fix for pagination bugs on last page - Change Dropdown in Alliance page to new style - Add refId to error page redirect to make invites work - Bug display with ASC attack ” LG” Best Regards…

  • This Tool is tolerated ofc.

  • @technopredator: This board is a friendly place and people are trying to help you. Your behaviour here is a bit misplaced. Pls change that. You forced me now to write the first moderative Post since about one and a half year. Maybe you take some time to think about this...

  • Mysterious. I checked your universe and it has 9 galaxies. Thst exactly that on enumber, the fix should work for.

  • YOu dont neet Greasemonkey for those Antigame Versions, since AntiGame is a standalone Firefox extension since a long time.

  • Decreased support during the weekend

    TheViking - - Origin


    Dear players, due to a teambuilding/company event of Gameforge during this weekend, starting on Friday, 17th July in the morning, support response times during this time frame will be slowed down and availability of team members might be decreased. We thank you for your understanding. All support will start going back to normal from Monday, 20th July on. Your Origin Team

  • Hey, RSS Feed is for sure about messages, but atm there are no changes included for it in 6.0. I will move this thread to Ideas Planet now.

  • Quote from JoKy: “Quote: “- Prinzipiell: Ja", aber - Dem User die Option (Default "aus") geben - Es dem User per fadein oder popup oder whatever anzeigen ("Sent XX CR- IDs to Server") - Beta3 hat die CR-IDs auch in den kurzen berichten.” Ansich schauen wir uns das aber auch live an, wieviele abfragen pro IP dann kommen und ob wir hier eine Regelung treffen müssen, ggf. mit nem throttle oder dergleichen. LG” Theoretically yes, but: -This option should be deactivated as default. -Let User Confirm …

  • Afaik we dont have access to the AGO Webstore Repository, so this is not possible.

  • Quote from vulca: “EDIT for 6.0 : Is it possible to have the CR_KEY on the short CR ? Will avoid to request to detailled CR to have it :)” -> Pls post this in the API thread as feedback too. Dev is watching this thread