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  • IPM report for attacker

    marv - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Since scrap merchat was introduced, people under IPM assault can scrap their defense before IPMs hit them. People can also claim that they scrapped their defenses even if they didn't. Attacker has no way of proving that defense was destroyed by IPMs. This is really important, because every IPM HoF and every war hit which includes IPM-ing can be called false by the defender. To avoid this problem, some kind of IPM report for the attacker should be introduced. It should at least have total damage …

  • CR Converter in ogame page

    marv - - Archive - User Project's


    Yeah, I know it's hobby, but I'm still kind of embarrassed that I didn't at least leave a note that I'm busy. It doesn't matter, we'll pull this off somehow... So, now we're talking about attackers name after the fight. It's line 73 in the non converted report. The original looks like this: Quote: “ ... Napadač lid Snak ...” If I change line 73 from: Source Code (1 line) to Source Code (1 line) I get: Quote: “ ... Napadač 3 ...” If I change it to: Source Code (1 line) I get: Quote: “ ... Napadač…

  • Profit doesn't really count in revenge hits, but I agree that this is a rather poor revenge. If he keeps doing that on all your planets without getting a ninja, it would be worth it, no matter how big his losses are. I don't actually believe that will happen, but I'm looking forward to reading more about this situation...

  • CR Converter in ogame page

    marv - - Archive - User Project's


    Solid, tnx for the report. Gia, I'm sorry I didn't make any updates for so long, but I'm busy during the summer. I suggest we use this report for testing, because it's the most common (attacker wins the fight). First par of converted report looks fine, except for this "ciccio03". Can you remove that? Second part of the converted report (after battle) is pretty messed up. "ciccio02" should be removed. The attacker's name isn't displayed properly. First two characters and last character are missin…

  • Quote from daaq360: “... launched and he came online and FS'd and never pm'd (least there was only a 5 min gap of which i didn see b4 impact) ... ” I always do that if I'm online when under attack. I don't see any reason why should I help someone who tries to steal from me. Gagi, fr... P.S. where was the dog during those 5 minutes?

  • I bet you wouldn't lose that BS if the dog was by your side. Peroon, fr...

  • GG pet dog for keeping your master awake through the attack and thus allowing him to avoid a possible ninja. Brittse, fr...

  • new type of attacks

    marv - - Archive - OGame Planet


    This has been suggested at the .org as well (exactly the same idea):…0354-new-type-of-attacks/ It mostly got negative feedback. Generally speaking, I don't like it, because it involves too much "innovations". Personally, as a player which doesn't attack, but does harvest debris either for myself, or for other players, I don't like the idea of my recyclers being destroyed while on a "peaceful" mission.

  • Nice job. It's good to see there are active hunters out there. I had a trouble with gravitons myself a few weeks ago, but I somehow managed to finish them. Abitbol, fr...

  • Rapidfire isn't related to cost. If it was, we wouldn't have this: Rapidfire against Small Cargo: 250 Rapidfire against Large Cargo: 250 Rapidfire against Colony Ship: 250 Rapidfire against Recycler: 250 Rapidfire against Heavy Laser: 100 Rapidfire against Ion Cannon: 100 Bombers have only one purpose: destroying the defense. They are already way too powerful at that. Since every turtle has to have at least a few RIPs on it's shell, making bombers more effective against RIPs would be wrong. As f…

  • I agree that the most important thing is to learn players how to FleetSave properly. There is one other thing that I think is really important, but isn't mentioned anywhere. That's ResourceSaving by ordering/cancelling a certain building/research. Maybe something like this: "Keep 3M resources on a single planet for 24 hours." And a hint could be added about ordering/cancelling a building/research that takes long time to finish. However, this could lead to new players being raided if they try to …

  • CR Converter in ogame page

    marv - - Archive - User Project's


    Since you can't give me more details about how exactly converter determines what to search for, I'll have to keep experimenting. These are changes that I made: old: Source Code (4 lines) new: Source Code (4 lines) Let me know when the new file is online.

  • I'm completely confused now. This is how report looks like: Quote: “ Na dan 09.06.2012 sljedece flote se priblizavaju jedna drugoj Napadač Dalton • Sonde za spijunazu 1 • Obranioc marv • Mali transporter 629 • • Veliki transporter 1 • • Mali lovac 5 • • Veliki lovac 1 • • Krstarica 561 • • Borbeni brod 98 • • Kolonijalni brod 1 • • Recikler 80 • • Sonde za spijunazu 389 • • Bombarder 148 • • Solarni satelit 466 • • Razarac 105 • • Zvijezda smrti 1 • • Oklopna krstarica 164 • • Raketobacaci 23.08…

  • I guess the problem is because both "destroyed" strings are the same in Chrome and Firefox. So the program matches it two times. To test this, I did the following: Source Code (5 lines) I suppose that tag009 is a string to search for in the battle report, and tag031 is the string that is displayed after conversion. If tag029, tag030 or tag069 appear in the converted report, I'll know that I'm wrong...

  • CR Converter in ogame page

    marv - - Archive - User Project's


    Weee! Congratulations. Ok, let's continue. We have to fix this part: Quote: “ Napadač Dalton je Napadač Dalton je »» uništen «« ” I think it should just say: Quote: “ Napadač Dalton »» uništen «« ” Can you upload the latest file and point me to the tags that are involved in that part?

  • It keeps getting worse. Can you use something like "Sonde.?piju." ?

  • I don't understand, why is post 31 displayed correctly?

  • Ok, the date is partially fixed (time isn't displayed). We have "[ /color]" under attacker's name. As for the probe, it was ok when you converted in post 31. Did you copy ship names from the forum then? Can you paste this: Source Code (1 line) to the .inc file?

  • Quote: “ Na dan 09.06.2012 23:2 sljedece flote se priblizavaju jedna drugoj Napadač Dalton SONDE.ŠPIJU. 1[/color] • Obranioc marv • Mali transporter 629 • • Veliki transporter 1 • • Mali lovac 5 • • Veliki lovac 1 • • Krstarica 561 • • Borbeni brod 98 • • Kolonijalni brod 1 • • Recikler 80 • SONDE.ŠPIJU. • Bombarder 389 • • Solarni satelit 148 • • Razarac 466 • • Zvijezda smrti 105 • • Oklopna krstarica 1 • • Raketobacaci 164 • • Mali laser 23.088 • • Veliki laser 23.088 • • Gaussov top 70.200 •…

  • Ok, here it is. Since neither of us speaks english natively, we have some problems in our communication. However, I hope we will manage to pull this through before thursday. (after that we'll curse each other... ). Let me know when you put the files online, so I can test the converter, and compare results with changes I made.