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  • hi again Please create a setting into UV options to "click on the button to open the favourite target list" , because: i hover the button and open the list when i want to select another pinned browsertab (like from the AGO feature that on messages page the fleetpage1 is opened in another browser tab) when i want to click on the message box when i come from the AGO Infopanel when i want to use the AGO feature that clicking on the OGame logo opens an ogame page (...or other directions in which the…

  • hi this pretty nice feature to list favourite coordinates via the galaxy should also show, if the coordinate has already been added to the list. By Hovering over the position (and then hover over the grey plus) a red plus should be shown instead of the green plus, if this coordinate is in the favourite target list. i modified the image (red plus) for those buttons, to keep the same style like the green plus: original: spreading_add.gif remade: ksxrujer.gif here is example: qkzoxjpa.png changes a…

  • Hi like I wrote in my feedback to the latest version (here) I wish to have an "colour inversion"-icon next to the field for the galaxy colour. It can look like an bulb/lamp in half black and half white or something like that^^ The galaxy colour will be inverted on hovering over that icon to increase the contrast for some colours. For the overview it can be nice to see a darkened line every 50 or 100 solarsystems

  • possible tags for the future

    fl00ri - - Old tutorials etc


    all here listed tags are not implemented. They are just concepts that may be introduced in the future... the corresponding colour codes can hopefully be taken from the tab "Colouring & Highlighting" so that the tooltips go uniform with customized colours (or change the colour codes to a lighter version). - resources tags: - [METAL]metal[] (#96824f) - [CRYSTAL]crystal[] (#4e95cb) - [DEUTERIUM]deuterium[] (#57cbb7) - [ENERGY]energy[] (#c88189) - mission colour tags: - [ATTACK]Attack[] (#D43635) - …

  • latest update: 29.09.2013 [P - Settings @ menus] - OVERVIEW: 1. [Restore] AGO menu → Data & Settings → Backup via server → # 2. [Backup] AGO menu → Data & Settings → Backup via server → # 3. [Use included OGame images instead of loading via internet] 8yuqxezm.png - 8yuqxezm.png AGO menu → Skin & Usability → Skin → # More images will be added in the future. The performance of OGame will be increased and so a nice improvement. the background colour selection could be displa…

  • Dear user Please help us to improve the usability, behaviour and connection of the Infopanel. This thread is about the tab Tools. feel free to show us your ideas. - Suggest what tools should be displayed in which subsection (pls give the complete url-link) in the tab Tools of the Infopanel. - Only multilingual tools (at least EN,DE,FR, +1) tools will be used (use EN as the default language). - There can be a specific behaviour of the Infopanel (Visual selection feedback, Colouring & Highlighting…

  • Dear user Please help us to improve the usability, behavior and connection of the Panel. This thread is about the tab Settings. feel free to show us your ideas. - Suggest what settings should be displayed on which page (pls give an example/reason) in the tab Settings of the Panel. - Only important and often changed (for a special purpose/routine) settings will be used, if there are a lot of possible settings. - If the setting does not exist in the AGOoptions, then please colour the font green (#…

  • sry^^ ofc iam using the latest versions. FF 23.0.1 AGO (bug has been noticed with pls notice that iam using other GMscripts and extensions, so there could be the reason, too. (i had no time to test it out...) is this bug appearing for you, too ?

  • latest update: 09.10.2013 - common tooltips (setting) - use this headlines in this order: - [EXPLANATION] (is added on default and doesnt need to be written down) - [HINT] (for referring to other settings and showing hidden functionality) - [TIP] (for showing a workflow, maybe in combination with other settings) - uncommon tooltips (section) - use this headlines in this order: (greyed out tags are unusual and should be avoided) - [GENERAL] (for the Enable-checkbox) - [STANDARD] (for default feat…

  • if the setting [12.3.3|Open Fleet I in an own tab or window] is enabled and if you use the [A]-button of any spy report in the Spiohelper then AGO disappears on FLEET1-pageload in the new tab. the preselection still works, but every other feature is gone like - changed order of events and other content - native OGame planet list and patch notes, removed AGO-menu - no fleetpage info. no name/details on images. no routine missions etc. (on the next pageload all is fine again) p.s. in uni680 the pr…

  • feedback

    fl00ri - - UniverseView


    Hi Waarsalk, i like your new version and ofc the new features, but there are still some small missbehaviours: 1. button placement: 6eib8kqp.png - adjust the "favourite target"- button (same height like Tutorial-button) - commonly replace the officer status bar (moved to the right althought the quicksearch and player spreading feature is disabled) - use a bigger and adjusted image for the player spreading icon if quicksearch is disabled - if possible please replace the disk-icon from the userscri…

  • For now you can use only the predefined status tags as they are. Maybe you can rename existing tags or create new one sometimes in the feature, depending on Francolino ;D There are some suggestions about tags and coloring&highlighting, like an expanded 'buddy-list' where you are able to show and sort all marked player/alliance by their tags (and maybe for 3 customly created tags by a given $subject). Let's wait for it

  • 10. Fleet - Routines

    fl00ri - - Old tutorials etc


    you can not define the exact amount of every ship type of the fleet compilation for Routine Expedition - this is a Commander feature. The ships are taken like it is explained in the part [HINT] of the corresponding tooltip []

  • I got the idea to show more info on the Merchant menu button. 1. left side = shows if a box is there to buy and which rarity it is. The image is linked directly to Import/Export and a tooltip may show the name. - box images: 857nc9to.png 5a7xj9rf.png spfykkyk.png | common, uncommon, rare 2. right side = shows if a item is there to bid for and which rarity it is. The image is linked directly to Auctioneer and a tooltip may show the item. (there are BBCode tags for items) - Newtron: f2tz227j.png k…

  • Fleet - Last amount Buttons

    fl00ri - - Fleet


    I thought a bit about the repeat button and i came to another suggestion. place it to the right of the inputfield for the building of a ship/defense so you can set in the last used amount of this shiptype/defensetype to build it at another location. [it also can be placed to the left of the input menu on the image] e.g. i want to build 10 battleships on each of my planets so i go to any of my planets, set the amount of 10 in the inputfield for battleships and just need to use the repeat button f…

  • (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content)

  • [Concept] AGO/C&H - Resource colors

    fl00ri - - Archive


    Resource colours are nice, should be shown everywhere :) for the main resources on the current location i suggest to make 1) a bold font if the storages are almost filled up 2) bold font and a red border if the storages are completely filled up additionally i suggest to show the difference to a filled storage in the bottom left corner of the corresponding resource image (like at fleet3-resource loading - the remaining resources are shown on the image). this font should have a medium opacity and …

  • 12. Messages

    fl00ri - - Old tutorials etc


    latest update: 05.08.2013 [12.1|Common] Quote: “ [STANDARD] - Shows fleet composition in 'Return of a fleet' messages. - Adds a text field for replies below alliance circular messages. - Adds a quote-button in player and alliance messages (generates BBCode in text field). ” - [|Additional buttons on Messages] b1c7ef5b1164eba44e55b7f6d25d35.gif - [EXPLANATION] Adds shortcuts, that are predefined or defined by yourself, to the headline of the Ogame-tab Messages: V - Mark shown or marked me…

  • 11. Events & Galaxy

    fl00ri - - Old tutorials etc


    latest update: 05.08.2013 [11.1|Fleet movement] b1c7ef5b1164eba44e55b7f6d25d35.gifEnable Quote: “[GENERAL] - [SETTING]Enable[] enables or disables all features of this subsection. [SHORTCUTS] - [SHORTCUT]Enter[] go back to [FLEET1] (after having sent a fleet) ” - [11.1.1|Improve layout, show summary and details] b1c7ef5b1164eba44e55b7f6d25d35.gif - [EXPLANATION] Adds the corresponding player name and the arrival time of Return. Removes the background image of a single movement and displays detai…

  • [Concept] Instructions Manual

    fl00ri - - Archive


    The Features/Tutorials/Manuals are in a single thread: see here ! they all will be completely released soon. Please take a look there and maybe give feedback/suggestions to improve the tooltips. Remember that the AGO-team is still searching for some voluntary translators (see here) GreetingZ