Search Results

Search results 1-11 of 11.

  • When clicking on the Ogame version in the lower left it will bring up the Patch Notes. The only patch notes listed are pre v6. I am not sure if this was automated and the automation broke with the v6 upgrade.

  • Communication messages option to add a link/url is missing.

  • The answer button that appears in Communication Messages does not work. It should allow a reply to the existing communication message, but when pressed just takes you over to the chat screen.

  • Previous to v6 when a player private messaged you it would show up in the RSS feed. Now since the pm function has been moved to chat this has been lost and pm's no longer appear in RSS. Please add chat messages to the RSS feed.

  • Messages that appear under communication messages have an answer button that does not work: When the answer button is clicked it just takes you over to chat instead of allowing a reply to the current message.

  • Are the chat messages supposed to be in RSS or should i file an enhancement request for that since pm's were viewable through rss pre v6. Thank you, Casper

  • This seems to be a bug with the way the integrated reader in Firefox is interpreting the feed. I have tested in another feed reader (Vienna) and the issue isn't present. Or it could be that firefox rss reader is doing a strict interpretation of XML. The link below show that there is a <span> </span> tag in the items that have issues that probably shouldn't be there:

  • Ogame version is 6.0.4 on (firefox 37.0 w/ no addons) Here is a screenshot of my rss configuration screen. As you see there is no option to configure atom/rss. rss was enabled before the upgrade. There is also no option to disable rss. Following is a screenshot where you can see the circ communication message to my alliance shows a null value. The espionage report show up properly. This also occurs on…

  • There is no longer an option for atom. The only option i have is rss as shown in the following screenshot: I did have rss configured before this, so maybe a user without it configured has options to enable atom or rss. I also don't see a way to disable rss feed. Following is a screenshot of a test that includes and espionage report and circ to my alliance. As you see the communication message game back with a null value.…

  • Removal of any game item type (building, research, fleet, defense) should be accompanied by reimbursement to the player of a value equal to the resources used to implement that item in their account.

  • RSS feed now contains null items. Combat Reports Alliance Message Broadcasts