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  • Since OGame v6 there are no message subjects in use to differ the messages - now there are seperated tabs. The only useful plac is at Messages-->Fleet-->Other where all the trash messages are^^ There is no need to highlight the differen types of messages but something else can be helpful there:' Compare the coordinates from the messages tab "Messages-->Fleet-->Other" and mark those which contain foreign coordinates. This is to detect, if someone else has sent ressources to you (to track your tra…

  • There are no message subjects anymore since OGame v6. So this suggestion is rejected. p.s. The feature to delete messages by a subject should be removed, Shole ;)

  • Since OGame v6 there is an additional tab for favorited spy reports. This is limited to 10 reports and can be extended by the Commander by +40 (--> officer feature). So this suggestion is rejected.

  • The Espionage tab is opened by default since OGame v6. But now there could be a small AGO option to "open next tab within new messages". So if you get an message different from a espionage report, then the next following tab within a new message will be opened instead of the espionage tab. Another option can be "select default Messages tab:" with an selection-window to choose from the existing tabs. So if there is no new message, the so selected tab will be opened instead of the espionage tab...…

  • This suggestion is obsolete since OGame v6 due to a changed message system.

  • Time converter

    fl00ri - - Suggestions


    it is about displaying the local time instead of the server time, so it includes every shown lime. Am I right?

  • quite helpful little script, gj :) tell us, if you want some translation into other languages and make a list therefore I could give the german translation (from english) cheers

  • Main View - AGO-button color

    fl00ri - - Panel & Main view


    Hi, this feature should be fixed (or disabled?) by AGOv6. If everything is working well and is up to date, then the font color ist normal (grey). if there is an update, then it should turn to orange. if there are forbidden scripts or other issues, then it should be red So the coloring is defined by status and should not be changable by hand... The same is for the color of the Icon-button, which shows the status for auto copy (and fill in) of coordinates. Shole pls check, if the coloring is worki…

  • AntiGameOrigin v6.0.0 Release Date

    fl00ri - - AntiGameOrigin


    Just be patient. It was an expected and no promised date of release. There probably are unexpected issues or just a lack of time. You can still use Firefox meanwhile.

  • TopRaider Translation

    fl00ri - - Projects Translations


    (Hidden Content)

  • Alright there indeed is a displaying issue. please set this AGO-function to "show - below the content" (OGame function to "show above the content) and then you will have the Galaxy coordinates back and the events beeing displayed above the content :D - If you set AGO to below the content and also the OGame to below the content, then the event also will be displayed below the content Shole please care about this - hopefully easy to fix... (if this is not a bug but a feature, then this performance…

  • Hi did you enable the native OGame option to always show events? This is also recommended for the function to work properly.

  • Time converter

    fl00ri - - Suggestions


    hi don't you want to use AntiGame Origin? there you'll have the time zone feature

  • Hi I noticed a translation mistake, displayed on the confirmation of an buddy request. I bet there are other translation mistakes, but i didn't search for it. instead of "their" there should be "his/her" or completele restructure the translation to the passive form: "you has been added to the buddy list of <player>" yutj8kr2.png GreetingZ EDIT: ok i didn't know this point of the singular they but it is used for undetermined gender... So once you know the gender of the player it just sounds fail …

  • what exactly do you mean with that? what datastorage? do you mean the path of installed scripts? If so, then see here

  • Hi guys, yesterday i solved the problem. Once upon a time i switched to scriptish instead of using greasemonkey, because of other displaying/working issues. So i downloaded gm again und put the script file there, now it is working correctly. I dont know whats the difference between this two extensions, but it would be nice, if your script will be supported by scriptish aswell (if you dont care, then at least name this issue) kind regards, fl00ri Edit: there wasn't even the folder within the scri…

  • Ich hatte das Prob auch, es lag allerdings an AntiGameOrigin, das offiziell eben noch nicht für v6 angepasst wurde. Deaktiviere AGO und dann wirst du sehen, dass es normal funktioniert (solche offensichtlichen bugs würde nicht so lange ignoriert werden ;) GreetingZ

  • MySQL error #1044

    fl00ri - - Bugs & Questions


    Hi, i tried it aswell via this webhoster and got the same error. Please tell us the format of the 2 tables to create them manually (and whatelse have to be done^^) you should also edit your ReadMe-file for this issue... maybe it is a general problem caused by the structure of the free webhosting !? because as you can see on the screenshot there is only 1 possible Database (874796@localhost). The new database called 'universeview' cant be created, can it? whatsoever, iam a noob at this applicatio…

  • Hi, I took the last shown link for installing InfoCompte3 and also the language script from this domain, but the script isnt working correctly. I can't open the Settings and except of the menu-button there is nothing else displayed by InfoCompte. Do i have to manually add something in the script to let it work? p.s. there is the orange button for downloading a newer version but the link isnt working aswell - I saw in the german thread that vers 3.12.02 is the latest version but i cant find anyth…

  • phalanx displaying bug

    fl00ri - - Archive [Bugs&Questions]


    no, this player went into v-mode... and i didnt see this bug for other player so far. but there is another displaying bug (once i told you that) the close button for player tooltips is doubled in some cases. (in former versions also the list of the tags were doubled, but within the latest updates this seems to be fixed) this bug occures if i phalanx more than just 1 target in a single system, then mostly the last player in that system has a doubled tooltip close button (and the second to the las…