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  • Universe Bermuda has just been updated to: OGame 6.0.0-beta1 - API functionality - Background API fixes - Renamed blinking star in background to Blinky. Say hello to Blinky. As you can see, the changelog is very short this time and it basically includes only stuff for the New API: Dev Post: Planned new API for retrieval of combat reports. BUT there is a very important detail, as you can see, v6.0 has become BETA! This means that we are getting closer and closer to the release date. Additional in…

  • Today at around 12:30 server time in Bermuda universe: OGame 6.0.0-alpha22 - [Bugs] Removal ship count in spy report (short version) if spy tech not strong enough - [Bugs] Fix for planet 0 in colonisation return messages - [Bugs] Fix combat report details layouts - [Bugs] Message pagination: too many requests sent to server while clicking through messages and trying to mark a message as favourite (caused some lag) - [Bugs] ACS fix in combat reports - [Bugs] Honour points to Combat Reports - [Bug…

  • Update v6.0.0 alpha21

    ButtonDan - - Test Server


    Dear players, On May, 11th the Origin Test Server will get the update to v6.0.0-alpha21: The current changelog: OGame 6.0.0-alpha21 - [Bugs] Mass mark as deleted working - [Bugs] Fix mass undelete - [Bugs] Fix for perma deleting messages* - [Bugs] Fix for Ignore list - [Bugs] Fix spy reports, changed Spy Report Detail Message if no details available for user in Detail view - [Bugs] Text: Spy report - detailed resources display - [Bugs] Fix for scrollbars in detailed combat report - [Polishing] N…

  • Thursday 7th at 12:30 server time in Bermuda universe: OGame 6.0.0-alpha21 - [Bugs] Mass mark as deleted working - [Bugs] Fix mass undelete - [Bugs] Fix for perma deleting messages* - [Bugs] Fix for Ignore list - [Bugs] Fix spy reports, changed Spy Report Detail Message if no details available for user in Detail view - [Bugs] Text: Spy report - detailed resources display - [Bugs] Fix for scrollbars in detailed combat report - [Polishing] Nicer pagination - [Polishing] Reversed the polarity of th…

  • Dear players, today at 12:30 server time Bermuda was updated again: OGame 6.0.0-alpha20 - Fixed pagination in Search overlay - Fixed Message pagination - New message on Mobile view - Fix for slow message loading - Round Tech percentages in Combat Reports - SSL Fixes on Netbar and CDN - Performance updates - New scrollbar library - Installed Jacuzzis on Death Stars Inactive accounts will be deleted tonight, therefore more spots will be available for registrations. Have fun testing. Your OGame.Ori…

  • OGame 6.0.0-alpha19 - Performance updates - Bugfix in Payment delivery - Dynamic HTTPS/SSL detection and persistance - Operating System and Infrastructure Upgrades - SSL Upgrade for Game - SSL Upgrade for NodeJS - Switch over to new combat binary (game mechanics identical) - better performance Additional Notes: - HTTPS/SSL needs to be enabled by manually switching to https in your browser *after* you login. Bugs and unwanted browser messages are to be expected. Once updates on our start pages an…

  • Dear players, Alpha19 will be released tomorrow in Bermuda universe at around 12:30 server time. Due to large infrastructure updates the server will likely remain unavailable for a longer time period than usual, also unannounced logouts may occur throughout the rest of the day. Changelog will follow tomorrow. Your OGame Origin Team

  • Galaxy view probing

    ButtonDan - - Archive [Bugs&Questions]


    Thanks for the report, PooPooHead. --> issues with AntiGameOrigin in circular universes

  • Dear players, The Add-on AntiGameOrigin is still not updated and doesn't know circular universes. By using AGO in circular universes and sending probes from the galaxy view for example vom G1 to G9 AGO will send the probes with 10 %. This is no OGame bug. AGO is a third-party tool and if you disable it everything should work as usual. We hope the tool will get an update soon. Your OGame Origin Team

  • Quote from GF-Localization: “Should be fixed now. Update done.” confirmed

  • Thanks a lot, TV.

  • I attached a second screenshot to my first post, just to be sure.

  • I added a screenshot to my first post. Is it enough? I think it explains at best.

  • I guess so. I hope I didn't oversee sth.. But take it as a go. Maybe the font style of the Nekkar explanation could be fixed as well. Ty

  • entire list

    ButtonDan - - Reported Loca Issues


    - OGame Startpage - Language: EN - The place where it appears: Open OGame Startpage and click on "Universe: (Distinctions)" - Which text is missing, which text should be deleted and why: *Missing:* (new servers, which were opened meanwhile) ------------------------------------------------------------ Universe Wasat Resource production, building time, research time and shipyard production runs with 4x speed, fleet moves at 2x speed. 70% fleet goes into DF and all planets have +25 fields. After va…

  • Update 5.1

    ButtonDan - - OGame


    Dear players, on Monday, 2nd June, the following communities will get the update to version 5.7.6 - avatar-317.gif DE - avatar-253.gif EN - avatar-281.gif US - avatar-258.gif FR Other communities will follow later this week. Enjoy. Your OGame Origin Team

  • Closed due to inactivity. threadclosed.gif

  • Deut

    ButtonDan - - Origin Test Server


    Closed due to inactivity. threadclosed.gif

  • Deut

    ButtonDan - - Origin Test Server


    Closed due to inactivity. threadclosed.gif

  • 2kk deut

    ButtonDan - - Origin Test Server


    Closed due to inactivity. threadclosed.gif