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  • How many circles can you see in this image?: circulos.jpg

  • Someone said: the questions are never indiscreet, the answers sometimes yes. Not yours. But my attempt was good ... patience.

  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    JJMonti - - Spam


    If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales (Albert Einstein).

  • Quote from Valent: “Next contest will be done by counting the likes on each entry. Not to discourage you, but those who want to cheat will always find a way to do it . ” Next contest ?, which next contest ?. (Thought: let's try to elicit something about it, hehe).

  • Albert and Bernard ask Cheryl when her birthday is, but she has an enigmatic day, so instead of answering them as she would, anyone decides to make them nervous and give them a list with ten possible dates: May 15, May 16, 19 May, June 17, June 18, July 14, July 16, August 14, August 15, August 17. Later, Cheryl tells Albert and Bernard separately the month and the day, respectively. Then Albert says: "I do not know when Cheryl's birthday is, but I know Bernard does not know either." To which Be…

  • Protest for everything is in human nature, heheheee. In Physics, when there are several theories that explain experimental data, the simplest theory is usually the correct one ... Why are not "likes" used in the thread itself as a voting system?. Simple, elegant and public. As an alternative, in Spain it is said "the dog is dead, the rage is over", I hope it is understood. Best regards.

  • Two friends started the year with € 1,000 each. They did not borrow, they did not steal, they did not invest the money or win the lottery. But on the last day of that same year they had more € 100,000,000 between the two. How they did it?.

  • Alliance CONDOR_1, Universe 1, CONDOR_1

  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    JJMonti - - Spam


    Hey Dad. Tell me, son. Getting married is easy ?. Yes, son. And leave the marriage Dad ?. Ummm, watch this video so you can understand my answer better ...

  • The White House also pointed to the fashion of mathematical problems. Edward Felten, the signing of Obama as deputy director of technology in Washington, opened with a riddle on the blog of the government agency. With this challenge, Felten aims to demonstrate to Internet users that information technology is "something more than putting code" and that in fact "can help solve social problems" and teach society to relate better and cooperate in the resolution of complex problems. The problem is th…

  • Good Erikfyr!, that's what I meant concretely. I seem great, more people know the existence of the contest more probably to participate. But ... as I am a "mosca cojonera" (difficult an English translation of that Spanish expression, it could be "fly in the ointment, irritating", I am thinking that to be able to present the page of the Alliance to the contest it would be necessary to have an account in the forum.origin. Could a solution be found so that the pages can be presented in the national…

  • Maybe, if you replicate the thread of the contest in each and every one of the Ogame communities, because it is addressed to all, you have more publicity and possibly more participants. A cordial greeting.

  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    JJMonti - - Spam


    Honey, I have a problem. Do not say "I have", say "we have", your problems are mine, love. Ok, "our" secretary is going to have a son of "ours".

  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    JJMonti - - Spam


    Alcohol?. No, I do not take that, this word is not in my vodkabulary, a moment, I look for it in whiskypedia.

  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    JJMonti - - Spam


    Recommended reading. THE THREE-BODY PROBLEM, science fiction novel by the Chinese writer Liu Cixin. Threebody.jpg

  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    JJMonti - - Spam


    During a lecture on the great differences between generations, a presumptuous student took the trouble to explain to an elderly man sitting close to him, why it is impossible for the older generation to understand his generation: "You grew up in a different world, really almost primitive" he said loudly enough to be heard around. "Today's young people grew up with television, internet, mobile phones, jet planes, space travel, our space probes have visited Mars, we have nuclear power ships and el…

  • If the mute told the deaf that the blind was watching him. Which of the three lies?.

  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    JJMonti - - Spam


    Many years ago, there was a little girl named Liz who suffered from a strange disease. His only chance to recover was apparently a blood transfusion from his 5-year-old brother, who had miraculously survived the same disease and developed the antibodies to fight it. The doctor explained the situation to the girl's brother, and asked him if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister. He was seen hesitating for just a moment before taking a big sigh and saying, "Yes, I will, if that saves…

  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    JJMonti - - Spam


    Women get angry for 5 reasons: - For all. - For nothing. - Because yes. - Because no. - Just in case.

  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    JJMonti - - Spam


    The teacher (female) asks Jaimito: - Jaimito, if in a tree there are 5 birds and you kill one of a shot, how many are left ?. - None, teacher, because the others are scared and fly away. - Well, says the teacher, the answer is 4 but I like how you think. Then Jaimito says to the teacher: - Teacher, I want to ask you a question: in a bar there are 3 women eating an ice cream, one bites it, another sucks it and another licks it, which of the 3 is married ?. The teacher blushes embarrassed and resp…