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  • Quote from Warsaalk: “ Using jQuery to do this is a very heavy operation. When developing UniverseView I did some tests parsing the universe.xml file. These where the results for a loop over 47.500 records: jQuery => ~400-500ms Plain Javascript => ~70-90ms” Hmm I did not think that there is so much difference btw plain js and jQuery. I'll test it when I get some time. Thank you for your replies and suggestions!

  • Quote: “If you can make, that when you click on player it opens in galaxy view his home planet same as in normal statistics? ” As I noticed earlier: I can make it, but it needs one more XML parsing and I'm afraid that it could be laggy for browser. Quote: “I have translated it for you to English.” Emmm, it was in english + there were no lang dependencies inside. Do you mean those headers like 'Poins' 'Military' etc? Anyway thank you

  • I was sent here to get an approval for my small script. So, briefly: Name: Ogame Alt statistics small disclaimer: - At first this script was written for myself to avoid using external resources to watch different states: vacations, 'I', 'i' etc. It uses standard Ogame XML api so there is nothing new here. - I'm not a js dev to rate how good this code is - I have a feeling that this code will be way too slow on the servers with big online because I am using linear algorythm to parse xmls. - Tbh t…

  • Eleria's attack button

    IgorZ - - Archive [Bugs&Questions]


    Hello, I remember that long time ago there was an option in the settings to chose large cargo or small cargo to chose first when you are clicking on the 'a' 946175d748df45c078e4b313afea482b.png I could be blind, but I can't find that option in settings. I've found that string in messages.js: Source Code (1 line) and switched A202 - A203. Could you add this option back in the menu in the future versions ? Thanks.