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  • IP-raks way to strong?

    Bemte - - General

    Post This side told me. Furthermore a little google search finds only people talking about 120k and every simulator (Speedsim etc.) uses that value as far as I know. And I know that techs play a role, but he had 10 and I had 9, so the difference shouln't be that big... Furtermore we did some more tests: 3 Raks on the same target (so same techs every time): First one got almost 500k, second one about 270k, last one only about 140k Units... (and yes, the target had more tha…

  • IP-raks way to strong?

    Bemte - - General


    Hi, I just got attacked with 2 IP-raks. Acording to the formular I know one rak should be able to destroy 120k Units Deff, so two should be able to destroy 240k. This is the result: Targets: Defenses hit Rocket Launcher102( -102 ) Light Laser48( -48 ) Heavy Laser6( -6 ) Gauss Cannon4( -4 ) Small Shield Dome1( -1 ) So I lost all my Deff, which was 508k Units... How is this possible? Are IP-raks just really strong in retro? (If yes: anyone got the right formular?) Is this a bug? Thanks for answers…

  • When do never logged ins get deleted?

    Bemte - - Archive


    Hi, question above. The people who never logged in are marked as iI in the galaxy, so they should be deleted after 7 days. I have the feeling though that I'm already waiting way longer than 7 days for them to finally disapear - anyone has some info on when exactly they are deleted?

  • Retro Universe combat simulators

    Bemte - - General


    Quote from bleen: “Is this file also available for linux? Has anyone some experience with it? greetz” You can run it using wine, but that gives either display bugs (in the version 0.9.4) or no bugs but wrong RF for the Cruiser in the latest version.

  • Foxgame

    Bemte - - Archive


    Hi, it seems that there is a way to get the old version of FoxGame running on current versions of Firefox for the RetroUni (see here for the discussion in the board, where they also said that we should ask in the origin board). As Foxgame was allowed before I was wondering if it would be allowed once again? As this is not a new tool I'm not sure if I am in the right part of the forum, if not I'm sorry, please move me to the right part.

  • SpeedSim/WebSim

    Bemte - - General


    Quote from Shole: “I would say once again that none tool is tolerated yet. Until they get tolerated they are all forbidden and you use it on your own responsibility.” Just to get this straight: AddOns that alter the game itself (Antigame, Foxgame,...) are forbidden until approved, Tools that only help with calculations (Sim-Programs, Exel-Tables, my good old calculator) are allowed but at our own risk? So as long as I don't use any kind of addon that does anything in ogame itself (change some di…