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  • Server Transfer Option - Accounts

    Hatu - - Suggestions


    I propose the ability to pay GF a small fee (perhaps $15 or $20USD) to be able to transfer your account from 1 Universe to another. This is an option already for many MMORPG games online and has been for some 20 years. This is a way for GF to generate additional sales for very little work on the employee's end and creates a new revenue stream with zero overhead or additional cost to GF. I'll let you guys figure out the restrictions and limitations to the idea as some would need to be implemented…

  • Lobby - Dark Matter

    Hatu - - Suggestions


    I propose the idea of DM linked to the lobby account instead of the universe account. With upcoming merge a lot of players if they give up their accounts and find them new owners will have no way to be compensated/reimbursed for the DM they will have to pass along that sits on their accounts. If DM was in 1 pool to be used with any account attached to that Lobby Account it could be easily accessible to each account and more efficient. That's less transactions players have to do and we don't have…