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API Mobile App
PostThanks @TGWo, So it's a misunderstanding in my first post. So I give up the idea of making a mobile application for Ogame, it could have been funny.
API Mobile App
PostHi, Thanks for your answer @Charlie / @DeLord No the first answer in my french thread said that "It is forbidden to automate an action." I do not want to automate an action, I just want to create a mobile application that allows to play Ogame, better than the "mobile" version of the site. The Ogame API it's just a read only interface, i know, but i need just read information, in first step. And later in my first post, I said that I want to make a mobile application. And I was told "She (GF) abso…
API Mobile App
PostHi @Charlie, I would like an Ogame Mobile App like we have for iPad. Do you know what I have to use to do this ?
API Mobile App
PostHi, I plan to create a mobile application. I inquired about the forum Ogame France, I was told that there was no problem. And I was redirected to the international forum for everything related to the API. I have several questions about this API. I found a lot of Github, but they do not really explain everything. How to include it in a project ? I have seen leading links to xml files where you have to edit the link to get some information, yet I have not been able to get the information from the …