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  • bashing limits

    ManSizedRooster - - Archive - Suggestions


    Im not talking about existing universes because im pretty aware that wouldnt get changed. Im talking about uni settings for future unis. There are lots of features that differ throughout each uni, chaos, stuff like that, so why would they not be interested in making it something that could possibly be submitted for a universe if the player base shows interest. Basically, somewhat like a chaos server, but.... chaos light? lol Furthermore, this can be a compromise for merges. People wont be happy …

  • No. IPMS shouldn't be included in bashing. Reason: 6 bashes/mds combined is already a stupid low number. Demonfreak, people didn't even wanna crack you at your turtle in peg (before you deleted), why are you saying they need to be restricted even more. I would know your def, i smashed my fleet into it because i was bored with the dynamic of the uni. Even if i wanted to spend 50 hours ipming you, i wouldn't, because its boring. Although thanks for the honorable mention in the youtube video. Cheer…

  • bashing limits

    ManSizedRooster - - Archive - Suggestions


    Hey folks. This started as a bit of a thing on ,us community, and I will be putting together a pro/con and a proposal soon. Stay tuned for a coherent idea to make this for everyone, not just over-agressive players! The gist at this point is to allow 6 mds, and 6 attacks (separate) instead of a higher bashing limit like some of the other speed unis. Ex: 6 mds, 6 bashing limit. This would keep interference missions separate from MDS, so you could actually send 6 mds (lets be real, still a decently…