Search Results
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Blind lanx [TOT: 144.874.000] m3ntol[.BG.] vs. Smart[MofS] (A: 19.693.000, D: 125.181.000)
endi - - Hall of Fame
Postgz menta , def VFR nek smo ga santa probudili ranije je posao na zimsko spavanje
for my frend skuter and BG fs on colonization and says that I ;"So you are using some bug, thats nice to know :)" and after a night of monitoring On 23-11-2016 --:--:-- , the following fleets met in battle: Attacker endi ________________________________________________ s.cargo 2.000 l.fighter 9.465 h.fighter 2.086 cruiser 1.346 battleship 1.399 esp.probe 1 _________________________________________ Defender MFHITUIHKS ________________________________________________ s.cargo 900 l.cargo 175 l.figh…
[TOT: 206.293.000] MrSanta [.BG.] vs. ABCXYZ aka OSMANLI(A: 41.428.000, D: 164.865.000)
endi - - Hall of Fame
Postgz santa for No1 postavio si previsoko ljestvicu moram se jos bildati da je preskocim ako prije toga ne zavrsim sa druge strane
[TOT: 98.971.000] m3ntol[.BG.] vs. b41n[HARDCORE] (A: 16.774.000, D: 82.197.000)
endi - - Hall of Fame
Postgz menta tako brate samo spam def fr in rl
endi BG vs droid DraGonS 15k
endi - - Hall of Fame
Postfor BG On 06-10-2016 --:--:-- , the following fleets met in battle: Attacker endi battleship 667 Defender droid s.cargo 486 l.cargo 56 l.fighter 100 h.fighter 5 cruiser 8 battleship 101 recy. 23 esp.probe 2.605 sol.sat 65 r.launcher 422 l.laser 77 h.laser 15 gauss 16 ionc. 5 s.dome 1 l.dome 1 After the battle... Attacker endi battleship 640 ( -27 ) Defender droid Destroyed! The attacker has won the battle!The attacker captured:481.103 metal, 138.220 crystal and 165.792 deuteriumThe attacker lost…
- for BG and my frend skuter, - On 05-10-2016 --:--:-- , the following fleets met in battle: - Attacker endi - s.cargo 777 l.fighter 2.000 h.fighter 1.075 cruiser 542 battleship 660 esp.probe 1 - Defender Birrafondaio - s.cargo 448 l.cargo 51 l.fighter 1.985 h.fighter 395 cruiser 364 battleship 291 col.ship 1 recy. 135 esp.probe 15 sol.sat 39 l.laser 33 - After the battle... - Attacker endi - s.cargo 345 ( -432 )l.fighter 879 ( -1.121 )h.fighter 640 ( -435 )cruiser 468 ( -74 )battleship 657 ( -3…