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  • Bring back the power of moons

    m3nd3s - - Suggestions


    First of all, im not English native, so my english can hurt you sometimes, i will try avoid that @RiV- I understand your point of view, but, i think you are just forgetting this is an STRATEGIC GAME. In this strategic game (one of thousands, so if you cant play this game you will have many more to try) you start an account and basicly you have to choose between being a fleeter or miner, or something between BOTH (if you are playing this for first time, and had not played anything like this you j…

  • Bring back the power of moons

    m3nd3s - - Suggestions


    this must be a big joke last months i lost my fleetsave moons 2 or 3 times with my fleet there and did not lost my ships! and i always sleep my 7/8 consecutive hours! If you want Deathstar slower you must try 1x fleet speed universes. if you gonna play fast universes you need to take the risks of that, not only the benefits! If you dont wanna lose your ships:basicly LEARN OGAME ,YOU WILL LOSE SOME SHIPS FOR THAT! There are so many tactics to not lose your fleet after losing a moon: you can switc…