Search Results

Search results 1-13 of 13.

  • So, here we are. I'm mostly okay with this change, though I can see how it can cause problems. It's a brave new world.

  • I'm well pleased by 2% per level, considering some of the suggestions I saw that had no effect until level 20 or some such. It's not perfect, but it could have been far worse. Thank you to @piink and all the team members who helped make this happen, I am very grateful. Now, About that Warp Gate Network...

  • Graviton affects fuel usage

    Reticent - - Suggestions


    Remember the server move, that involved a fairly lengthy attack ban? Yeah. I still had the planet I'd done my original Graviton research on, and decided to get in some terraforming and move it further out for deuterium farming, when I saved up the DM. Import/Export had left me with a lot of Detroids, but no Krakens, so I didn't have time to get Terraformers as high as I wanted, but while I was waiting for the last level, I saw I still had lots of res, so I boosted sat production and got the Grav…

  • Graviton affects fuel usage

    Reticent - - Suggestions


    I have Gravitation at 3, I didn't use DM(for that).

  • I don't care for either of those ideas, as I have a lot of Death Stars that I don't use to destroy moons, or attack other players with; I just use them to move large amounts of res around.

  • Looking at the farms I hit and don't hit, there's not a lot of correlation between rank and profitability. A low point 1 worlder might have really good mines, while a high ranker might have crap production because they relied on sats that got destroyed long ago. Average mine levels or actual production might be a better way to go.

  • As a one time thing due to the special circumstances of the merge I could get behind this, but I think it would be a bad idea as any kind of ongoing system.

  • I would like to be able to build stuff on moons somewhat faster. RF15 speeds are so painful when you're used to RF15+Nanite07.

  • Speaking as someone who just came back from more than a year in vmode, I have to disagree. I find it more appealing to see things as I click through the galaxies, rather than long stretches of nothing. I've gone through both and would much rather see the occasional inactive, as empty system after empty system makes the game feel, well, empty. No universe is running out of space anytime soon. People paid for privileges and maintaining their account is one of them. Let's face it, this is not a gam…

  • And how does this really benefit anyone? Instead of accounts in vmode you now have empty spaces which are not in short supply, not more players. The universe over all looks emptier, and less appealing. Valuable farms disappear, making it harder for players to gain resources. People who might have come back now definitely will not. In part because they have been robbed of what they spent money on, to no purpose. Who benefits?

  • I remember suggesting this in 2005, though I don't think I provided specific numbers/equations like this. It'll be good to finally see it happen.

  • Yet another improve Ion Cannon

    Reticent - - Suggestions


    I like the idea of making Ion Cannons useful. Raising the base Shield value would make them a truly defensive weapon. Reducing their Rapidfire from RIPs, but leaving Bombers as they are could also revitalise Bomber usage, which I would also see as a good thing.

  • Speaking for myself, I just restarted playing after probably more than a year in vacation mode. For reasons. If I had had to start over from scratch, I probably wouldn't have returned. I'm also on another uni where, although I've come out a few times, I'm still primarily in VM, as I'm not up to playing in two unis again yet. The third uni I was on seems to have had the account deleted. Ah well, I'm not going back. I do like the idea of escalating daily login rewards. Encouraging the behavior you…