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  • [New] API Key requests

    Hagbard - - OGame API


    Hello ! *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key *** The application be able to store combat reports, compute personal rentability. The application allow players who want to create a team (alliance) and then allow players share their rentability with the team. *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. *** FR community first. *** Will be open source? *** Yes. *** A short description of your developer / programming experience *** Techlead in …

  • - Short description of tool to be developed using the API key - Target management: fleet, points and activity hours. - Statistics and rentability - Sharing reports and informations target - Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. At the beginning :Alliance after French community and after maybe... English - Will be open source? At the end, why not. - A short description of your developer / programming experience Backend developer in a web agency -Link and descripti…