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  • Tower of the Empire

    lynz - - Archive - Suggestions


    It seems a good idea but i think that it's designed for old universes. The way you present it, this building would not be usefull until you have atleast 2/3M point and, in a standard 2x universe, it may take really a lot of time. By the way, a new building that empower some features of the game it's not a bad idea at all, maybe with some changes on benefits and they way you get them. In my opinion, you could set a different way to "charge" the tower and, depending on how you have charged it, you…

  • Raids and bosses

    lynz - - Archive - Suggestions


    Quote from TGWo: “A problem that i see in your idea, is that this target is balanced for top players not for any player In other words seen you are introducing new targets that at 99% will be new resources and fun for only an elite of players (that already is bigger that other) , while for an other part of players nothing will change or still more hard to increase in highscore. A possible solution could be to have different spawn planet for rank ......... a kind of noob protection that allows so…

  • Raids and bosses

    lynz - - Archive - Suggestions


    Hello all, I'm not new to Origin's board and I've been playin Ogame since 2006 (so I'm quite an old player), but now I decided to register and write a post to explain this idea which should be a way to both get more player and encourage the old player not to leave, and in addition, to make alliance system more interesting. My idea is based on some post i've read, which was asking to implement a way to attack those player who are in v-mode, increasing the amount of target that player have, and on…