Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 153.

  • Quote from aliendestroyer: “Since the massive support till now at least is it possible to get feedback from the developers? How do they think about such an idea? Is linking laser tech to research time completely excluded or do they want some details to be refined? ” The idea is technically viable and OGame responsibles check Origin forum, but of course, if you make more details for your idea, it gets more visibility.

  • Quote from aliendestroyer: “Quote from NoMoreAngel: “With the merge a few active unis are now overcrowded in the 4-12 planetarea. You might have gotten a lot of free relocations but you can't really use them because there are inactives and v-moded user everywhere. The suggestion is to make a second, instantaneous, merge in which all players in vmode and inactive longer than 6 months get removed from the servers and put into a holding universe. Same should apply for inactives under a certain poin…

  • Merge communities

    Danimanza - - Feedback & Discussions


    It is good suggestion, specially for those communities which shares same language (AR, MX) / (BR, PT) / (US, EN). This kind of merge was suggested but GF didn't decide to go on yet. Maybe in the future it will be possible. A global merge is more risky and it will mean that players who are not able to speak English won't like it too much, but soon or later it will be necessary to do it.

  • Quote from Justanotherplayer: “Not necessarily unlimited but the ratio of ABM's to IPM's should be much higher. At the current time ABM's are fairly trivial to get past. IPM's per level should stay the same, however ABM's should be tied to level cost (Level*8=ABM capacity). so, Level 1, 8 ABM's Level 2, 16 ABM's Level 3, 32 ABM's Level 4, 64 ABM's Level 5, 128 ABM's Level 6, 256 ABM's Level 7, 512 ABM's Level 8, 1,024 ABM's ” i would not double it each level, but still good suggestion!

  • international fusions

    Danimanza - - Archive - Suggestions


    Yes... All communities need it since a lot of time.

  • Quote from scorer: “I think the first important change should be that it doesnt use the military points in acs but the position you would be with these military points. Acs in a dead universe is the kill of HP for rank 1 ” That is the main point we should discuss on this suggestion. I guess that the main reason of the current system is admit that 5vs1 battle does not seem to be literally "honourable", but if 5 lower military players attack a higher one, it should be.

  • We will see how that merchandising shop works and if the players if interested , i bet some of them will be For events and really special moments I guess that it could be a good idea but I don't think that should be included every time that a top1 individual/ACS is reached for every universe, that would be a lot of presents, and the shop itself would lack its way.

  • Idea

    Danimanza - - Archive - Suggestions


    At the moment, as far as we know, it is no planned to implement new ships A ship which is not showed I think it would be unbalanced, unless it is really expensive and not too strong in relation with it costs

  • Quote from Petete: “Quote from Demonfreak: “Still you people don't see it, that's why GF considers: More than 6 times an attack on a player (who can move away his fleet or even scrap his defence) already as bashing. Only 7 times per day per planet is bashing But then there comes some random person with an exceptional low rank, probably a multi account of a higher ranked player and drops 30,000 IP missiles and I have 900 combat reports in my inbox, and GF does not consider that as bashing. Then I…

  • Balance for ship

    Danimanza - - Archive - Suggestions


    Quote from Molle: “Although Ghecis is sort of right. Due to the neat numbers, how the cost of the different ships are so nicely scaled, one can understand why they are being compared. And in a way I agree, the BattleShip (BS) should be better, but with a battle system of 6 rounds and no rapid fire from BS to LF, this is not possible as it is (you already know this). The BS is supposed to be a better ship, it is supposed to be the backbone of one's fleet. Perhaps it should have Rapid Fire, at lea…

  • Gift for player

    Danimanza - - Archive - Suggestions


    I think it is possible and easy to detect when an account is 1 year old and then make a small reward, but we should study if it is fair that players who live into vmode 6 months deserve the same reward than players who play the whole year.

  • Now we have an alliance chat ingame. I guess in the future we could have one for all the universe, with the option to leave the chat if player doesnt want to be there of course...

  • More Favorites

    Danimanza - - Archive - Suggestions


    Quote from scorer: “Oh So I shouldn't attack people in the top 30 Military stats while I am top 1? why's that? ” Can you attack them only if you store the spy reports as favourites? Why is that?:)

  • More Favorites

    Danimanza - - Archive - Suggestions


    Quote from scorer: “As said, I have people splitting their fleet => Need to save 2-5 Scans. + Saving everyones fleet in the top 30 is already taking up all slots under these conditions” Maybe the favourite folder is not designed to store the fleet of everyone in top30 ...

  • More Favorites

    Danimanza - - Archive - Suggestions


    I always thought that 50 favourite messages were enough but... Quote from ErikFyr: “I wouldn't hurt much to increase it ” Absolutely!

  • No atm. As soon as we get more information we will post it.

  • In this cases a backup can be done when the problem is fixed, so we shouldn't lose any account because of this close of the server.

  • Quote from Milchreis: “I am proposing the implementation of a "Hall Of Fame" area for the ingame highscore. Such an area could be reached by a new button on the right hand side of the highscore (where on the left are the buttons for player and alliance). What is it? Clicking this button leads to a new table which is listing for all kind of buildings and research each the highest level achieved in this particular universe and the playerwho has reached it. Manly I am proposing the kind of statisti…

  • I don't know if I get the main point of the idea, but if we create a "false" moon with that setup, fleetsaving will be just easier. I think that is not the way to improve the game.

  • Well... most people who register because of that email would not remember to register if they receive the email 1 week ago... for active players there are the forum news, that kind of emails are for players who are not playing active any universe or they just left game