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Search results 1-20 of 35.

  • Hey ! After more than 6 weeks of work and 2200 lines of code added, here is the first version of the new profit management feature for O-Table! To help you a little bit with this update, I just wrote this Q/A list, I hope you'll find what you need (Hidden Content) Here, just some others things you need to know : - In the options, you are free to display profits on inactive, active, or a summary. Default is only summary is displayed. - To erase all datas, you must click on the red button in the o…

  • Hi, New update : Quote: “Changelog 1.0.4 [Feature] : probe looting (useful for server that has the feature enabled). It works the same way than with small and large cargos. [Fix] : Recyclers now benefit from hyperespace technology ”

  • Hi, I don't know if it's relevant to suggest it here, but whatever. I would like to see these informations on the ogame meta part of the page (just in the head part) : - Universe research speed (as it can be different than universe eco speed now) - Probe cargo capacity feature (enabled or disabled). Currently, I'm upgrading O-Table for probe looting and this info could be relevant (user will have to manually activate it for now). Thank you! OddWH

  • Hi, First update : Quote: “Changelog 1.0.3 [Update] : Hyperespace technology is now used to compute cargo capacity (5% per level) ”

  • I'm in discussion with NoMoreAngel for the next changelog, that includes this update Currently, you can set the extra amount of cargo to send to 0%

  • Hello Everyone, The next update is coming in a few minutes, so I have to make some explainations about this. So here are some instructions to do after the update : 1. When the update is done, after the first launch, the script will use default options. To fix that, you'll have to go in the options and all your old options will automatically be migrated in the "general" profile. Once it's done you'll see all your options as before 2. If you use abreviated numbers (Bn, M, K), Please do one of the …

  • Hello ! OK, so it's good finally ? Nice I'm really sorry for my answer time. It will be better now, as I have finished my studies The next version will come in the next months, It will take some times to code as I want to make a really big release @Arzorth : I didn't forgot you, for the ES translation. It will be integrated, really sorry for the time too You did an amazing job and I don't forget that.

  • Hello, Do you have the possibility to send me the spy report source code here ? This is weird, I tried to format a french spy report with the same numbers, written exactly the same as yours, and it works perfectly (added the dot and the M). Maybe your M isn't a true M. If you can't, I will need to make an account on a russian server. Which is yours ?

  • Hey Glad to see it's fixed. Did you customize some options before collecting or this issue was at the first launch ? @Androth : I'm not sure to understand. Are you asking me to add a feature to auto delete spy reports on ogame page ? (not in the script) If it's that, currently I don't know how to do that, as in O-Table, you collect sometimes a lot of pages to create a table. What would happen if you've chosen to display the table on the first spy report page and you ask to delete a report which …

  • AGO on android Nougat bug

    OddWH - - Bugs & questions


    Hello, the new AGO wasn't working for me on android, so I downloaded an older version. Try to test with an older one :…tigameorigin-v6/versions/ Maybe it will work with you I have Firefox 56 and AGO 6.3.7 and it's working fine. If needed, you can download firefox 56 on apkmirror

  • Hello, Sorry I've been really busy these months so I'll try to answer to PMs today I had another projet to finish for my cryptocurrencies portfolio. Quote from Arzorth: “Amazing script, that's what I was looking for. If you allow me one suggestion, I would improve the design of the table (something closer than AGO table) but in functionality its perfect, if I find any trouble/bug, i will report it. =) Regards, Arzorth Edit: may you add the option "Sort by: Profits/Hour"? Thanks! Edit2: when you …

  • Ok, thank you Indeed, it works.

  • Hello Shole I get this error when I try to check statistics from my servers (119 fr and 123fr). It seems like this issue is on other servers too. Could you please check this ? Thank you

  • Hello ! Website is currently down I hope you'll be able to fix it, really useful site to keep general informations about our universe ! I get this error : Thank you Edit : Works again, thank you !

  • Hello ! 0.19.0 has been released. See the changelog below to see what's new : Quote from OddWH: “ Changelog 0.19.0 [Feature] : Possibility to choose a max amount of lines to display on the table [Feature] : Possibility to fully customize the information table. A lot of new options and statistics are available to configure on the bottom part of options button. [Feature] : Possilibity to highlight coords of lines that are not on your current galaxy [Script] : The script now automatically removes o…

  • Hello ! Small update for the script, these feature has been for too long on the beta version, I finished them more than one month ago ^^' Sorry for the update delay, now it's officialy released ! Enjoy ! Quote from changelog 0.18.0: “[Feature] : A "cancel last deleted line" button has been created. This button puts back the last line you accidentally deleted on the table. Be careful, this button doesn't cancel a deleted ingame message. [Feature] : A "delete all attacked targets" button has been …

  • I can't disagree with this idea. I was thinking more (for role play and logic) hyperespace search would reduce fleet consumption, but increase cargo capacity would be much more useful !

  • Hello. New version is coming in the next minutes. This will add some nice features, see the changelog below for more informations : Quote: “changelog 0.17.0 : [Feature] : New "+" button on the main button line. It displays a tooltip containing others buttons. [Feature] : Trash bin button (findable on "+" button). The trash bin is independant of ogame trash bin, as it displays deleted line from the script [Feature] : Possibility to generate secondary waves from MSU profits [Feature] : Possibility…

  • Hello, I come here with a new version, just before my holidays ! This is the 0.16.0, featuring an approximative missiles simulator. This simulator allows you to know directly inside the script a close to reality amount of missiles to send to destroy the defense, and allows you when you decide to hide player with defenses to show a player if he is profitable with missiles. Player with profitables missiles have defense colorized in another color (green by default) REMINDER - TO READ : this missile…

  • Quote: “Changelog 0.15.1 : - [Bug] : Fixed : Issue while checking if user already saved which columns he wants for raid table, a "n" was missing (GM_getValue('colum27', instead of GM_getValue('column27'. ”