Search Results

Search results 1-9 of 9.

  • Was not sure whether or not I should laugh or facepalm, so I decided for a sheep.

  • Bring back the power of moons

    AterBalbi - - Suggestions


    I dislike parts of this change ALOT. Not the part of slowing down RIPs a LITTLE when they go for a destruction mission...this might help everybody to secure accounts more.. but the part with the changed percentage of MD and RIPloss is just meh and in conflict with the feedback we got from users for years. I agree with Lord and Fumanchu onto this topic. They are both experienced and know how the rabbit walks Currently we have some very old and very big accounts which can RIP any account without a…

  • Appears while a First Dark Matter Buyer Event is running in .DE - banner at the right side of the screen AY94FAx.png Should read: Jetzt zuschlagen: Nur kurze Zeit +50% Dunkle Materie or: Jetzt zuschlagen: Nur begrenzte Zeit +50% Dunkle Materie or: Jetzt zuschlagen: Für eine begrenzte Zeit +50% Dunkle Materie or: Jetzt zuschlagen: Nur für eine begrenzte Zeit +50% Dunkle Materie (...)

  • buff solar plant

    AterBalbi - - Archive - Suggestions


    When I think about my higher known accounts I approve your idea. Very unsatisfactory to be in need of thousand of solar sats to create enough energy.

  • Hi all, there seems to be a honor display issue with attacks targeting honorable bandits(ye I know, fighting bandits is always honorable^^). NCn3c96.png Both targets belong to the same player(did check), he is/was an honorable opponent within the combat. First target is a planet, second a moon.. maybe this causes the issue? According to the player he is not a buddy/ally of the target + No AGO involved. Greetings,

  • Quote from laksikus: “but not gonna happen withtout dm or push^^ no nodm player will ever be better than a dm player if they start both at zero” Pushers will get punished. Quote from Icegirl: “Nobody will be pushed. We are more who will be checking every account every day.”

  • Quote from Valent: “I think we all should think more positive and all of you should accept the challenge : are you able to win in spite of all adversities and difficulties? If yes, come and join the contest. Can you win with your skill and intelligence ? Accept the challenge and have fun. I hardly can imagine that one person can spend 1 hundred of euros to win a 25 coupon .” True words spoken

  • Quote from Icegirl: “About DM - If somebody really will spend money to earn 1st reward of 25€ coupon, that doesnt bring him/her anything.” How about adding the rule "championship participants may not purchase DM" or "Dark Matter purchase results in a drain of points"?

  • First Question from .DE community: Will purchase of DarkMatter be possible within the event?