Search Results

Search results 1-7 of 7.

  • As empires expand to new frontiers and greater riches, it is not uncommon for far reaching colonies to be forgotten. Those without contact from their emperor for too long often forget about their master, and reestablish relationships with their neighbors. This idea aims to address issues older universes have with accounts ending up in permanent, inactive, vacation mode, and causing the universe to die out due to lack of activity. The only way to address these universes is via a merge or by intro…

  • [New] API Key requests

    ckwalsh - - OGame API


    *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key *** --> Database of spy reports/galaxy view *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. *** --> Alliance *** Will be open source? *** --> Not initially, will consider open sourcing based on alliance feedback *** A short description of your developer / programming experience *** --> Software Engineer is my profession *** Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed ) *** --> None ogam…

  • For players without commander, if you have a building or research with 25 minutes left, and use a bronze KRACKEN or NEWTRON item you picked up from Import/Export, the extra 5 minutes of time is lost. For players with commander, they can queue up another building or research then use the item to take advantage of that wasted time. The 5 minutes in my example isn't a huge deal, but imagine we are talking about a gold item and 25 minutes remaining, where the majority of the time is wasted. This see…

  • Quote from TGWo: “Are you proposing that with level 10 you can storage 2560 antibalistic ? In this way ,becoming impossible to destroy a bunker. ” Yes, people can build more ABMs, but as an attacker you can fire a large enough volley where some are guaranteed to go through (as opposed to now, where a large number of ABMs means none go through). If this concept is reasonable, another tweak might be to allow ACS missile attacks. Join a missile attack, and all launch at the appropriate time to hit …

  • Here's an idea: Modify the missile silo to allow allow exponential growth of the number of ABM's you are allowed to build, but linear growth of the number of ABM's that are ready to be launched against an IPM attack. Also, separate out the storage space for IBM's and IPM's. I propose the following. Note that IPM's scale faster than ABMs, so it does not prohibit IPM attacks. * Missile Silo Level * ABM Build Limit * ABM Launch Limit * IPM Build Limit * 1 * 0 (lvl 2 minimum) * 0 (lvl 2 minimum) * 0…

  • Recently I found myself in some awkward situations where I needed to VMode due to life events (travel in my case), but I had some outstanding fleets (trades and expos to be precise). In particular, I didn't care about the ships, and was more concerned about protecting the primary fleet sitting on my moons. I propose that players should be able to activate VMode while fleets are active, but at significant cost. When VMode is activated while fleets are in transit, they complete their mission, but …

  • I put together a google doc to play around with various configs:…osdThUIs/edit?usp=sharing I added your proposal, as well as a simplified 10%/level proposal. I also implemented a 7%/level compounding suggestion (which should scale better to very high techs) and an inversely compounding growth formula, which caps the max storage of each ship at 2.5x (+150%) of it's base value. The last grouping might be a bit confusing. It assumes the maximum capacity you are allowe…