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Search results 1-4 of 4.

  • Quote from JoKy: “Why do you want to delete messages, which you have already deleted, or at least moved via action to the trash? There is a script running every night to delete messages for you. LG ” I wanted to empty the trash because I did not know there was a script that blotted them at night. Thanks for the information. As for the option deletes all messages in the alliance's communications?

  • Pardon me, but in the Italian version of the game there isn't this option, and I don't know what is this AntiGame Origin

  • App for smartphone

    lolloso - - Archive - Suggestions


    Since I and my friends often play from smartphones and we do not find a suitable web browser to correctly display the game, it would be nice if you can create an official app.

  • I would suggest an implementation in the message system. Option "delete" in the trash so that all the messages can be deleted with a single click. And an option "delete" in the messages from the alliance, so that you can delete all without losing time one by one.