Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 43.

  • Hi Ossetia, thanks for your post and your tool! We will check your tool and come back with a result in a couple of days, it shouldn't take too long in your case. Stay tuned!

  • Nixian Raid Tracker

    DeLord - - New Tools


    Hey @Nixian, it looks like your script calls your parseCR() method (which does the AJAX-stuff) for every CR on the current page, when the "Check messages" gets clicked. Inside of the parseCR() method at the end, you save every CR with its API-id into the localprofitDB. It seems kind of unneeded to call the parseCR() method for every CR on the page, because in normal cirumstances most of the CRs are already existant in the localprofitDB. Can you maybe add additional logic to your script, to only …

  • Nixian Raid Tracker

    DeLord - - New Tools


    Hi, we are currently reviewing this tool and will internally discuss its functionality in the coming days. Executing an AJAX-request to retrieve additional data seems a bit like something we should want to avoid when possible, also not to open Pandora's box. Maybe a solution would be to get the GF to implement additional data-attributes on the message-overview page, so that you have all relevant data already available there and don't need to execute an additional request. But I am not sure wheth…

  • Hi morlooy, thanks for developing an addon for the OGame community! Can you additionally give us the link for the Chrome addon store, as you said it is also available for Chrome? Or isn't is listed in the store (yet)? Besides that, please give us some days to check your addon regarding compliance with the OGame t&c - this normally should take less than a week and you will hear back from us in this thread if we have any questions or suggestions. Thanks for helping making OGame better!

  • Bug in the ranking page

    DeLord - - Bug Reporting


    Hoi, you are absolutely right. This is broken. I forwarded this bug report. But, as you might image, this bug has no high priority at all, especially compared to the other things OGame currently has to handle. So don't be disappointed if it doesn't get fixed within the next couple of days... As soon as I hear anything about this, I will write back here into this thread! Again, thanks for reporting!

  • Hi Warsaalk, I think this should be no problem. You just need to make sure that no private information is shown in such profile (at least without consent from the specific user). Information from a spy report is not containing private information, if you'd ask me.

  • and then all people who got used to that sorting will be getting main blue screens?

  • Features on the message page

    DeLord - - Suggestions


    @Warsaalk couldn't you add something like a data-addedby-uv="true" attribute to the elements UV adds? Would that mean much work for everything UV does, or can this be done in some central place?

  • Hi Undertaker, please consider the following feedback: I think the @include statements in the sourcecode is too wide open. Can you maybe adjust them from being: Source Code (2 lines) to being Source Code (2 lines) as otherwise all kind of random websites would be affected by this addon? Additionally, apparently this addon shows "0NaN/span>" when the planet has no fields free. Can you check this? Thanks in advance! And thank you very much for creating an addon for the community and for submitting…

  • Let us please keep the discussion on an objective base. You really have a point there @Chewbacca, but please stop insulting people. You don't have to insult him to make your point. Thanks!

  • Thanks for reporting this problem! Of course you are right, the planets should not exist in galaxies 7, 8 and 9, when the universe only has 6 galaxies. I forwarded this bugreport and will report back here when I hear anything about it.

  • Quote from Shole: “[...] I done much more than you believe it or not. You are the one who copied and claimed that he worked all and that nobody except you didn't worked. Don't be silly. You can like it or now, AGO is in my ownership, that is just a fact, nothing what can and will be discussed. ” No, this is not true, as I tried to point out in my last post. It is not a fact, and neither do I believe that one single court in this whole word will ever decide so. Additionally: You shutting down dis…

  • DMCA? What are you talking about? DMCA is not applicable in Germany. Do you live in the US? Does RiV live in the US? No. So DMCA is not applicable at all. Honestly, did you even engage a lawyer? Doesn't seem like. Besides that, after some time thinking about this, I do not see why the copyrights for the AGO sourcecode should be in your hands, Shole. I don't see any reason why it should be. And all your argumentation here is just foobar, honestly. You are talking about AGO as if it is a company o…

  • OGame API

    DeLord - - OGame API


    I think it is sufficient that this information is in serverData.xml If you want to know the label / name of a universe, just query its serverData.xml - having this info in universes.xml is not necessary imho

  • Projet mmorpg-stat

    DeLord - - Projects Translations


    En anglais => 'Planets comparison between alliances' , 'Select all', 'Unselect all', 'Add the inactive', 'Remove the inactive' German => "Planetenvergleich zwischen Allianzen", "Alle auswählen", "keinen auswählen", "Inaktive hinzufügen", "Inaktive entfernen"

  • Galaxy count in meta tags

    DeLord - - Suggestions


    Yeah, sending an request to serverData.xml every pagerequest seemed a bit overkill tbh... Just cache it?

  • App Ogame

    DeLord - - OGame API


    Yes, as @TGWo said, the features you are planning are definitely not allowed, especially the notification-thing for attacks. See also point 4 of the OGame T&C Additionally, to point that out, please don't send anything to Shole regarding tool-toleration. Shole is not part of the Origin Team anymore, please send such requests to @NoMoreAngel

  • Yet another improve Ion Cannon

    DeLord - - Suggestions


    You have to be a bit more specific about why these are the improvements you want to see. To point 1: Why do you think the Ion cannon should be handled differently than other def? E.g. plasmas have 1 base shield per 167 crystal, gauß 1 base shield per 75 crystal,... So why do you think necessarily ion cannons need to adapt to domes, and all other def not? That sounds odd to me, also because ion cannons definitively *not* are shield weapons. Point 2: There are many things missing for that idea, e.…

  • Quote from TGWo: “Could be that it was part of feed rss removed time ago ? ” No, almost certainly not. @Dark Sky Thanks for the short explanation. As already indicated before, Gameforge has not communicated anything related to the code you found. This obviously means this is either code for a feature yet to come, or a leftover from a feature which was planned, but never fully implemented. In both cases, it is only Gameforge's decision whether or not they are publishing or removing this code, as …