Search Results

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  • ------All is tentative, welcome any suggestion!!!------ Planet Facility This is a structure orbit in near-earth to clean space debris. It's equipped with strong ion canon to destroy any asteroid that is flying at the earth. It's equipped with nanite robot and have implemented new technology to expand their uses. It also adjusts the positions of solar sats to improve their efficiencies. However, the structure requires a large of energy to maintain and adjust its position on the orbit to conduct a…

  • Ok I am gonna editing based on the above two posts of Valent and Lord_ and probably add something. Color in Quote: Part with suggestion Color underneath the Quote: Suggestion ====INTRODUCTION=====Quote: “ The concept of Ogame is to crash fleets and to take resources. Planets can't be conquered, researches and mines can't be torn down by other players. Ships and defence, however, can be destroyed. While destroyed defenses don't create any debris (except in Hydra), 30% (40% in uni 40) of the Struc…

  • Timeline for kingdom of guides

    Nalo - - Wiki


    Will do 6 and 12, if I have more time, might contribute one or two sentences to 10, 13, and 14

  • Miner Style

    Nalo - - Tutorials / Guides / Tactics


    Editing: addition, removal, @change order, notes Editing and reorganizing the sentences,Quote from Nalo: “==Miners== A miner has very high mines as her major source of income, and she often trades her resources with other players. @Thus miners tend to have a set number of Cargos on each planet in order to transport their resources. Because a miner doesn’t have a fleet besides cargos, she can sell her deuterium to trade with fleeters (often deuterium) to gain additional resources and often protec…